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small pot's,there getting put into auto pot's tonight just did not want to re pot for them all to be males,i wanted one male but that another story the male was stunning but friend let me down who was going to grow it till i could milk it for pollen,out of the 10 seed's i only popped 3 so aint bad going i love underground seed's there line is all ways good,i'm looking forward to seeing how the bonzi goes lovely plant that is looks like a indica its 2 ft like a little bush,happy with both to be honest,same here dude i'm thinking of running cannatonic again soon,or the new cbd that marijuna seeds nl are doing,cbd queen i think it's called looks good,there cannatonic is a very nice plant for med use,its what i grow for,my wife likes the higher thc strains in oil and vape oil for sleep issues me i pref 1/1 ratio when i can get em,

Reg pot size i have found through the years reg seeds give there sex up quicker if there a bit root bound,has long has there not like it for ages,i bottom feed any how,the medium is really there just to support the plant during the later stages i only feed through the medium for about 7/12 days then feed in bottom of a tray with air ring in bottom of pot tonight into auto pots
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small pot's,there getting put into auto pot's tonight just did not want to re pot for them all to be males,i wanted one male but that another story the male was stunning but friend let me down who was going to grow it till i could milk it for pollen,out of the 10 seed's i only popped 3 so aint bad going i love underground seed's there line is all ways good,i'm looking forward to seeing how the bonzi goes lovely plant that is looks like a indica its 2 ft like a little bush,happy with both to be honest,same here dude i'm thinking of running cannatonic again soon,or the new cbd that marijuna seeds nl are doing,cbd queen i think it's called looks good,there cannatonic is a very nice plant for med use,its what i grow for,my wife likes the higher thc strains in oil and vape oil for sleep issues me i pref 1/1 ratio when i can get em
I'm doing third Painkiller by Dr underground I'm in love with the strain how it grows and it's very nice happy clean high lol,

CBD critical cure collaboration of CBD crew and barney's farm that's on day 2 flower..

My next one in a few months to will be CBD sensistar by CBD botanics, sensi start is a mother or father of Painkiller...

Hopefully that will be mu second keeper if there ain't meny phenos lol, Painkiller only have had the same pheno from seed three times wich I'm really happy with since I can't clone for my self :oops:
Heard good things about cannatonic tho
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Hope the rain fcks off now the wind has died down, need to get my Welsh flags up ready for the weekend....

Good omen is that we av won 2 grand slams after the last 2 world cups so lets make it 3!! :lol:
@vostok regarding the bubble cloner, I have little balls so I don't mind asking dumb questions here lol

I have two dumb question can I transplant into soil after rooting. And what's the process if there is any?

and what's the distance between clones and bubbles when the lid is down?...

Sad to say I am dumb and failed in home made bubble cloner, once I think I drowned second I didn't top up the water and had the pump on high lol dried up me cup

but really interested in keeping some strains going :oops:.
@vostok regarding the bubble cloner, I have little balls so I don't mind asking dumb questions here lol

I have two dumb question can I transplant into soil after rooting. And what's the process if there is any?

and what's the distance between clones and bubbles when the lid is down?...

Sad to say I am dumb and failed in home made bubble cloner, once I think I drowned second I didn't top up the water and had the pump on high lol dried up me cup

but really interested in keeping some strains going :oops:.

yes and stems should be just above water line so bubbles soak them as they pop/bubble etc etc
yeah i had an aero cloner ( water spray instead of bubbling water) n as soon as cuts showed roots in it i just whacked em into a pot of soil n off they went
Thanks allot lol now gotta convince the wife about the bubble machine lol she hates the noise.

really good thread aswel how to make one because I had the stuff laying around lol.
Boxing defo fixed, football maybe but i dont think the rugby (international) is, too much passion between country's i believe for it to be fixed...but then i would say that as a passionate welsh supporter lol..
Mate I was passionate for me nation once lmao only black kid painted in Saint George on the estate lol never feared nor cared but later I grew older and realised the passion has gone from the players and now when ever therr is lots of cash on a sport nearly 110% guaranteed it's fixed..

Ronaldo wink and shit like that rooney being a girl lol I gave up..

Only team I enjoy watching is all black national team that's it union no league lol but not anymore can't gym it and scream at me telly bouncing up and down lol.

Earth is flat I realised that aswel now just trying to figure what's not fake lmao
Lol, i think man utd will av mourinho this summer so be interesting with man city getting new boss aswell...Swansea just got new boss and the fkn players had to google him cos no-one knew who he was lol
Lol, i think man utd will av mourinho this summer so be interesting with man city getting new boss aswell...Swansea just got new boss and the fkn players had to google him cos no-one knew who he was lol

Typical loooool

And theyre all over paid
I know mate its what put me off, less passion and more money it's why our youths can't get in....

It's more how well you can suck and if you spit or swallow :oops: It's shameful, it's like my first no leaf Painkiller :shock: