What if you dont know who is the aggressor and who is the defender? What if both of them are calling out for your offensive help... You cannot act defensively if you are not being attacked so that is the case right?
By my personal code, I am not morally authorized to initiate aggression.
However WHERE the fight is taking place can be an element of how to resolve it. If it is on MY property, I have a right to intervene and remove either or both fighters.
there is no moral obligation to become involved in other peoples disputes, if both are seeking help, it might be a sign neither wants to fight anymore. If you do intervene with the purpose of separating them, you might be performing an act of neutrality and "saving" both of them or you could be "aggressing against" both of them.
Your question is a good one and highlights why property rights can be used to solve problems.
What do you suggest happen? What would you do?
Again, that's why he's on ignore. Nothing worthwhile ever came outta that mouth.
Actually in a fit of temporary sanity you responded favorably to a statement awhile back that I made about gay people seeking permission from the state to marry was really them asking the state for equal oppression, since they would now like straight people "need state permission".
Also, you're not ignoring me, you are maligning me, because I call out your contradictions and don't fit into one of your little boxes.