Trimming in Flower


Active Member
So I am growing Grand daddy purple. I vegged them in 1 gallon pots under a 600 HPF for 30 days. They got about 18 inches tall, very bushy, and plenty of nodes. so then i transplanted into 5 gallon grow bags and put them under the 1000s for bloom 12/12. I have not trimmed any of the plants with an exception of some leaves that yellowed or died at the bottom of the plants. A couple hear and there through the veg cycle. (Normal I believe). Now, they have been in flower for 5 days. Should i trim some brances from the bottom where the soil is. How many inches up should i trim. I do trim off the entire branch at the stalk correct? I want to be able to see across all the rows of the bottoms of the plants especially for better air circulation. Also, will this help the plant to concentrate more on the top half anyway. One more thing, I hate the fact of cutting a branch from the bottom of the plant seeing that the branch is actually 12 inches long and goes almost 60% to the top. What are your thoughts on all this. Its late I know, but i have to get it all off of my mind. Give good advie and I will give good pictures Fair?
Usually the lower shoots are cut for clones, I am a rather aggressive pruner, I will remove up to 1/3 of all the lower shoots and fan leafs during the first couple weeks of flowering. I prefer to send all the growth to a few main tops rather then just letting every little shoot try and grow some bud. This also depends how many plants you have and how much space, if the pots are side by side touching I would remove all the lower branches and leave the top 3-5 nodes, if they havent been topped. If I do top I will keep 2, or 4 main tops and prune all the lower branches.

I would have to disagree that it will slow growth, It really depends on what your trimming. Removing some of the lower more useless branches will just send all the plants energy to the biggest strongest tops and this is what i would want anyway.

I dont let my plants waste energy growing lower shoots because they usually will have fluffier looser buds, I prefer many strong tops as opposed to a few big bushy plants.

Hope this helps
So I am growing Grand daddy purple. I vegged them in 1 gallon pots under a 600 HPF for 30 days. They got about 18 inches tall, very bushy, and plenty of nodes. so then i transplanted into 5 gallon grow bags and put them under the 1000s for bloom 12/12. I have not trimmed any of the plants with an exception of some leaves that yellowed or died at the bottom of the plants. A couple hear and there through the veg cycle. (Normal I believe). Now, they have been in flower for 5 days. Should i trim some brances from the bottom where the soil is. How many inches up should i trim. I do trim off the entire branch at the stalk correct? I want to be able to see across all the rows of the bottoms of the plants especially for better air circulation. Also, will this help the plant to concentrate more on the top half anyway. One more thing, I hate the fact of cutting a branch from the bottom of the plant seeing that the branch is actually 12 inches long and goes almost 60% to the top. What are your thoughts on all this. Its late I know, but i have to get it all off of my mind. Give good advie and I will give good pictures Fair?
So when i trim out its like 10-14 days after flower starts. You dont want to lollypop but some minor trimming will save you some headaches trimming larf. The lowest branches should be turned into clones so thats easy. You take a few off. Then youll see some shoots going into the center of the plant which will produce nothing. Take those out. The low center of the plant can be "coned" out. That should be enough unless you have like a million plants crowded into a small space. But in 10-14 days you will see the bud production. The bud starts that have no potential can be cut off....dont get too crazy though ;)
Pruning is like starting with 10 solar panels on your roof to collect energy and then removing 3 of them in hopes of getting more energy.

The theory that pruning will help "focus the energy on the main tops" is contradictory - you removed 1/3 of the energy-GAINING plant matter and now you are hoping that now-reduced energy focused on what's left is going to amount to MORE than the energy it was getting before? Not even considering the shock to the plant, doesn't that seem kind of....dumb?

Also - when a plant loses her bottom leaves that aren't in the sun anymore, she gives that energy back to the plant. Think of them like batteries. You are cutting the batteries off instead of letting the energy be used.

Talk about a mistake.
Pruning is like starting with 10 solar panels on your roof to collect energy and then removing 3 of them in hopes of getting more energy.

The theory that pruning will help "focus the energy on the main tops" is contradictory - you removed 1/3 of the energy-GAINING plant matter and now you are hoping that now-reduced energy focused on what's left is going to amount to MORE than the energy it was getting before? Not even considering the shock to the plant, doesn't that seem kind of....dumb?

Also - when a plant loses her bottom leaves that aren't in the sun anymore, she gives that energy back to the plant. Think of them like batteries. You are cutting the batteries off instead of letting the energy be used.

Talk about a mistake.
I see your arguements point and agree with it. But i also hate trimming or even having to go through larfy shit. And when you pay someone else 3 times what its worth to go through it, well thats where taking it out has its advantages. When i take a few clone branches and cone out the center the plant doesnt stop growing by any means. Do you give no faith at all to the theory that cannabis produces sucker shoots like tomatoes do? I see them all the time right up the center of the plant. They have an inch or three shoot that grows out of a main branch. That whole shoot is wearing two small half inch lime green leaves because its burried in the top canopy, and it ends up producing a bud half the size of a pinkey nail which dries into a memory of what used to be a tiny bud. Do you not think that the plants vascular system could do without routing anything to or from that shoot?
I see your arguements point and agree with it. But i also hate trimming or even having to go through larfy shit. And when you pay someone else 3 times what its worth to go through it, well thats where taking it out has its advantages. When i take a few clone branches and cone out the center the plant doesnt stop growing by any means. Do you give no faith at all to the theory that cannabis produces sucker shoots like tomatoes do? I see them all the time right up the center of the plant. They have an inch or three shoot that grows out of a main branch. That whole shoot is wearing two small half inch lime green leaves because its burried in the top canopy, and it ends up producing a bud half the size of a pinkey nail which dries into a memory of what used to be a tiny bud. Do you not think that the plants vascular system could do without routing anything to or from that shoot?
I kinda dont see what he is talking about or im just confused,but like he said leafs are like solar panels on top of a roof but if your trimming a leaf thats getting no sun or light then why will hurt to trim it if its going to help the plant and lolly poping defantly dont give you moor weed but you dont lose out you just get it back all in the rest of the buds and i know that for a fact now if your past 3 weeks in to flower then trimming is stupid and will only hurt the plant moor then it helps but thats just how i look at it ,,,