EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

the true nature of the beast unleashed..here we go!

<schuylaar front seat gets ready to stand and hit the roller coaster pass over before the first big hill-a-ry..she can hear the clankity clank of the clinton machine ready to grasp the car..never fear..she's got a zip in her pocket just scored!)

bill..should you be talking about sexism you old disgusting geeez?:spew:

totally bad move..we're gonna rip the clinton campaign apart..should gave kept your mouth shut.

London im aware the name changed in the 80's and how many jobs would justify that treatment? How many jobs are we talking bout ?
They were bought in 90's ...happy?

Now let's talk turkey.. Gimme a number of jobs so I can crunch the numbers.
Tricked me into a download eh,

Okay.. On page 14 it shows that California took a dive on the job losses but they were across the board. The U.S. defense spending went through the roof after 911.

I can't empathize with companies that rely on the tax payer dollar for survival.. Defense spending should continue to plunge and that money won't be there.
Tricked me into a download eh,

Okay.. On page 14 it shows that California took a dive on the job losses but they were across the board. The U.S. defense spending went through the roof after 911.

I can't empathize with companies that rely on the tax payer dollar for survival.. Defense spending should continue to plunge and that money won't be there.
ok I'm done. You trying to save face, when you should be saying "I was wrong " and just move on.
It wasn't a right-wring scenario

If it puts a smile on your face

I was wrong about the buyout, it changed in the 90's not 80's.

I was wrong on my numbers of jobs..it was a much larger industry in California than I assumed.

You still haven't answered me.

1. The Defense budget is going to shrink considerably.. Why bow down for a company that is making record profits and give them welfare?

Those jobs lost will get filled, it won't be overnight..but they will be filled.
It wasn't a right-wring scenario

If it puts a smile on your face

I was wrong about the buyout, it changed in the 90's not 80's.

I was wrong on my numbers of jobs..it was a much larger industry in California than I assumed.

You still haven't answered me.

1. The Defense budget is going to shrink considerably.. Why bow down for a company that is making record profits and give them welfare?

Those jobs lost will get filled, it won't be overnight..but they will be filled.
The Aerospace industry kept California employed greatly. When they packed up and left the economy in California hit the shitter. They still have not recovered. You stated some low ball numbers that you just pulled out your arse, that in truth is 25 times more. You say company like it was only one. It was aerospace COMPANIES that left and Cali high tax rates had a lot to do with it. And how long do one have to wait until those jobs get filled again. We going on over 20 years now
It wasn't a right-wring scenario

If it puts a smile on your face

I was wrong about the buyout, it changed in the 90's not 80's.

I was wrong on my numbers of jobs..it was a much larger industry in California than I assumed.

You still haven't answered me.

1. The Defense budget is going to shrink considerably.. Why bow down for a company that is making record profits and give them welfare?

Those jobs lost will get filled, it won't be overnight..but they will be filled.

and he isnt going to answer you.

do yourself a favor and hit ignore like i did weeks ago.

its pretty funny..members are PMing me how he's become a nasty bitter person.
and he isnt going to answer you.

do yourself a favor and hit ignore like i did weeks ago.

its pretty funny..members are PMing me how he's become a nasty bitter person.
you too damn nosy to put people on ignore. Just like you reading this. LOL stop with the different accounts. or at least stop having conversations with yourself .
California is high rent district, its valuable real estate... If they want to move to Georgia or North Carolina or Texas..fine and their workers could have moved with them..but they don't want to go to Texas or Georgia. The jobs will be filled eventually, I remember all the red carpet treatment Boeing got in Chicago to lure them there... It was embarrassing And the State us going bankrupt... If you rely on the federal titty for defense contracts to thrive or even survive than you won't last.
now back to BERNIE..

so i had this idea long ago about wrapping my car in BERNIE..costs $$$ so im going to make my own home made version by printing shit off the web covering in plastic page covers and adhering to my car.

then im going to call the media whores.

stay tuned for pics.
ive also decided to move to vermont this summer.
Smartness thing you have said in a while. In Vermont you would be able to get health insurance and you will have Bernie as your Senator, seeing how he does not stand a chance to win the Dem nod...SUPER-DELEGATES