EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
Thanks but I think most of us already understand that whites are a lot less likely any other race feed at public trough adding up the numbers here for the other races it would be 15 to 71, or a 1to 5 ratio. Republicans to the others it would be 10 to 39 a 1 to 4 ratio.
Were we to remove white trailer trash from this it would be almost 0 for whites and republicans!

Few understand what conservative is, just as here most seem to think that if your Christian than your a conservative. Black and white Christians tend to think of their self as conservative even when they vote democrat so these numbers are VERY SKEWED....

As for your silly heading your swath of red is mostly pink and you silly boy if all the blacks and Hispanics were removed from this swath of yours than it would be almost all white.
OMG! stage 1..denial.


Well-Known Member
Thanks but I think most of us already understand that whites are a lot less likely any other race feed at public trough adding up the numbers here for the other races it would be 15 to 71, or a 1to 5 ratio. Republicans to the others it would be 10 to 39 a 1 to 4 ratio.
Were we to remove white trailer trash from this it would be almost 0 for whites and republicans!

Few understand what conservative is, just as here most seem to think that if your Christian than your a conservative. Black and white Christians tend to think of their self as conservative even when they vote democrat so these numbers are VERY SKEWED....

As for your silly heading your swath of red is mostly pink and you silly boy if all the blacks and Hispanics were removed from this swath of yours than it would be almost all white.
Keep sucking up that welfare and complaining about government white boy.


Well-Known Member
Get a job dummy. I get SS and will never get back as much as I put in.
Social Security is a major target for cut backs in the future. The older you get, the less you will have if your guys have their way. You might try a meal of pilot bread and dog food. That's the future you'll have if your guys do exactly what they say they will do.


Well-Known Member
Did he even run? :lol:

I think he took the money n ran, he realized quickly he had no chance and I bet he retires when his term is up..as soon as you retire you can start spending those campaign contributions.. He bailed quickly n spent very little.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, He's a POS no doubt.. Him n Cruz were the Koch Bros lapdogs.. Walker is running Wisconsin into the ground, last in job creating and that was his platform.. Bust the unions n create jobs.


Well-Known Member
he suppors baby killing zionist welfare state isreal that takes land illegally.. he can fuck off and die ! This is what bernie supports
Go bernie ,lol.
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Well-Known Member
What makes you think you're entitled to 100% of contributions?..you're not.
I know, right? If they can't rob the coffers to support all the other progressive boondoggles, how do you expect them to get re-elected? $100+ trillion in unfunded liabilities doesn't just grow on trees, ya know?


Well-Known Member
I know, right? If they can't rob the coffers to support all the other progressive boondoggles, how do you expect them to get re-elected? $100+ trillion in unfunded liabilities doesn't just grow on trees, ya know?
You're not special.

Betch ya I've paid more in FICA than you.