I've had good luck with them & order quite a bit of stuff.
What's the issue?
see every single person who lives here keeps telling me amazon prime is gunna be my new best friend so i got it, and i thought great since they ship here unlike other companies i will use them for my baby registry i have only ordered things that were prime, and shipped and sold by amazon.
so far they have screwed up every order on my baby registry
they have also charged shipping where shipping shouldnt have been charged, even though i clicked the "free shipping"
and about a week ago i purchased something on sale, well they charged me for it, and it went out of stock so i was never going to get the item ,
their customer service is great....they always fix the mistake but i wish i didnt have to contact customer service everytime i placed a darn order. im not sure if its because im ordering large quantities on a weekly basis that im running into problems or im just getting a shitty luck of draw.
but i have noticed my crib and my baby dresser/changing table, when not on prime will ship here and when on prime will not ship here.
so i have to keep waiting until they switch those to not prime to buy them lol >.<
oy ! i tell ya