DIY Grow Tent 2x4x5.5


I don't have a lot of room to work with at the moment, so I hung a 450w (215w) led in a rather large closet. The walls are plywood. My plants, cannabis and atropa belladonna, have been doing pretty good so I figured "who needs a tent".

The more I read, the more I realized that even a ceiling hung fluorescent light would cause major problems during flowering when it was supposed to be dark. Also, more reading suggested that I would improve the light by up to 30% with reflective walls.

Well, both my mother (she is okay with this) and I go into the closet... It is my closet / storage closet. (Really big cedar closet). Looking at the prices of a grow tent, right now seem out of the question, but perhaps later when I move out in a year or two and have a lot more space.

So it came down to building one (not sure how mother will feel about this part...but it is a little too late.). I see a lot of people using PVC, but I could just not figure out for the life of me how to mount much to it, so I decided to make mine out of wood. It is a simple design and I am still working on it.

- 7 pieces 2x4
- 1 piece plywood 4x8
- 12 feet of smaller link chain
- 16 pieces corner brackets
- 1 piece black white poly 10x10
- 8 screw in hooks
- 1 rubber mat 2x5
- many screws
I am not going to include anything for exhaust because that doesn't come with just a tent.


I had the plywood cut to two pieces 4x2"3 and cut the 2x4's to make a frame around it. for both the top and the bottom. Then screwed in the corner brackets where the upright 2x4's would stand on the top and bottom.

For the bottom I cut the mat to 45" and glued it to the plywood. I then cut 2.5" strips from it and glued it to the sides of the bottom. I haven't done it yet, but I will be caulking all of the corners to ensure a water tight seal to prevent the plywood from falling apart.

For the top, I drew a circle where my exhaust fan will go, drilled a hole in it, and cut out the full circle with a jig saw. Then I measured where my screw in hooks will go and put them in.

Now that the top and bottom are as complete as they need to be, I screwed the upright 2x4's to the base, then placed the top on them, and screwed it on.

After that I cut the black & white poly, in one direction, to a length of 6'. Then I draped it around the box and taped it to the top. I worked my way around making sure that it was hanging about 1/2 way up the bottom 2x4. That way there would be plenty of wood to tape it to. Once I was happy with the height, I went around all of the top edges, then I went around all of the side edges, finally all of the bottom edges. That was a chore. Gorilla tape is incredible, though.

I then cut my chain to 4x 3' pieces and just hung them loosely. This is where I am right now.

I am going to put another 2x4 where the edge of the black & white poly is on the front and mount some type of door to it, unless I can come up with and easy flap of which I am happy with the quality. I even have enough of the poly left from the 10x10 poly for a quick flap or to cover a door. It would just be a few 2x2's on a hinge with some weather stripping to seal out the light. Also, have to cut out the vent hole in the poly and attach the fan.

I don't know if this is the kind of thing people like to see on here, but I thought it would make a good post for a newbie here.

Not including the hooks and screws (had them already): 2x4's $17.85, plywood $11.80, chain $9.60, rubber mat $11, square brackets $10, poly $15, and gorilla tape $12. Totaling $85, $98 CAD after tax($71 USD). The chain in the total really isn't part of any tent either, but I DID pay for it. So, I figured to include it.

I looked at PVC and the pipes, plus all of the assorted end caps were more expensive than the wood if I bought extra to make it stronger, and about the same if I didn't, so wood it was.

If anyone has any questions, I would be happy to answer them =)
Спокойной ночи всё!




Well-Known Member
Nice build looks really sturdy also not bad at ~$70 for a grow tent.

I agree wood is by far the cheapest to build with, when I was building my flood table, I wanted to build it out of PVC so I can take it apart and can adjust the height easier but the flood table building out of straight wood cost $5 in 2x4's vs a bunch I didn't even want to do the math for PVC one.


I have heard that with adequate air circulation and ventilation, that shouldn't be a problem, but I was thinking about it just for more reflectivity.

I only built it this strong to make it easy to take apart and move if need be. Take off the tape and a few screws, and the top and bottom just come apart.

That is a pretty cheap tent in the link. One problem for me is the big red font "Does not ship to Canada".

When I finally get my place, I may use my 2x T5 HO lights and this for vegging new plants and get a pro tent... or just make a whole room for it, heh.
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