Iowa Caucus

And how much did he cost us during his little 'cat in the hat' tantrum shutdown?

Any idea?

True conservative my ass..
cruz is opposed to tariffs on foreign goods which in returnee do to them they will do it to us..he is for a flat tax rate system.he is against raising minimum wage.some reason why i like him..and he votes the way i like ..he is not gonna vote for some bs bc everyone else is voting for it
As opposed to paying a negative effective like they do now?

How about we start with that?

If you want to increase what is already one of the highest corporate tax rates out there, go right ahead. If you want to eliminate corporate subsidies and loopholes, feel free. If you want to increase taxes on the wealthy, go ahead. If you think it will lower the debt by a penny or deal with our unfunded liabilities at all, you're dreaming.

Just like any individual or family that spends money they don't have, there will be a reckoning.
Cruz is for eliminating five departments of the federal government... The Departments of Commerce, Energy, Housing and Urban Development, and Education. The fifth "department" is the Internal Revenue Service of the Department of the Treasury. A true conservative .less federal govt..
Less govt has done nothing than mean less eyes watching things. Imagine companies and people acting for the greater good... keep imagining, 'cause that's not how humans work. You would have coal burn as much and spew toxins? Free-for-all amongst manufacturing and energy industries? Stupid argument.
Less govt has done nothing than mean less eyes watching things. Imagine companies and people acting for the greater good... keep imagining, 'cause that's not how humans work. You would have coal burn as much and spew toxins? Free-for-all amongst manufacturing and energy industries? Stupid argument.
i don't believe anything i said was stupid ..if he does all those things i would be happy
you sheep

skewed polls.


He can't be President because he wasn't born on American soil.

Unless you want to toss that part of the Constitution out too, along with all those other inconvenient parts. Who needs free speech, anyway?
here we go.Yes cruz is an American citizen because his mother is and was at time of his birth
Nobody would argue his citizenship. The point is obviously the fact that no one should have questioned Obama wither, yet they made years of bullshit reading out of it, especially the idiot trump
lol @ thinking Cruz caused the shutdown.

you are deluded.

Senator Ted Cruz has a message for fellow Republicans: It’s time to go to the mat to stopObamacare, even if that means shuttering the government.

The Texan’s strategy is simple enough. Congressneeds to pass a so-called continuing resolution to keep the government running by Sept. 30. Republicans, Cruz argues, should refuse to vote for the measure unless it prohibits spending any federal money on the President’s signature legislative accomplishment. If the stance sparks a shutdown, so be it.

“If we can actually get Republicans to stand up and fight,” Cruz told reporters over Chick-Fil-A sandwiches at a briefing sponsored by the conservative Heritage Foundation, “I believe we can win this fight.”
here we go.Yes cruz is an American citizen because his mother is and was at time of his birth

Hey buddy- I was born to TWO American parents, but because I popped out on Canadian soil, I can always be Canadian (I'm currently not) but I can never be an American President. My father grew up to become a senior diplomat with the Department of State. His first job was qualifying applications for immigration, naturalization and citizenship status, so he knows ALL the rules.

He looked it up on my behalf and out of professional curiosity and nothing has changed in 220 years. If you weren't born on American soil, you can't be President. It's pretty simple. If I can't with two American parents, then Mr Cruz with only one certainly can't either.
Nobody would argue his citizenship. The point is obviously the fact that no one should have questioned Obama wither, yet they made years of bullshit reading out of it, especially the idiot trump
omg so why bring it up lol if you wanna discredit him or talk trash..if you don't like him why???not well you sasid this about obama or well you said this about clinton..why don't you like him..bc he is against giving money away to people who don't work..he doesn't mind there are rich people who worked hard for there money.. i plan on making 250k one day should the govt take most of it to give it to someone who doesn't work bc they don't want to
omg so why bring it up lol if you wanna discredit him or talk trash..if you don't like him why???not well you sasid this about obama or well you said this about clinton..why don't you like him..bc he is against giving money away to people who don't work..he doesn't mind there are rich people who worked hard for there money.. i plan on making 250k one day should the govt take most of it to give it to someone who doesn't work bc they don't want to

No, the Republicans will take it from YOU in taxes to give it to their corporate sponsors in tax breaks. Your $250k is a perfect target; big enough to be worth taking and small enough that you can't defend yourself.
Hey buddy- I was born to TWO American parents, but because I popped out on Canadian soil, I can always be Canadian (I'm currently not) but I can never be an American President. My father grew up to become a senior diplomat with the Department of State. His first job was qualifying applications for immigration, naturalization and citizenship status, so he knows ALL the rules.

He looked it up on my behalf and out of professional curiosity and nothing has changed in 220 years. If you weren't born on American soil, you can't be President. It's pretty simple. If I can't with two American parents, then Mr Cruz with only one certainly can't either.
naturalization act 1790 take a look..also look here McCarran-Walter Act, he was still born a citizen
Cruz is for handing whatever hasn't already been sold of the government off to corporate hands.
he is giving the power back to the people where it belongs..we should decide our destiny not govt ..i don't want socialism .or live in a marxist society
No, the Republicans will take it from YOU in taxes to give it to their corporate sponsors in tax breaks. Your $250k is a perfect target; big enough to be worth taking and small enough that you can't defend yourself.
cruz wants a flat tax plan.. families of four would pay no tax on their first $36.000 in income. After that all income would be taxed at 10%. No Payroll tax which would be replaced with a 16% business tax on gross receipts of goods and services - cost of goods. Repeal of the estate tax....sounds good to me