After all the fantasies the Republican party has asked us to believe for all these years, I think I'm willing to believe in this one from Mr Sanders.
The stimulus will come simply from exiting this current economic depression era.
it's been proven to work ala Roosevelt.
and tax cuts are a fancy way of saying wealth redistribution to the reality they don't get to decide who benefits how taxes are appropriated.. government does.
their brains are missing a chip.
the wealthy do not pay their fair share and even NO share..they are unamerican to let our country devolve in this manner.
no amount of talking to them will ever fix this though.
in business, they consider employee taxes withheld to be to the employee (which is the real pay grade) the difference between gross and net theirs..that's why so many don't make tax payments on behalf of their employees and why government comes down hard with penalty and interest ..'but that's MY money'..I've heard this so many times..NO! you have fiduciary responsibility to your employee to transmit to government.
you would not believe the questions I've been asked in the past on ways to CHEAT their can/do I?
'mr Scorp I'm not the payroll police..all I can do is what you hired me for..consult on payroll tax law'..then I would issue a CYA letter outlining what they've been advised and what they are asking me to do which they must sign before I allow the file out for process.
therefore we will speak with our vote and they will also be limited to one vote..this we can do.
once Sanders is in the very next step will be to repeal and limit campaign finance..lobby MUST be disbanded or we will be stuck with the near same (not as bad as blackly blackensteins black cooties) gridlock regardless of his bipartisanship and tenure in Washington.