This is gonna get interesting! Militia takes over Ore. federal building after protest.


Well-Known Member
Even if he did pull a gun, which is a subject for debate... Wasn't he under immediate threat of being shot himself by men pointing guns at him?

Also, not that I agree with the FEDS aggressing against him, but a less lethal means could have been used to subdue him. Even Marlin Perkins used tranquilizer darts etc. Tazers ? They wanted him dead, to serve as an example.

He was gunned down and left to die in the snow. Things like this will occur again, it is the inevitable unmasking of tyranny. Wait and see.

Exactly, no spike strips, no gas, just lead.

And wtf did they shoot him in the head for? This was a civilian police force, should of been aiming for center mass. No reason to outright kill him.


Well-Known Member
Bullshit. He tried to ram a road block, got out running around like a squirrel, has been hollering for weeks how's he's ready to die, will go down with guns blazing, and he'll never go to prison...

I'd have shot him several times just to make sure.. This guy had ZERO sympathy coming. He will always be a terrorist. Sucks when his kids have to live with such a legacy.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Bullshit. He tried to ram a road block, got out running around like a squirrel, has been hollering for weeks how's he's ready to die, will go down with guns blazing, and he'll never go to prison...

I'd have shot him several times just to make sure.. This guy had ZERO sympathy coming. He will always be a terrorist. Sucks when his kids have to live with such a legacy.

So, you don't think there was any way he could have been captured using less than lethal means?

Your ideas of "due process" seem rather totalitarian Comrade Buddha. Why are you so eager for your masters to punish other slaves you don't like?


Well-Known Member
Bullshit. He tried to ram a road block, got out running around like a squirrel, has been hollering for weeks how's he's ready to die, will go down with guns blazing, and he'll never go to prison...

I'd have shot him several times just to make sure.. This guy had ZERO sympathy coming. He will always be a terrorist. Sucks when his kids have to live with such a legacy.
But why the head? The goal isn't to outright kill, but to disable, and I'm sure that sniper could have placed that round anywhere he/she wanted.


Well-Known Member
if they are all dressed up like GI Joe wanna-bes, what do you expect? live by the sword, die by the sword.
Same side of the coin says wearing a hoodie makes you a thug to some cops.

Those police officers are civilians, not military.


Well-Known Member
Oh so all gun owners should shoot to disable?
A trained sniper working for a civilian police force is capable of shooting your face off at great distance. That sniper in that amount of cover couldn't have been but maybe 100 yards away.