LSD What would YOU recommend.


Well-Known Member
So. As the title suggests this thread will be on the discussion of how much LSD would YOU personally recommend to somebody who hasn't done it before. That person obviously being well you guessed it, me.
Have PLENTY experience with mushrooms, as far as I can tell, they are quite similar in comparison.
The differences being? That's what I'm going for here. If you say X amount also include the reasoning for suggesting this amount. I'm not scared at all of the LSD just more curious what you guys think would be best. Another thing to add in with your reasonings, how do YOU take your lsd, swallow, under tongue maybe mix with water and put in eye dropper?

The LSD will be consumed next weekend so there is a bit of a gap between now and then to gather info.(Currently 2/7/16)
So. As the title suggests this thread will be on the discussion of how much LSD would YOU personally recommend to somebody who hasn't done it before. That person obviously being well you guessed it, me.
Have PLENTY experience with mushrooms, as far as I can tell, they are quite similar in comparison.
The differences being? That's what I'm going for here. If you say X amount also include the reasoning for suggesting this amount. I'm not scared at all of the LSD just more curious what you guys think would be best. Another thing to add in with your reasonings, how do YOU take your lsd, swallow, under tongue maybe mix with water and put in eye dropper?

The LSD will be consumed next weekend so there is a bit of a gap between now and then to gather info.(Currently 2/7/16)
i took 300 ug my first time it was great :p
Go with an Albert Hoffman dose, 250 mics for your first time. It would be perfect. But knowing that you have experience with shrooms I'd say 200 or so would be perfect
Standard is two tabs. Thats wat most ppl do there first time.

Most dont havr the luxury of picking the ug. But 100-200 would be good.

300 might b a bit much. But if uve done ur fair share of shrooms u will fall on love with lsd man.
i found 300 ug my first timer ever with psychedelics more relaxed then 2.5 of shrooms
You guys are forgetting WHY you think these doses are appropriate. But I was really thinking along the lines of 2 tabs. They are 115ug+. Its not from street dealers, so I know what I'm getting, thankfully, lol.
After doing lsd, i stopped doing shrooms all together becuz the high was so much more manageable.
It's a different animal. Sometimes I feel the same way. I can go,do, and plan to do just about anything on acid. Ride a bike. Take a hike. Go to the park. Even after dark.
Museum. Movies. Look at boobies!
Mushrooms. Any reaaallll good dose. And I could be in outspace. Or rolling around my floor for two hours. Not as much sociable fun.
It's a different animal. Sometimes I feel the same way. I can go,do, and plan to do just about anything on acid. Ride a bike. Take a hike. Go to the park. Even after dark.
Museum. Movies. Look at boobies!
Mushrooms. Any reaaallll good dose. And I could be in outspace. Or rolling around my floor for two hours. Not as much sociable fun.
Ah man, but that's the best part, your just fucked out of your damn face its awesome, but at the same time I realllly want to experience a true psychedelic experience like what they were originally meant for thousands of years ago, spiritual experiences life changing events that's what I'm really looking for in psychedelics now a days. My interest in them and knowledge about why certain things happen, ect ect has sky rocketed in the past few months so I feel if its going to happen, one of these times soon is going to be it.
If you want a truly spiritual dose like that, do 1 milligram. That will last about 12 hours, will have you really really high and you will have a spiritual kundalini awakening money back guarantee!
Eat 5 and get spiritual with that shit lmao. I'm just playin don't do that. I'd say eat 2 and see how you feel about it in a couple of hours. You can always eat more or smoke some ganj to amplify the trip (pot won't do a whole lot but it does add to it slightly for about 30 min or so) but the reason I suggest two is one more than likely will just disappoint you because it's not very intense (the exception being the 500ug needle point I had a few months ago) but 2 should be perfect for you and if not in a couple hours just plop a few more tabs on your tongue and watch the world melt. Happy tripping brother man.
You can't eat more LSD after like, 2 hours or you'll waste it, like if he takes 2 and then an hour later eats one more OK, that one extra tab is running maybe a 50% boost, but if he eats 2 then 2 hours or so later decides to eat 2 more, tolerance has already become a factor.

I find that on shrooms you can redose to extend the trip or make it stronger but acid you really can't redose too late or tolerance will be a factor
You can't eat more LSD after like, 2 hours or you'll waste it, like if he takes 2 and then an hour later eats one more OK, that one extra tab is running maybe a 50% boost, but if he eats 2 then 2 hours or so later decides to eat 2 more, tolerance has already become a factor.

I find that on shrooms you can redose to extend the trip or make it stronger but acid you really can't redose too late or tolerance will be a factor
The only time I've personally found that to be an issue is eating more after peak if you match the initial dose before that it amplifies it. But again that's just my own personal experience everybodies body chemistry is different and it will affect you in different ways but if you want to be sure a redose will work just eat more than you did to start with then you definitely can't go wrong lol.
I was thinking in a not waste LSD kinda way, I've known people to redose (but always at hour +3, +5 and then they're wondering how they went from one hit to four lol he said he was new to LSD to knowing that there is a shorter time to be able to redose or anything would be helpful. You have any Syrian rue? I've heard it helps potentiate LSD a lot, hopefully I'll try it soon and let you know!
Yea that's a good point. I'd also like to point out the drug continues to amplify itself until you hit peak (between 5-6 hours depending on body chemistry) and is a 12 hour drug, for roughly 10 hours of that You will have hallucinations the other 2 are your first hour which is a waiting game and the last hour is a nice body high. Those aren't exact times just something to keep in mind.
I have always found that re-dosing with shrooms to not be very effective. Unless taken as mike has stated within an hour or so of taking your first dose. Excited for a longer trip. Some mushrooms experiences are so much fun and then it just dies out, I feel like I will enjoy myself more with more time and less "grogginess" that the mushrooms portray. I feel grogginess is definitely the right word to describe the feeling mushrooms give me. you know besides the tripping fucking balls part lol.
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Idk personally I have a weird tolerance to shrooms so on those I couldn't tell you but with L (again just me) I find it works within the first 2 but you have to match your original dosage at least. But usually when I redose its to keep going not to amplify, so I could be wrong it's been a long time since I was concerned with how much I was eating been doing this since I was 16 lol
Idk personally I have a weird tolerance to shrooms so on those I couldn't tell you but with L (again just me) I find it works within the first 2 but you have to match your original dosage at least. But usually when I redose its to keep going not to amplify, so I could be wrong it's been a long time since I was concerned with how much I was eating been doing this since I was 16 lol
Not concerned, just curious as to what others have to say. Ill probably end up doing 3 or 4 cuz that's just the way I am most of the time, I don't want to not do enough be disappointed and have to wait another 2-4 weeks to try again.

Also, do you guys just swallow it like a pill or hold it under your tongue?
That's the spirit! You would only have to wait three days for your tolerance to reset, but I put the tab in my mouth and just leave it there until it turns to mush but you only need to leave it in your mouth for about 30 secs for it to be absorbed into your system. It's all really personal preference, some people can't stand the tab in their mouth so they wait a couple minutes and spit it out or swallow it. Then others, like myself, couldn't care less and just put it in their mouth and forget about it.