EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Hillary is not going to be indicted
The only one who will make that determination now is Obama. If a Republican wins the election, at least some of the charges will still be under the statute of limitations and she may end up in prison. Where she hopefully will be killed.
To my understanding private insurane is outlawed or they have to abid by federal rules and regulations there fore there hands are tied and can only go by federal rules so in a sense private insurance is outlawed unless they abid by federal standards ????
@londonfog ... See this is where I completely disagree.. The aerospace in Southern California died because of greed mostly.

Boeing is making a ridiculous profit, their CEO has like a 275k monthly pension. They fled California to have a bunch of dumbass republican Governors fight each other over who can give them the most taxpayer money..free land, utilities, buildings etc and give almost nothing back in taxes. Its ridiculous to hand these greedy pricks all those subsidies to employ 10 or 12 k people.. It is a horrible investment that will never bare fruit.
so you are tbonejack? is this really sock puppet number 13, or 14 even?

give the fuck up you fucking loser. no one likes you here.

Who is tbonejack? And who are you? Wyatt Earp?

Sounds like you need an oil change and a front end lube job, and you'll be feeling a lot better. Try some marijuana too. And a 5th of vodka.
@londonfog ... See this is where I completely disagree.. The aerospace in Southern California died because of greed mostly.

Boeing is making a ridiculous profit, their CEO has like a 275k monthly pension. They fled California to have a bunch of dumbass republican Governors fight each other over who can give them the most taxpayer money..free land, utilities, buildings etc and give almost nothing back in taxes. Its ridiculous to hand these greedy pricks all those subsidies to employ 10 or 12 k people.. It is a horrible investment that will never bare fruit.
Nothing wrong with that they deserve it they worked hard for there money unlike you lol
If people spend less time worrying about who make how much and worried about how much they make world would be a better place
Nothing wrong with that they deserve it they worked hard for there money unlike you lol
If people spend less time worrying about who make how much and worried about how much they make world would be a better place

I've worked much harder, don't be a fucking retard and think about what you are saying..

If a company wants corporate welfare and has record profits and stock prices while paying CEOs 275k monthly ... Then they can pound sand and move to another state. You can't let a greedy corp hold your state hostage for a puny 12 k jobs. It makes zero sense economically ... Georgia will rue the day they agreed to this nonsense and if Sanders gets in..the tap will close on these defense contracts.
@londonfog ... See this is where I completely disagree.. The aerospace in Southern California died because of greed mostly.

Boeing is making a ridiculous profit, their CEO has like a 275k monthly pension. They fled California to have a bunch of dumbass republican Governors fight each other over who can give them the most taxpayer money..free land, utilities, buildings etc and give almost nothing back in taxes. Its ridiculous to hand these greedy pricks all those subsidies to employ 10 or 12 k people.. It is a horrible investment that will never bare fruit.
Um I guess you didn't realize that it was not Boeing in Southern California at the time when the aerospace industry was making its exodus out of Southern Cali. It was McDonnell Douglas, they did not merge into Boeing until about 96 or 97. Southern California had Lockheed, Northrop, McDonnell Douglas as your major aircraft manufactures. All took there jobs to cheaper states, who also had the "right to work" labor force. Lockheed mostly to Georgia and South Carolina. Northrop who merge with Grumman moved to Florida and Louisiana. Also when you combine those 3 major aerospace company you're looking at way more than 10-12 k jobs.
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