Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
Yes an iPhone. Will give it a crack mate with the flash off. Good tip.
I actually bought a pair of method 7 knockoffs by Apollo Hort. for only $15. They help a great deal on my eyes, i just got lasik so hps was stressin my eyes. But they also work great to take a pic thru! Check out my journal, link in sig, i took a pic with and without thru the glasses


Well-Known Member
2 weeks into flower, nearly 3. Do you think? They're putting on weight rightly
3 weeks into flower?! damn they do look like they're going to be PHAT
read this article on nitrogen excess, it could be very helpful


last night I mistakenly fed half nute solutions to my two little fuckers and I thought I'd be setting them back but shortly after that I noticed a very tiny tiny claw and maybe a tiny burn... this morning they look perkier and healthier than ever. I'm really starting to get a feel for "less is more" :) and finally getting back my good karma!
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Well-Known Member
3 weeks into flower?! damn they do look like they're going to be PHAT
read this article on nitrogen excess, it could be very helpful


last night I mistakenly fed half nute solutions to my two little fuckers and I thought I'd be setting them back but shortly after that I noticed a very tiny tiny claw and maybe a tiny burn... this morning they look perkier and healthier than ever. I'm really starting to get a feel for "less is more" :) and finally getting back my good karma!
grape they 1st class to me. What Nutes are you using?


Well-Known Member
So far so good

problems usually arise after I switch to flowering. It's mainly because I can't measure the strength of the nutrient solutions
How far along are yours? They look they have some Nitrogen toxicity
No I don't have this nitrogen issue. It's the shit old iPhone doesn't do the pics justice at all
All hydro yes?


Well-Known Member
No I don't have this nitrogen issue. It's the shit old iPhone doesn't do the pics justice at all
All hydro yes?
It's probably the HPS light. What are your temps?

I take pics with my trusty old iPhone 4S

passive hydro... I believe I've already told every one I run hempy buckets... I might never stray cause it's dead simple :D this time around I mixed in some rockwool croutons and some cut up jiffy cubes or whatever they are called