Having sex with your partner in your grow room?


Well-Known Member
Op thanks for the post. I don't know bout the rest of you but I needed a good laugh. I was thinking you can have sex during the cure and call that sex on the rocks.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I got lucky. She still looks and acts like a 20 yr old lol.
How has this thread gotten so off topic so Damm quickly, especially when I've had a serious post in breeders paradise that only 2 people have replied to? You guys r cray cray


Well-Known Member
How has this thread gotten so off topic so Damm quickly, especially when I've had a serious post in breeders paradise that only 2 people have replied to? You guys r cray cray
Im pretty sure its because we all think your trolling and we heard the sex word. If you want my serious opinion on the question i think your out of your mind. Theres no research to prove banging around any plant makes it do anything except get covered in squirts. A jizz squirt in the soil would make the plant grow, not getting a blowjob in the shade.


Well-Known Member
Ok so it sounds off the wall, and so it may be, but I found myself wondering the effect it would have on marijuana plants if a couple regularly had sex in a grow room. We all know music, talking to a plant, and increases in co2 from human presence can all be beneficial to a plant. Would the endorphins and sexual hormones being experienced and emitted by human intercourse effect plant growth?
I tried googling such experiments but could find nothing on the subject.
Any thoughts?
one word retard


Well-Known Member
As your core temperatures will inevitably rise from the said act, I would imagine you will both perspire / transpire heavily, which if said perspiration manages to enter the soil / root zone, due to the high levels of salinity within perspiration I would suspect you will start to suffer some form of lockout eventually. Extra CO2 though will always be beneficial of course........??