Harvest just buds?


Well-Known Member
Can I harvest just the buds that are ready or do I have to cut and hang the whole plant?


Well-Known Member
Sometimes it is a good idea if the lower buds aren't as developed to let them go a little bit longer and just cut off the higher buds that are ready. You can also harvest all the buds and then save as much leaf material as possible and then put the plant back in 18/6 and reveg it.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes it is a good idea if the lower buds aren't as developed to let them go a little bit longer and just cut off the higher buds that are ready. You can also harvest all the buds and then save as much leaf material as possible and then put the plant back in 18/6 and reveg it.
Wow, how many times can I reveg them? What is the down side of that?