Well I think I might need to apologize.


Well-Known Member
I never know whats really going on around here. I have fun trolling but I think everyone is also a troll or a sock. I am sorry if you are a new member and I accuse you of something you are not.

Sometimes I say stuff just to get likes. Yeah I admit it's kinda lame and shit.

And at times I like where senseless treads lead to pages of laughter. Maybe social media should come with warning labels that say you'll get butt hurt.

I don't really know why I should apologize, I just know that I've been a dick.

So I'll try to slow down on my weak ass trolling.

I do feel like I have made some great friends on here and some of you know me very well. I've always been real open about my shit. And when I was people gave me shit. But I knew those people were just joking. So I expect other to be the same way.

Fuck at the end of the day I use this site to bullshit with you all. Half the shit I post doesn't even really represent who I am.

I grow pot, I date girls and I love cars. That's me.

I come here to be a bully sometimes just because I can act like someone I am not. Definition of a troll, right?

Well if you read this entire stupid post, I just trolled you too. So good night I'm going to flap to amy winehouse.

Ps proof reading is for punks.

One more shot of whisky.. Cheers fuckers..
It is always amusing to me that members come to T&T looking for useful advice or support with serious issues when the motto is, "Talking with people as baked as you are." How does this slogan inspire trust and/or an expectation of social responsibility? ODanksta may have a point about a different slogan. Something like, "Warning! This subforum's content should not be viewed by anyone..." or "Come swim in a cesspool of dicks, socks and crybabies..."

Edit - Was that harsh? Now I feel guilty. I apologize, too...
I s

I went to the drug addiction center you see on tv. It was great i banged chicks w dicks the buckin Bronco was the best that big massive bull between my legs left me feeling like a man. Can you hold my hand
If it will get you back on the horse i
for sure will bro
I never know whats really going on around here. I have fun trolling but I think everyone is also a troll or a sock. I am sorry if you are a new member and I accuse you of something you are not.

Sometimes I say stuff just to get likes. Yeah I admit it's kinda lame and shit.

And at times I like where senseless treads lead to pages of laughter. Maybe social media should come with warning labels that say you'll get butt hurt.

I don't really know why I should apologize, I just know that I've been a dick.

So I'll try to slow down on my weak ass trolling.

I do feel like I have made some great friends on here and some of you know me very well. I've always been real open about my shit. And when I was people gave me shit. But I knew those people were just joking. So I expect other to be the same way.

Fuck at the end of the day I use this site to bullshit with you all. Half the shit I post doesn't even really represent who I am.

I grow pot, I date girls and I love cars. That's me.

I come here to be a bully sometimes just because I can act like someone I am not. Definition of a troll, right?

Well if you read this entire stupid post, I just trolled you too. So good night I'm going to flap to amy winehouse.

Ps proof reading is for punks.

One more shot of whisky.. Cheers fuckers..
REPORTED! For needing to be on a testosterone regiment while drunk. But, always embrace the peace and love son. If that's the way you feel feelz. Good for you. I should respect your estrogen filled sensitivity. Ya giant widdle teddy bear you. No wonder you get the chicks. They love that gayness about you. Unreported. Everybody gets stupid drunk every now and then. Now go tug one out and be a man again. :bigjoint:

Peace and love wins again. :rolleyes:
anzohazesucker. i question the production of such an acct. at that date. and the resurgence now.
what was the original intent?

oh and whats good homie
Hey.. It's called being a hybrid. My gayness always helped. Boobs just popped out and panties seemed to drop by themselves.

I never asked for this gift\curse...

I was born this way!!
Back in the 90's, I worked with this dude in manufacturing. I ran the million dollar machines, had hair down to my belt, was and hung out with musicians and, I was good looking like a mofo! I pulled some seriously pretty girls.

This other dude was flagrantly gay acting. I mean the dude was a homophobics night mare. I didn't even get near him at work or anywhere. But, I always saw this dude at the clubs. He would be sitting at the tables with the BEST looking chicks! I was like WTF?

Anyway I worked on machines that if you got your hair caught in it. It would rip your scalp off through the guards. So, I always tucked my hair up under my cap and went in to run the machines.

One morn I come in and dude saw me with my hair down and was all like. Oh my goodness(in his flagrantly gay mannerism with the whole hand thing) he's got hair. I was like fucking scared. Homophobia.

So my super was from Cali. I was like how does that queer dude get all those beautiful chicks. WTF. He calmly explained to me that it's because dude is on the same plane as the chicks. He can talk about hair and shopping and all that shit. He doesn't "intimidate" them, they are naturally drawn to his friendship. I was like fuuuuuuuuuu. lol.

True story. Like a little over 2 decades ago. It was a different world then and all this gayness wasn't very popular. Especially where I was at the time.

Peace and love to all. I ain't judging. :bigjoint: