Use this sheet and the attached calculator. Good luck.
Spreadsheet by Supra and calculator by CanadianOne
6 - Vero 29 v2 4000k running on one HLG-120H-C700B
24.9w x 6 = 149.4 watts of dissipation
times efficiency (50%) = 74.7 Par Watts
After 10% losses = 67.23
67.23 Par Watts x 4.62 conversion factor = 310.60PPF
4sqft divided by 10.76(sqft per m2) = .37m^2
310.60PPF divided by .37m^2 = 839.4µmols/sec/m^2
If my numbers are pretty close then it sounds like a pretty good combo.
using holders? voltage only rated to 150v 3A
Any suggestions? They will be pretty close the canopy. What voltage are you referring to with 150v 3A? Sorry I'm still learning.
On another note, I'm thinking of upgrading the psu to the HLG-240H-C1050B and running a dimmer. It would allow me more flexibility to spread things out and also give me the option of getting maximum PPFD if it was desired.
@700ma the Vero is rated at 35.6V x 6 = 213.6
also, the HLG-120-1050 would be running at almost 145V which is also over the 130V max for the pizomate.
But I will take your advice and try something lower voltage. 6 cobs are already in the mail so....I will change course somewhat.
edit: So after looking at the matching drivers and cobs thread at the chart I notice that the Vero 29 is probably listed improperly in many cases. An example would be the HLG-H120-C1400B which is rated up to 108V. The chart says you can fit 3 cobs on there but in reality the cobs at 1400ma are running at about 37V each or 111V total. Am I wrong?
after doing some more reading I think if I want to do this solderless, the HLG-H240-C2100 is my only realistic option. I don't think 4 cobs will fit on an HLG-120-1050 and even if they do I would have to solder. Kinda sucks because I have heatsinks from heatsinkusa already shipped but they will be useless to me running my cobs at 80w each. Oh well, guess I'll hang on to them for another project.
It is not that hard to solder
Some DIYers have used 4x 72 volt cobs 288V DCSo, do you still think using the HLG-240-1050 or HLG-120-700 are bad choices for a first time build? I don't mind soldering.
No solder option with vero 29 using ,Pizomate connectors... Molez pizomate is rated for 130V max
If using pizomate then
Instead of 6 vero 29 on hlg-120-700
Did you consider 4 vero 29 on hlg-120-1050
Bridgelux has a soldering section in AN 31
It has some pics and very nice notes on how to solder Vero
This is OLD
This is new V2 but is 90 CRI so less efficient
This is NEW V2 4000k 80 CRI that you want