Is it wrong to steal food to feed your starving family?

Is it wrong to steal food to feed your starving family?

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got good morals..there thinking stealing is ok for it ..anyway possible but don't take from another person which isn't yours bc you to lazy to get what you needed to steal
if it came down to it and it was a choice between either me and my family, and you. I will choose me and my family.
if it came down to it and it was a choice between either me and my family, and you. I will choose me and my family.
why would it??you can't provide for your family..there are other options besides stealing ..i dodnt do anything to you nor take form you ..why would you steal ..shows your character ..i would never a man why take what isn't mine ..i earn it..rather work a degrading job.. i would sell myself ...i would sell drugs ..i wouldn't steal ..thieves are trash..period!!!!!!!
why would it??you can't provide for your family..there are other options besides stealing ..i dodnt do anything to you nor take form you ..why would you steal ..shows your character ..i would never a man why take what isn't mine ..i earn it..rather work a degrading job.. i would sell myself ...i would sell drugs ..i wouldn't steal ..thieves are trash..period!!!!!!!

Gee you him characterized very well. But I just add that while he is a character he lacks character.
he made it seem like i was trying to kill him its either me and my family or you ..its gonna be me ...come man give me a break if you starve with your family its bc you messed up and let our family down not me
and that is why there are so many at the morg you step in my back yard try to steel from my vegetable garden i swear your going to be fertilizer ,, but knock on my door and ask if i ould spare little veggies you might live another day ,, family or no family

truth is your a thief and you know what they do to thief's we string them up hog tie them .
is it against the law to steal ?? i think so but you think its ok to steal for your starving family

Here is a idea make sure you got life insurance and do society a favor hang your self now your kids will eat for some time
How about you read the thread title and respond appropriatly.
I work two jobs and my wife does as well.
I bet you have never lied, masturbated or pissed in pool.
Am I right?
How about you read the thread title and respond appropriatly.
I work two jobs and my wife does as well.
I bet you have never lied, masturbated or pissed in pool.
Am I right?
done all but don't steal,,if you are willing to steal shows your character
Am i suppose to feel sorry for some individuals wrong paths they decided to choose i do have a heart but you steal from me sorry dude your going to DIE and why Cause you wronged me and picked on the wrong guy sorry lol
and why you pumping out kids when you cannot support your self WTF
See if we only could get rid of the lower 10 - 15 percent of the low lifes in every county in the world Seriously the world would be a better place ,, they should not be allowed to breed or given some needle so they cannot breed
nah man i did what ever to succeed and if that ment stepping on few heads to get up the ladder so be it .
Difference is i never stole and was legit along the way that builds character and a person
Sorry you need to work 2 jobs as well as your wife ??? am i suppose to feel sorry ???? so i take it you go to MacDonald's as a line cook for 6 hrs then off to starbucks and make donuts for another 6 ?? Good on you
then a person wonders how that person who can not speak even English works same way supports there family and in matter of years owns a home that must just piss you off
You know why these people are content with bare min and build from there where as you think the world owes you something and you been wronged ,, You been cheated right lol
Your right when it comes down to it even in the courts view a low life as a low life there credibility means nothing how many low lifes do you think become jurors i know not many if any compared to middle class and up i always wondered why they don't go after low income families to become jurors ????

There was no indication that “the important and clever” in society avoid jury service. Summoned jurors in lower income brackets and those who are economically inactive were far less likely to serve than those in medium to high income brackets and those who are employed. The highest rates of jury service were among middle to high-income earners, and those in higher status professions were fully represented among serving jurors. The self-employed served in proportion to their representation in the population, and the employed in general are over-represented among serving jurors, while it is the retired and unemployed that are under-represented. The proportion of men and women serving as jurors was exactly the same (50 per cent), and gender had no significant impact on whether those summoned served or not. The proportion of people aged 18-24 serving as jurors (10 per cent) was almost identical to their representation in the general population
got good morals..there thinking stealing is ok for it ..anyway possible but don't take from another person which isn't yours bc you to lazy to get what you needed to steal
So you would rather your family die of starvation than steal food for them?

I have a feeling you can't answer that honestly given the stance you've already taken. Keep in mind the question I'm asking isn't if or how hard you would work so you wouldn't have to steal food for them to survive, it's if that's what it came down to, steal food or your entire family dies of starvation, would you steal food for them or would you let them die?