Donald Trump

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nitro harley

Well-Known Member
have you ever been to Iowa? the corn is smarter than most of it's inhabitants. of course Palin gave him a bump.
I have been to Iowa and there is lots of corn thats for sure , but to talk about a whole state like that is kinda like shitting on your own. Just so you know, I think some Iowans are on your side. I think because I am not sure anymore. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
This is how negotiations happen. The only difference is, they normally go on behind closed doors. Where does it say a candidate has to run through the media gauntlet in order to be nominated? Trump is a game changer, he can appear on just about any show he wants, and doesn't have to play by your establishment rules. If Trump took advice from idiots, we would end up with another McCain/Romney loser candidate. But that's not going to happen this time.

Putin has already endorsed Trump, so again you don't know what your posting about.
Putin endorsed Obama when he was running for President. If you think Putin actually cares about US politics then boy, do you have another thing coming.


Well-Known Member
80% of smart businessmen don't file bankruptcy. not just liberals hate him. half a million in the UK signed a petition to keep him out.

if daddy didn't give a silver spoon, Dump would be lucky to own a Motel 6 in Paramus NJ
If a bunch of snobs in the UK want to keep him out it just increases his attractiveness... Who the fuck cares about what people in the UK think? They cant even manage their own borders, healthcare is bankrupting them along with the socialistic Euro monetary system. Why would we want to head down that tunnel?


Well-Known Member
I don't hate trump, he cracks me up..I love the shots @ Rosie O'Donnell n Jeb!

I think he's too arrogant and egotistical to be Potus.
Unfortunately for you and I we dont get to pick who we want to be POTUS. We get to choose from the lesser of two evils after a lengthy process where they discredit each other... Well, in Hillary's case they discredit themselves.


Well-Known Member
I am saying that more peace on earth is not such a bad idea. Would you rather have Putin hate our next president like he hates Obama? Would nuclear war make you happy?
Would you want Al-Baghdadi to like our next president?

What personal opinion some political leader might hold towards the president of the US is irrelevant to encouraging world peace. The prime motivation is protecting national interests ($), including for leaders of the US.

It would seem to me having a weak leader as president of the US would be a diplomatic advantage for Russia, which is why Putin endorsed his candidacy. He is looking out for his interests.


Well-Known Member
Putin endorsed Obama when he was running for President. If you think Putin actually cares about US politics then boy, do you have another thing coming.
Putin does care about U.S. politics as it relates to Russia.
Are you saying that Obama is negotiating with Putin better than Trump could? I don't believe that for a second.
Obama is a terrible foreign policy negotiator.


Well-Known Member
Would you want Al-Baghdadi to like our next president?

What personal opinion some political leader might hold towards the president of the US is irrelevant to encouraging world peace. The prime motivation is protecting national interests ($), including for leaders of the US.

It would seem to me having a weak leader as president of the US would be a diplomatic advantage for Russia, which is why Putin endorsed his candidacy. He is looking out for his interests.
Protecting our national security, IS protecting our national interests. Russia hacks America constantly. They probably know everything that was on Hillary's e-mail server.

Having a weak leader who doesn't know how to negotiate is exactly the reason Russia has been taking advantage us. Obama talks loudly, but only carries a little limp stick


Well-Known Member
Putin does care about U.S. politics as it relates to Russia.
Are you saying that Obama is negotiating with Putin better than Trump could? I don't believe that for a second.
Obama is a terrible foreign policy negotiator.
If you go back & look at some of the posts made by the libtards like ridiculous-man then you will realize like I have that you are waisting your time trying to have an intelligent conversation with them.


Well-Known Member
Protecting our national security, IS protecting our national interests. Russia hacks America constantly. They probably know everything that was on Hillary's e-mail server.

Having a weak leader who doesn't know how to negotiate is exactly the reason Russia has been taking advantage us. Obama talks loudly, but only carries a little limp stick
In what way(s) has Russia "taken advantage of us" during Obama's presidency?


Well-Known Member
In what way(s) has Russia "taken advantage of us" during Obama's presidency?
Besides what I've already mentioned? Hacking us. Do you know how may cyber attacks the Pentagon gets on a daily basis? Putin called Obama's bluff in the Ukraine.Putin is backing his Allie Assad, while Obama is trying to take Assad out of power. He called Obama's bluff on that too, because Barry from Honolulu is a weak leader


Well-Known Member
We are hacking and spying too, everyone is doing it.. Its one of the downsides to technology.
Are you up to speed on this, or just giving a general observation? If you look into it, you will see its extremely lopsided in terms of who is hacking who. Russia has launched cyber attacks on the white house, pentagon, stock market, and even our drones


Well-Known Member
What's to keep up with? Its common knowledge. You think our government and media is going to broadcast all our dirt?
Its embarrassing that the U.S. is the only ones whining about it.


Well-Known Member
What's to keep up with? Its common knowledge. You think our government and media is going to broadcast all our dirt?
Its embarrassing that the U.S. is the only ones whining about it.
Whining about national security? You must be a Bernie supporter.


Well-Known Member
have you ever been to Iowa? the corn is smarter than most of it's inhabitants. of course Palin gave him a bump.
Since I've actually never been to Iowa I won't speculate as to whether the corn in Iowa is smarter than most Iowans, but I will say this- I'm pretty damn certain that the corn that just went down my toilet would score better than YOU on an IQ Test!!
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