Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Donald has never filed for bankruptcy!
4 of his business ventures had to file & I'll remind you again (since you didn't seem to get it the first time) that the GREAT MAJORITY of his business ventures have bn very successful!!! GO TRUMP

If you attempted to grow thousands upon thousands of different types of MJ in various areas around the world & only 4 of those plants died I'm pretty f'n sure you'd laugh at every idiot that tried to use those 4 plants to say that you're a failure.... 4 bankruptcies out of countless successful business ventures!!! Holy sheut how moronic do you have to be not to understand this????
filing bankruptcy is stiffing your partners....& Trump has stiffed his partners 4 times.....
If you were sell weed to a guy & he stiffed you 4 times, would you sell him a 5th?...


Well-Known Member
How high are you? Show me exactly where Sanders said he's going to take 90% of the income. Direct quote.
I'm not high, but I must be a fkn idiot to keep trying to enlighten you...
I'm not going to do your homework for you Billy, Google is your friend!! Sanders has thrown several different percentages around & some of them have bn as high as 80 & 90 percent.... Look it up lil feller, it's really not that hard!!


Well-Known Member
4 of his business ventures had to file
from Forbes, only 20% of corporations with assets over 1 billion, file bankruptcy. that doesn't sound like too savvy a businessman to me.

if he was a Christian, he would have repaid his creditors after emerging from bankruptcy protection. another fail.


Well-Known Member
Donald has never filed for bankruptcy!
4 of his business ventures had to file & I'll remind you again (since you didn't seem to get it the first time) that the GREAT MAJORITY of his business ventures have bn very successful!!! GO TRUMP

If you attempted to grow thousands upon thousands of different types of MJ in various areas around the world & only 4 of those plants died I'm pretty f'n sure you'd laugh at every idiot that tried to use those 4 plants to say that you're a failure.... 4 bankruptcies out of countless successful business ventures!!! Holy sheut how moronic do you have to be not to understand this????
He's never filed for bankruptcy? How about when he accrued $900 million in personal liabilities and had to sell off his yacht, airline, and give up a majority holding in the Trump Taj Mahal casino? Or when he acquired the Plaza Hotel in 1992, then filed for bankruptcy, and relinquished his 49% stake in the Plaza? Oh yeah, then when Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts filed for bankruptcy in 2004 Trump had to reduce his share in the company 47% to 27%. Then when Trump Entertainment Resorts filed for bankruptcy in 2009 he had to resign as the company’s chairman and had his corporate stake in the company reduced to 10 percent.


Well-Known Member
Donald has never filed for bankruptcy!
4 of his business ventures had to file & I'll remind you again (since you didn't seem to get it the first time) that the GREAT MAJORITY of his business ventures have bn very successful!!! GO TRUMP

If you attempted to grow thousands upon thousands of different types of MJ in various areas around the world & only 4 of those plants died I'm pretty f'n sure you'd laugh at every idiot that tried to use those 4 plants to say that you're a failure.... 4 bankruptcies out of countless successful business ventures!!! Holy sheut how moronic do you have to be not to understand this????

He did a good job of protecting himself while fucking his investors.


Well-Known Member
I'm not high, but I must be a fkn idiot to keep trying to enlighten you...
I'm not going to do your homework for you Billy, Google is your friend!! Sanders has thrown several different percentages around & some of them have bn as high as 80 & 90 percent.... Look it up lil feller, it's really not that hard!!
Here you go, princess.

"Trump: Bernie Sanders wants to tax 'you people' at 90 percent"

"If my memory is correct, when radical socialist Dwight D. Eisenhower was president, the highest marginal tax rate was something like 90 percent," Sanders said on May 26 (his memory is correct). "That's not 90 percent of your income, you know? That's the marginal."

How dumb are you?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Trump had everything to do with it. He's been on record stating how much he loves eminent domain, and how he agreed 100% with the ruling of Kelo v. City of New London.
I don't really care. It happens all over the world and it isn't going to matter anyway. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
it's the idiotic argument: he personally hasn't filed bankruptcy. only his corporations have. same difference in my book.
Exactly, he's the CEO. CEOs catch all sorts of shit for filing for bankruptcy and sometimes he's accrued personal liabilities meaning he's trashed his own money as well.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
it's the idiotic argument: he personally hasn't filed bankruptcy. only his corporations have. same difference in my book.
Do you know about corporations ? I started a corporation years ago to protect my self from my business incase I get sued from who knows what. That way people can protect there personal property from being affected by your business. There are other benefits of a corporation other than creating jobs. Just incase you didn't know. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
Here you go, princess.

"Trump: Bernie Sanders wants to tax 'you people' at 90 percent"

"If my memory is correct, when radical socialist Dwight D. Eisenhower was president, the highest marginal tax rate was something like 90 percent," Sanders said on May 26 (his memory is correct). "That's not 90 percent of your income, you know? That's the marginal."

How dumb are you?
I love the way you cherry picked a specific part of this article to try to prove your point...
Here is the truth, & it comes from that same article...Early in his campaign, Sanders drew alarm when he said in an interview with CNBC that he doesn’t think a top marginal tax rate of 90 percent is too high.
How dumb are you??

Your boy Sanders is a Socialist! Period!
We are a capitalist society so if you & Ol Bernie don't like it, you can move to A socialist country of your choice!

Hell, I'll even buy you both a one way ticket


Well-Known Member
Do you know about corporations ? I started a corporation years ago to protect my self from my business incase I get sued from who knows what. That way people can protect there personal property from being affected by your business. There are other benefits of a corporation other than creating jobs. Just incase you didn't know. TRUMP!
yeah, i had an LLC a few years ago for my towing company. corps don't create jobs, it's more of a legal shield. i could have a partnership and create hundreds of jobs. that would leave me open to legal liability up the wazoo though.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
I love the way you cherry picked a specific part of this article to try to prove your point...
Here is the truth, & it comes from that same article...Early in his campaign, Sanders drew alarm when he said in an interview with CNBC that he doesn’t think a top marginal tax rate of 90 percent is too high.
How dumb are you??

Your boy Sanders is a Socialist! Period!
We are a capitalist society so if you & Ol Bernie don't like it, you can move to A socialist country of your choice!

Hell, I'll even buy you both a one way ticket
I have some air miles that I don't use if it helps. They are united air miles and I don't fly with them anymore. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
it's the idiotic argument: he personally hasn't filed bankruptcy. only his corporations have. same difference in my book.
Ok, let's test that statement...

If you owned a bar & one of your employees got caught pimpin hoes out of it without your knowledge wld you want to be held "personally responsible" for it??

NO! Of course you wldnt!!
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