keif coffee


Well-Known Member
i would like to start by saying thank you to kindprincess for the milk recipe.

1 can(14oz) condensed sweetened milk
chocolate syrup - i used "Smucker's Sundae Syrup"
1 gram medical grade keif
whipped cream

start a pot of coffee.
empty can of milk into small sauce pan.
bring heat up until milk just starts to bubble.
add keif
stir continuously for 10 mins.
remove from heat.
place 1 tablespoon of chocolate syrup into bottom of coffee cup.
fill 3/4 of the way with milk mixture.
top off with coffee, whipped cream and a little sprinkled keif.


Well-Known Member
i'm feeling really good. i haven't had to go to the prescription pain killer yet. i did do one shot of the lortab several hours ago. it helped a little, but being high seems to really take the edge off. so i will save the lortab for extreme issues only. i really don't enjoy being out of my mind. marijuana is such a good drug. it will ease my symptoms yet allow me to still think clearly.

POT ROCKS!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
i totally agree; i dont need to take dilantin with mj; it has virtually stopped my seizures, and heavy indica's are great for my insomnia and pain. i also have no need for anti-deps either, pot is like a body chemical stabilizer, lol.

glad to hear you're doing ok, rest easy and get better :)



Well-Known Member
i totally agree; i dont need to take dilantin with marijuana; it has virtually stopped my seizures, and heavy indica's are great for my insomnia and pain. i also have no need for anti-deps either, pot is like a body chemical stabilizer, lol.

glad to hear you're doing ok, rest easy and get better :)

I don't want to get to personal, but I was curious if the docters were able to diagnose why you have seizures. I ask because my brother started having them in his thirtys and has been having them for about 10 years. He was taking dilantin but it didn't work. They finally took him off of it. Just curious.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to get to personal, but I was curious if the docters were able to diagnose why you have seizures. I ask because my brother started having them in his thirtys and has been having them for about 10 years. He was taking dilantin but it didn't work. They finally took him off of it. Just curious.
2nd that.

my dad takes dilantin as well. if he misses a dose or gets the timing off...not good.

any specific info you would be willing to share on your seizure condition would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
my seizures stemmed from a serious head injury. dilantin seems to cause me to have more seizures, imo, but there is no scientific basis for that statement. i have found that a joint can pull me out of a seizure before it goes grand mal, and even prevents them, as long as i use regularly at least three times a day. sativas work well for me for prevention, indica doms for emergencies.

what dosage levels are your family members on? what is your take on dilantin? i'm in the same boat, if i never take it again, it'll be too soon...



Well-Known Member
thanks for the info! i have read that too much can in fact cause seizures. most likely the anti-inflammatory effects of THC are at work in your case. maybe you had some swelling or clots following your injury? did you report the decreased incidence to your Dr.?

as far as what i think of dilantin, it's not doing as much damage as depakote was but there is still some fatigue, occasional balance issues. depakote made him just barely more than an invalid and the transition to dilantin was a huge improvement for him.

160 mg am
200 mg pm

i was mainly curious to know if you had a post-traumatic seizure disorder. thanks again!

back to the magic coffee (sounds good). :)



Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what the dosage was, he's not taking it anymore. He didn't like taking the dilantin either. I'm glad the pot works for you. Thanks for the reply.


Active Member
A quicker version; cannabis coffee, all youve gotta do is drop a few buds in your coffee grinder with the whole beans, mix it up real good, make a pot, and your good to go.


Well-Known Member
Ive been using marijuana for my add?(the doctor wont write it in my records yet im being treated by the VA) and my depression (trying to get my disabillity to be re-rated for it) so far out of all the meds i have taken..
good herb (not middies or dirt) works better than anything else at making me a clear thinking functional and social adult...

I think i might try the kief coffee thing in the morning... whenever i get some more bud...


Well-Known Member
Dilantin has some evil side effects. Glad to hear the ganja helps you from not using it KP. I worked with a young boy that was on the MAX dose for his size and still some days he would have like 20 grand mals. Man, the poor kid. but somtime s I am pretty sure it made things much worse for him.

say no 2 soap

Active Member
that sounds like a real good recipe,i've got sum reg kief but didn,t know wot 2 do with it,think i'll try this way, i wud'nt be 2 gone on powdered milk tho,do u reckon it wud be jst as nice with reg milk??


New Member
so can i use bubble hash instead of the keif? I hear alot about it's benifit as meds. It gets you super high aswell right?