Vaporizers...Anyone Use'em?...

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
After my ROOR got broken, I have been looking at different smoking devices and have been intriqued with vaporizers. I like the flexability of the Oxygen Mini Vaporizer but I really have no idea. More than likely, I will get another bong but I wanted to hear some input about vaporizers.

Can anyone give me some of your experiences with vapes?


Well-Known Member
yea same here. ive never used 1 personally but i here it a different kind of high. my mate said it was all good till after the sesh and you throw away the bud that still looks as it did befor it went in. he rekoned it sust semt wrong


Well-Known Member
vapes are awesome.everyone should have one.....the high is really up and it is so much better for you.....

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
vapes are awesome.everyone should have one.....the high is really up and it is so much better for you.....
Any recommendations? I really have no idea but would like to get some opinions as to what to buy. The price range is all over the lot. I don't really know the difference. Thanks for any help.


Well-Known Member
I like vapos. They are nice. When I was going through chemo they were a life saver. You cannot smoke a blunt when you are sick from chemo. You can sit a baby a vape for a while and it is all good though.

I have a volcano and it rocks. Expensive but I got hooked up so it is all good. Pretty simple to use and you can just use a heatgun and the bag for the same effect. It sucks they jacked the price up on something you should be able to buy for like 150$. Its like 500

I got a natural goods vape too. It is cool. You use the 'whip' to hit it. There are other whips you can get off the internet to make it look cool! It is like the vapezilla but cheaper. I got it for an eighth trade. Not bad right.

I would really like to get on of those vapezillas but they are pricy too and they are just the same thing that I already have, maybe a bit better.
Overall I am a fan of vapos. Great for your health and they conserve your weed. You can save the vaped weed and make some dank brownies out of it. I just throw the bud in there whole cuz you cant really put it through a cheesecloth as it is too brittle. Dont be cheap and put down the bux for a nice one or you will be very dissapointed and not want to use it!!

just want to add that I gave up smoking bud and cigs for a couple weeks and just vaped. You can totally feel the difference in a week man. You can smell again, and taste better and everything. For med patients it would be best if you just ate ganja food and used the vape for instant relief. Use food as your baseline high. Get it?


Well-Known Member
i just bought one at hempfest (and im smokin out of it right now) and i have to say it was one of the best investments ive ever made. you get blazed off way less weed so it saves you bud. Mine is the vapolution (check it out here), cost me $100 (but i think its $150 online) and it comes with a car charger plus you can get a bunch of different shit for it like a battery pack and different types of bowls etc. you should check it out.



Active Member
I had one that a friend bought off the web but he couldn't use it at his house so it stayed here. I liked it for like a month then I kinda got bored with it and let one of my friends take it. I think it's good every once in a while but I'd much rather take a fat bong rip if I had the choice.

The Stig

Well-Known Member
I just got an Oxygen Mini from Vapir and its awesome :blsmoke:

it's very portable, you can vape on your house, on the car or even in bar (lol no one knows what a vape is, and its doesn't smell like when you smoke :mrgreen:)

also its really easy on the lungs and good for the health

Get a vape!! that one of the best inversion I have done really.. (after setting my own grow :mrgreen:)


Active Member
yah i got that super vapezilla from wicked roots.... and i have to tell you.. if you have never vaped on that thing before you will never know...the taste is more intense, i have never tasted weed like that before and the high is also a bit different ( lasts longer IMO ). i let some of my friends try it and they really liked it, some of them sneezed everytime they vaped because of the strong aroma it delivers. it's pricey but i think it's well worth the money. i got it last year and it cost me only $500 but they included the phedor vaporizer for free because it was on special i had to wait for like 4 months to get it. i've done alot of research before buying the vapezilla and people seems to say that super vapezilla is still the number one vaporizer out. i just checked the site and unfortunately they raised the price to $550 =(


Well-Known Member
I have the Vapir 5..... let me tell u now....vaping is cool and sometimes better than bowl and what not, but I"m such a pothread, i hardly vape because there is always more than one head on it and it takes like a min to fill up a bag.... I always end up packing a bowl or smoking a blunt....

ya the taste from a vape is unreal....I cant wait for harvest to vape it.


Well-Known Member
ya. only if u dont vape out all the thc.....i usually put weed thru twice and save it. it'll still have some thc in it....after i save up at least a quarter i'll roll a few blunts.


Well-Known Member
I tried vapes in Amsterdam but I didnt really appreciate them until I tried one at my girls sister's house. Let me tell you, the difference was huge no wheezing, hacking, ect. You would cough, but only to shake up lungs. It felt 10,000 times better then smoking a blunt.

Great flavor too, not every sesh kind of thing but im def gonna invest in a vaporizer, i hear the mystifire is a good one.

Only downside is my girl and a few other people I know (mostly cigarette smokers...hmm...) say that they dont like the vape, dosnt get em high, ect. I dont know.

I say go for it, but you gotta get a bong cant be without a bong bro..not ever.