rich - how much money is RICH ?

Rich..... - 200'000 - 400'000 a year

Millionear - 700'000 - 1'200'000 grand a year

Multi Millionear - 2'000'000 - 50'000'000

Aso..... :)
1 mil you're rich.......1 bill you're wealthy.
LeBron James is rich.....The Cavs owner is wealthy.

If your family is spending money thay you or your father could be rich.
If your family is spending money that your great grandfather made....You're wealthy.
Ok reading some of this stuff I have fallen somehow into the rich category yet I don't consider myself rich we own our house outright (an engagement gift from my girlfriends and my parents) we own our cars outright and have enough money to pay our bills and smoke a bit of weed on the side we are also debt free however we are by no means "rich"

I would say someone who IS rich would have enough money to buy anything they want with no thought as to weather they will have enough money left in the bank at the end of the day witch is defiantly not me lol

However rich is a matter of perception as said before to someone who makes 50K / year would say the person who makes 100K/ year is rich so their is no definate anwser
not in LA/OC! you need 100-200k just to support a family 'round these parts!
Around here you need VERY little, so you can get welfare and live pretty well. I'm serious, if you make too much then you are probably going to be poorer than the people on welfare. There's no good jobs around here. (You could support a family with welfare making about 12-15k a year.)
Around here you need VERY little, so you can get welfare and live pretty well. I'm serious, if you make too much then you are probably going to be poorer than the people on welfare. There's no good jobs around here. (You could support a family with welfare making about 12-15k a year.)

where is that? just roughly, so I can see what other parts of the country are like
Poor areas in Pa are mostly all the same. Most people live on welfare. I'm moving out when I get the chance. It's crap.
Poor areas in Pa are mostly all the same. Most people live on welfare.

I've been there a couple times when I visited Bucknell University, almost went there.

and ya, garden knowm, we are a little whack out here when people drive shitty-ass cars but rock $500 shades. I wear some $90 oakleys, but I've been eyeing some pradas or maui jims. I love the lenses on mauis. Some of the best on any sunglasses in the world.
Yea, you should've visited one of the poor towns you'd see a lot of people doing nothing because they're supported by welfare one way or another.. I know many people that don't work at all. There's a lot of ways people are skimming the system here.. There's really nothing wrong with them they just don't want to work. Then the ones that do work and make too much for welfare end up without insurance etc. It's screwed up here.
Even if your are making a 100K+ in Cal you will loose 40%+ to taxes, so location is a key factor.

To be rich would be having no health problems, having a loving family and great friends that you can trust, love and adore. A nice home, and an annul income that will last your needs every 3 years in advance.

Yea, you should've visited one of the poor towns you'd see a lot of people doing nothing because they're supported by welfare one way or another.. I know many people that don't work at all. There's a lot of ways people are skimming the system here.. There's really nothing wrong with them they just don't want to work. Then the ones that do work and make too much for welfare end up without insurance etc. It's screwed up here.
same way round here too
Yea, you should've visited one of the poor towns you'd see a lot of people doing nothing because they're supported by welfare one way or another.. I know many people that don't work at all. There's a lot of ways people are skimming the system here.. There's really nothing wrong with them they just don't want to work. Then the ones that do work and make too much for welfare end up without insurance etc. It's screwed up here.

Yep people on the bridge card(food stamps on a card) cause they can't work or don't want to. Or getting a check on the 3rd for their kids because pops don't pay shit.
People who make a little bit of change can't even get welfare insurance, because they make right above the set amount which isn't shit. Just like you said