Is my seedling dead?


New Member
Hello,my seed cracked and i planted it in soil maybe an inch or more, i covered it up with some soil and misted with water and left it in dark closet for a day with no lights,i dont know the exact temperature in the closet but it is nice room temp in my room where my closet is.
After like 2 days from planting seed in my soil its still not sprouting,i watered it because soil looked dry when i was digging through the soil, i removed some of the dirt from the roots because i assumed i may planted it too deep,so now some small parts of roots is pointing up out of the soil. Oh and btw the end of the root looks thin,kinda dried out,if thats the word im lookin' for? its deff not the same look as when it was before i put it in the soil.
Is the seed dead? root dried out? help guys 'cause this is my last og kush seed i have lol


Well-Known Member
Hello,my seed cracked and i planted it in soil maybe an inch or more, i covered it up with some soil and misted with water and left it in dark closet for a day with no lights,i dont know the exact temperature in the closet but it is nice room temp in my room where my closet is.
After like 2 days from planting seed in my soil its still not sprouting,i watered it because soil looked dry when i was digging through the soil, i removed some of the dirt from the roots because i assumed i may planted it too deep,so now some small parts of roots is pointing up out of the soil. Oh and btw the end of the root looks thin,kinda dried out,if thats the word im lookin' for? its deff not the same look as when it was before i put it in the soil.
Is the seed dead? root dried out? help guys 'cause this is my last og kush seed i have lol



cap master

Well-Known Member
what do u have it in? I always plant my seeds into humidity domes I got for free. keep them extremely moist but not soaking wet if its dried out it may still be able to recover. it also can take up to 7-10 days for seeds to germ in soil and actually sprout out. if its just in a cup I would put a little sandwitch bag over it to help keep it moist but not air tight just lightly laid over it so it can breath but retain humidity


New Member
what do u have it in? I always plant my seeds into humidity domes I got for free. keep them extremely moist but not soaking wet if its dried out it may still be able to recover. it also can take up to 7-10 days for seeds to germ in soil and actually sprout out. if its just in a cup I would put a little sandwitch bag over it to help keep it moist but not air tight just lightly laid over it so it can breath but retain humidity
i have it in a cup that is made of some kind paperish material? i think...they are used for plant potting,and the soil contains perlite for drainage...anyway,what are the chances it can survive? what should i do now? just leave it like that and water it? i could put a plastic cup (about the same size like the cup im having my seed in) and drill few small holes on the top for air

cap master

Well-Known Member
that would be a decent idea. I always hate those peat cups they always seem to mold out on me. I would dump it into a plastic non transparent cup given the seedling hasn't started sprouting yet. and cover it with a clear cup on top with small holes drilled near the rim for gas exchange and/or air flow. without seeing the seed I cant tell u chances of survival but I would advise u to do this and its chance of survival is prolly 50/50 but again no one knows just a guess.


New Member
What do you think about replanting that seed and this time i would plant it like a quarter inch in the soil and then water the soil nice and even but not too much.
btw im currently having a 14 W CFL 18/6 on her


Well-Known Member
What do you think about replanting that seed and this time i would plant it like a quarter inch in the soil and then water the soil nice and even but not too much.
btw im currently having a 14 W CFL 18/6 on her
After four days the seeds dead. Impo. When you plant next time, dont water the anything. Just plant the seed in a damp grow media, anything will do, anything. Then keep the seed at 78-80 F and itll sprout if its good. Watering a seeds soil or whatever its in wont help.

Darks good, damps good, soaked 12 hrs is good. I think the problems you had are extra watering is bad, you may have burried it too far down, and your running light before its out of dirt.

I hope she comes around for ya.


Well-Known Member
now some small parts of roots is pointing up out of the soil. root looks thin,kinda dried out,
Roots coming up out of the soil indicates the seed may have been planted inverted. Cannabis is very resilient but in this case I would probably ditch it and start again.

This time do some reading and learning before popping your seed.

Good Luck and Great Growing


Well-Known Member
After four days the seeds dead. Impo. When you plant next time, dont water the anything. Just plant the seed in a damp grow media, anything will do, anything. Then keep the seed at 78-80 F and itll sprout if its good. Watering a seeds soil or whatever its in wont help.

Darks good, damps good, soaked 12 hrs is good. I think the problems you had are extra watering is bad, you may have burried it too far down, and your running light before its out of dirt.

I hope she comes around for ya.
None of this would have happened if he had a PPM meter...LOL! Just kiddin with ya!

cap master

Well-Known Member
Roots coming up out of the soil indicates the seed may have been planted inverted. Cannabis is very resilient but in this case I would probably ditch it and start again.

This time do some reading and learning before popping your seed.

Good Luck and Great Growing
I disagree bc I have had plants fix that. the root will grow down with gravity no matter what it may take a little longer to pop out do to having to turn itself around but the root always grows down. but again depending on the condition of the seed and viability u may have to ditch it anyways.

After four days the seeds dead. Impo. When you plant next time, dont water the anything. Just plant the seed in a damp grow media, anything will do, anything. Then keep the seed at 78-80 F and itll sprout if its good. Watering a seeds soil or whatever its in wont help.

Darks good, damps good, soaked 12 hrs is good. I think the problems you had are extra watering is bad, you may have burried it too far down, and your running light before its out of dirt.

I hope she comes around for ya.
I also disagree here I used to germ in paper towel than transplant but recently switched to soil popping it can take up to 10 days for a seed to crack out, then tap root downward, as well as pop the top of the soil. and I water my seads every 2-3 days but just with a spray bottle to keep the top moist bc if theyre just starting and the bottoms wet but the top isn't they may still dry out bc theyre only 1/4" down but I do agree keep the temps between at least 75-80 and also would suggest investing in some cheap 99c humidity domes I got a whole bag for free from my local dollar tree bc the were being tossed.


Well-Known Member
Don't use those paper sprouting cups. You could set the paper cup down in a solo cup to keep it from drying so fast. I wouldn't use domes or bags either.

An inch is a tad deep but it should still pop.


New Member
Hmm...i'm gonna leave it for another week,water it if needed and pray to the god of weed that it's not too late lol
-btw i transplated it to a plastic cup and put another plastic cup on it with drilled holes for air,i did my best to not to touch seedling too much and i planted it like quarter inch or so.

cap master

Well-Known Member
Hmm...i'm gonna leave it for another week,water it if needed and pray to the god of weed that it's not too late lol
-btw i transplated it to a plastic cup and put another plastic cup on it with drilled holes for air,i did my best to not to touch seedling too much and i planted it like quarter inch or so.
that's the best thing u can do :clap: so now just set back water her every 2-3 days or longer if she keeps moist and hope she sprouts.. than hope it female lol meanwhile sit back and roll I fatty :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well I'm a necrophiliac and your seeding does sound kinda hot, just saying .. :hump:, but yeah she might be dead with that much damage to a new tap root. later in life they can survive almost anything, early on they are kinda fragile. Keep the hope alive, but I think this one might be a wash.


Well-Known Member
None of this would have happened if he had a PPM meter...LOL! Just kiddin with ya!
Its true. My ppm meter is under my pillow right now. I love how its long blue slender body feels against my cheek when i wake up. The smooth lines that run down the side rub my nipples just the right way. And when ive had a hard day, it takes the time to listen to me while i tell it all about it.


New Member
Don't know if im trippin' but i started to see something...i think shes still alive. Gonna see the results in next few days or sooner i hope. Good thing i transplated her, feelin' excited lol