Germination Problems for a Newbie

Ganja Boy 420

Well-Known Member
First off......Don't post the same question in multiple forum threads - If the mods figure it out they'll delete one and warn you to stop it!

Now, so anyone NOT seeing the first answer I gave in the "other" thread..

The distilled water soak is "drowning" the beans!
Many seeds breeders are now advising you to NOT presoak seeds. Distilled lacks dissolved O2 and that is killing them in the soak by in effect "drowning" them. This would be a factor in the paper towel method too! NO DISTILLED!

ROOTS NEED O2! Seeds need it to develop the root......

I don't presoak at all, never have (unless it's Beet seeds) and never will......I do the paper towel and have fantastic results...
So bad news is that I put another seed into the distilled water for a soak and I woke up this morning and the seed is sunk with no reticle showing yet. Im going to wait until the reticle shows then I will remove it and put into fox farm ocean forest since thats the only thing i have at the moment. Since the Fox Farm is a little hot for the seedlings should I cut the soil with alot of perlite? would help with aeration and water drainage no?


Well-Known Member
So bad news is that I put another seed into the distilled water for a soak and I woke up this morning and the seed is sunk with no reticle showing yet. Im going to wait until the reticle shows then I will remove it and put into fox farm ocean forest since thats the only thing i have at the moment. Since the Fox Farm is a little hot for the seedlings should I cut the soil with alot of perlite? would help with aeration and water drainage no?
If you put that seedling in there it will die, go out and buy some happy frog if you like there product line and mix

1 OceanForest 1.5 CF/ 1 HappyFrog 2.0 CF for seedlings, 1-2 Gallon pot recommended

2 OceanForest 1.5 CFx2 =3CF /
1HappyFrog 2 CF for the first transplant, 2-5 gallon pot recommended

Pure OceanForest with or without supplemental feeding
for the last transplant. 5-20 gallon pots recommended

-Potters gold
-Other equivilant topsoils
-Or honestly even soiless like promix would work in similar ratios

Adding Perlite for drainage is good if you know how you like to feed / water but wont save your seedlings from the OceanForest.
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Dr. Who

Well-Known Member

If you put that seedling in there it will die, go out and buy some happy frog if you like there product line and mix

1 OceanForest 1.5 CF/ 1 HappyFrog 2.0 CF for seedlings, 1-2 Gallon pot recommended

2 OceanForest 1.5 CFx2 =3CF /
1HappyFrog 2 CF for the first transplant, 2-5 gallon pot recommended

Pure OceanForest with or without supplemental feeding
for the last transplant. 5-20 gallon pots recommended

-Potters gold
-Other equivilant topsoils
-Or honestly even soiless like promix would work in similar ratios

Adding Perlite for drainage is good if you know how you like to feed / water but wont save your seedlings from the OceanForest.

So bad news is that I put another seed into the distilled water for a soak and I woke up this morning and the seed is sunk with no reticle showing yet. Im going to wait until the reticle shows then I will remove it and put into fox farm ocean forest since thats the only thing i have at the moment. Since the Fox Farm is a little hot for the seedlings should I cut the soil with alot of perlite? would help with aeration and water drainage no?
Sorry to say but, I bet that one is toast too!!

You do not leave the seed in a "soak" til it "pops"!!!! IF you HAVE to soak. (because your mind won't let go of the fact you don't have to!" Just do an overnight and plant them in the soil.....


Well-Known Member
1st- off soaking seeds is a waste of time.
2nd- FFOF is way hot for a seedling, Use it when you transplant in 2 weeks to it's final home (the less transplants the better)
3rd- ANY damage to the tap root fucks with the development of the plant, so the less transplants the better.
4th- distilled water is a waste of money, and actually is bad for the plant, as tap water provides essential minerals for your plant, such as Iron and zinc, just de-chlorinate (keep the water in a bucket for 24 hours)

I have tried every method to germ a seed, and after wasting a LOT of seeds, I have found this to be the best method of the bunch, and it is as simple as shit, and all items can be purchased on Amazon
1-Germination heat mat
1-bag Germination mix
1-Germination plastic tray
1-Package 2"x2" Peat Pot
1-2"x2" plastic insert for Germination tray (it holds the cubes inside the tray)

You simply add MOIST (NOT WET) germination mix to the 2" square pots
Using a pencil, poke a whole in the mix, ONLY until you reach the yellow on the pencil (1/4" max)
GENTLY cover the seed with the moist mix (keep it light so the seedling can easily break thru the mix)
Place the cube in the holder that is inside the tray, add some water to the bottom of the tray (for humidity), put the top on, plug in the heat mat, and come back in 3 days, I GUARANTEE you success.
The best thing about this method is the ease of transplant,, because you really never do. All you do, which you should actually do within a week, before the tap root emerges from the bottom of the peat pot, which will happen quickly.(4 days) Is put it into it's FINAL pot. This method works with EVERYTHING, soil and hydro. In hydro I use 4x4 rockwool cubes with holes, put the peat pot directly into the hole in the cube, put it in my bucket, cover it with pebbles, or whatever, the roots grow right thru the peat and away you go. In soil just dig a little hole, and just put your plug in the soil, your done.
From seed to final transplant takes around 10 days.
Try it, it works like a charm


Well-Known Member
On my first couple of grows I used the paper towel method. Later I just started planting directly into soil medium. Saw no difference. I never need to germ seeds first now. I try to keep it as simple as possible.