Where can you purchase Vero 29 (version 2) 4000K Bins?

Use this sheet and the attached calculator. Good luck.

Spreadsheet by Supra and calculator by CanadianOne


6 - Vero 29 v2 4000k running on one HLG-120H-C700B

24.9w x 6 = 149.4 watts of dissipation
times efficiency (50%) = 74.7 Par Watts
After 10% losses = 67.23
67.23 Par Watts x 4.62 conversion factor = 310.60PPF
4sqft divided by 10.76(sqft per m2) = .37m^2
310.60PPF divided by .37m^2 = 839.4µmols/sec/m^2

If my numbers are pretty close then it sounds like a pretty good combo.
6 - Vero 29 v2 4000k running on one HLG-120H-C700B

24.9w x 6 = 149.4 watts of dissipation
times efficiency (50%) = 74.7 Par Watts
After 10% losses = 67.23
67.23 Par Watts x 4.62 conversion factor = 310.60PPF
4sqft divided by 10.76(sqft per m2) = .37m^2
310.60PPF divided by .37m^2 = 839.4µmols/sec/m^2

If my numbers are pretty close then it sounds like a pretty good combo.

using holders? voltage only rated to 150v 3A
using holders? voltage only rated to 150v 3A

Any suggestions? They will be pretty close to the canopy. What voltage are you referring to with 150v 3A? Sorry I'm still learning.
On another note, I'm thinking of upgrading the psu to the HLG-240H-C1050B and running a dimmer. It would allow me more flexibility to spread things out and also give me the option of getting maximum PPFD if it was desired.
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Any suggestions? They will be pretty close the canopy. What voltage are you referring to with 150v 3A? Sorry I'm still learning.
On another note, I'm thinking of upgrading the psu to the HLG-240H-C1050B and running a dimmer. It would allow me more flexibility to spread things out and also give me the option of getting maximum PPFD if it was desired.

My bad, you are using Vero's and probably not using holders, but I should also note that any of the Molex pigtails for example for the Vero's, have a max of 145-150 volts....A 240H has a series voltage higher than 150 volts

maybe I am missing something here, but no holder or wire harness I have seen for Vero 29's or Cree 3070/3590 has a max Voltage Rating over 150 v DC....and yet even the 185C- has a series VF higher than 150v....am I missing something here, safety wise?...I have been keeping my VF strings less than 150 volts when using holders. :peace:
I see the molex is rated for max 130V for AC and DC. I prefer soldering a 18 or 20 guage wire on Vero. UL 1007 wire rated for 85C and 300V
I also keep strings below 160V because I like to avoid high voltage if possible.

I am not sure if we can argue that voltage across each connector will be 40volt or less.
HLG120-c700 is 107V-215V. So although max is 215, during operation each molex will only have Vf of cob across it.
Now I am not sure if voltage could be an issue when driver powers On. Sorry can't help much.
What's worst that can happen. First or last cob connector may arc and melt, does not sound as bad. I would prefer upto 160V but prefer solder for higher.

Never liked high voltage. I see ideal holders for cree are rated for 250V

HLG-240H-C1050B is rated max 238v DC. I would be careful with that kind of DC voltage. May be lower voltage better if your first build.
Look at data sheet for HLG 120-700
You will see 107-215V
Your 6 vero 36*6 = 216V
You are good if you soldering.

No solder option with vero 29 using ,Pizomate connectors... Molez pizomate is rated for 130V max
If using pizomate then
Instead of 6 vero 29 on hlg-120-700
Did you consider 4 vero 29 on hlg-120-1050
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@700ma the Vero is rated at 35.6V x 6 = 213.6
also, the HLG-120-1050 would be running at almost 145V which is also over the 130V max for the pizomate.

But I will take your advice and try something lower voltage. 6 cobs are already in the mail so....I will change course somewhat.

edit: So after looking at the matching drivers and cobs thread at the chart I notice that the Vero 29 is probably listed improperly in many cases. An example would be the HLG-H120-C1400B which is rated up to 108V. The chart says you can fit 3 cobs on there but in reality the cobs at 1400ma are running at about 37V each or 111V total. Am I wrong?

after doing some more reading I think if I want to do this solderless, the HLG-H240-C2100 is my only realistic option. I don't think 4 cobs will fit on an HLG-120-1050 and even if they do I would have to solder. Kinda sucks because I have heatsinks from heatsinkusa already shipped but they will be useless to me running my cobs at 80w each. Oh well, guess I'll hang on to them for another project.
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@700ma the Vero is rated at 35.6V x 6 = 213.6
also, the HLG-120-1050 would be running at almost 145V which is also over the 130V max for the pizomate.

But I will take your advice and try something lower voltage. 6 cobs are already in the mail so....I will change course somewhat.

edit: So after looking at the matching drivers and cobs thread at the chart I notice that the Vero 29 is probably listed improperly in many cases. An example would be the HLG-H120-C1400B which is rated up to 108V. The chart says you can fit 3 cobs on there but in reality the cobs at 1400ma are running at about 37V each or 111V total. Am I wrong?

after doing some more reading I think if I want to do this solderless, the HLG-H240-C2100 is my only realistic option. I don't think 4 cobs will fit on an HLG-120-1050 and even if they do I would have to solder. Kinda sucks because I have heatsinks from heatsinkusa already shipped but they will be useless to me running my cobs at 80w each. Oh well, guess I'll hang on to them for another project.

Yes the Vero 29 Vf may have been under estimated.
Page 9 or 11
http://www.bridgelux.com/sites/default/files/resource_media/DS33 Vero 29 Array Data Sheet Rev J 20150908.pdf

Red circles is my test data. 700ma 36V, 1050ma 36.9V, 1400amp 37.8V, 1980amp 39.2V
4x vero 29 1400ma with HLG-240-1400
4x vero 29 1050ma with HLG-120H-C1050
5x vero 29 1050ma with HLG-185H-C1050
6x vero 29 700ma with HLG-120H-C700
It is not that hard to solder


No solder option with vero 29 using ,Pizomate connectors... Molez pizomate is rated for 130V max
If using pizomate then
Instead of 6 vero 29 on hlg-120-700
Did you consider 4 vero 29 on hlg-120-1050


Im so glad I came back and read this thread.

My light is up and shining I used the Pizomates for this light I never even thought about rating. I did notice that they are very thin wire as compared to every other wire I am using.

My question:

Will I be ok using the Pizo with my HLG-120H-C1050B? It has been running for a few days now but I just want to make sure, also when I get my HLG-240H-C1400 are you suggesting that I solder all of my Veros together as opposed to the use of the Pizo?

Thanks in advance.

my lil light..
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Spoke with the Molex connector support and the :finger: bird on the phone kept saying the same thing.... If it is rated 130 do not exceed unless you test for your application.
They are rated for 130V. I would drive upto 4 Veros in series with them. Turn off disconnect and check once to make sure connectors looks good and the wire near connector not too hot.
Should work fine with HLG-120H-C1050B and HLG-240H-C1400 and both have 4 vero 29 in series.

Nice to see Vero 29 worked better than your previous lamp with ebay cobs.
Soldering is a nice skill to have for DIY builds.
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If you do decide to solder. I suggest buying an adjustable soldering iron. Second, get some flux paste and the thinnest solder you can find, radio shack had what I use. On the COB put the solder on the pads first, then tin the wires. The flux is used to quickly spread the heat. After you solder the wires, look at the joints to see if there is a crack between the pad and wire. If the solder is smooth, then it's good. Remember to heat no more than 3 seconds. Hope this will help some of the newbies.

This is OLD

This is new V2 but is 90 CRI so less efficient

This is NEW V2 4000k 80 CRI that you want

Thanks for posting this!

and I am glad i saw it.....

Mouser just restocked the 240 and is on the way now I'm looking at COBs. I'm so glad I saw this post before I purchased this batch of Veros.


Would you be willing to pm me some sort of contact info incase I have some questions in the future? I'm pretty competent in my builds so i do not foresee many questions... ...I just really would hate to make dated item purchases. ;)