Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says


Well-Known Member
Do you have a citation for that... because I know they owned previously around 42% and including the top 20% it goes upto something like 80-90% but the top 20% is the middle class included...

Top 1% are basically those making 350k or more a year.. The classification of wealthy individuals and ultra high wealth individuals is also based on networth...

However, if you think you are going to get a piece of the pie working at mcdonalds under any system you are sadly mistaken...

Astro Aquanaut

Active Member
That pic is misleading to say the least... first off not all wealth is simply stocks, bonds etc, second what data backs that graphic?

I dabbled in day trading etc, and I have found hard assets to better suited for me however I diversify in high yielding dividend stocks of companies which I have an understanding of the industry and company. Paintings, books, gold, etc etc...

For example I would rather buy a first edition of ny print of common sense before buying a Bentley or slapping 200k into mutual funds..

I am not big into mutual funds, however scalping stocks I am all for...
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Astro Aquanaut

Active Member
Most people I know nowadays have mutual funds/ira's, and realestate whether houses, condos or a mix of houses and condo's... Most people are shooting for 6 rentals that can produce 1200-2000 a month.. That is upper middle class and professionals...

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
Dunno seems to be working out fine...

If you are telling me a single bedroom or studio apartment in Manhattan is a poor investment at below market value then I dunno what books you are reading...

If you buy off plan in london and obviously you have to run the numbers I have experience 100+% gains within 5 years...

good luck

Astro Aquanaut

Active Member
good luck
So, you have absolutely nothing to add? Besides you read a book, and on the other side I have actually done it and you are telling me good luck? :P

There is nothing substantial which you have added besides you read a book and think it is a bad idea if it is based solely on appreciation, however the market data for major metropolitan cities proves that wrong...

Astro Aquanaut

Active Member
26 yrs in investment real estate, retired at 48. you know just enough to fuck yourself up hence the.....good luck
Well spread the love from your extensive experience, and enlighten me... I am basically fishing as to why you believe that to be true... Because I have done well for myself, however I am always open to different perspectives especially those perspectives from professionals who have a great deal of experience...
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Astro Aquanaut

Active Member
i can tell you've read some real estate books. real deal investors know condos ain't the path to wealth. you may get lucky once in awhile on them but not on t he regular.

buying and holding real estate while betting on appreciation for your gain will cost you dearly
So, this is what you said... Which is buying and holding realestate will cost you dearly, how so? Realestate development obviously has larger gains and is more lucrative, and any time you put money into anything including stock that money is at risk, or in play...

Are you suggesting flipping houses, brokering, and development is a better methodology. I would love to develop my own, however I haven't had the time but am still young...
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Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
what that means is you better be way below market when you buy (that's your profit) resell within a year. buying at market and banking on making a profit in 5 yrs is nothing but speculation and if you've got any nuts on ya and you survived 08 you'll know exactly what i'm saying. markets and economies can change quick and you have no cushion built in when you bought.

you're holding so you're exposed to those changing economies and markets. get it?

condos are the next step up from time shares when speaking about making money in real estate. no income while holding is the biggie. being held hostage when selling by the little power mad control freaks that populate condo boards. they approve or turn down your buyer. they, as a general rule, don't allow tenants to offset your holding costs while waiting to lose your money.

stick with commercial real estate or single family homes if you want to be a shark

Astro Aquanaut

Active Member
what that means is you better be way below market when you buy (that's your profit) resell within a year. buying at market and banking on making a profit in 5 yrs is nothing but speculation and if you've got any nuts on ya and you survived 08 you'll know exactly what i'm saying. markets and economies can change quick and you have no cushion built in when you bought.

you're holding so you're exposed to those changing economies and markets. get it?

condos are the next step up from time shares when speaking about making money in real estate. no income while holding is the biggie. being held hostage when selling by the little power mad control freaks that populate condo boards. they approve or turn down your buyer. they, as a general rule, don't allow tenants to offset your holding costs while waiting to lose your money.

stick with commercial real estate or single family homes if you want to be a shark
However, many are building equity through rent income, and a few bucks on the side... You really think condo's are a step up from timeshares in that view? Because in some cities all you have is condo's...

Astro Aquanaut

Active Member
I appreciate you giving me your opinion on this.. I think is a bit more constructive... I wish the cannabis scene was a bit more like the Cigar scene (BOTL) Brothers Of The Leaf type attitude, however I guess it is going to take time for a real scene to develop from the muck which it is developing out of the shadows... :) Normally, we smoke and discuss stuff but everyone is well aware not to get to heavy, insulting or fruity, but at the end of the day we are brothers of the leaf, and all is good over a smoke...
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Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
yes, especially in cities like new york, la, chicago, miami. those markets are very tight and serious professionals that are on the inside are all ready and able to crush a newb. you can still do it but you best have very deep pockets while they school you. if you hang on long enough, they'll accept you and you'll start running into deals but i'm talking multiple $millions deep.

go buy a couple of 4 families in foreclosure (or some other form of distress). rehab and hold out for strong tenants. rinse and repeat for 10 yrs and never work another day.


Well-Known Member
You are missing 7 y
Do you have a citation for that... because I know they owned previously around 42% and including the top 20% it goes upto something like 80-90% but the top 20% is the middle class included...

Top 1% are basically those making 350k or more a year.. The classification of wealthy individuals and ultra high wealth individuals is also based on networth...

However, if you think you are going to get a piece of the pie working at mcdonalds under any system you are sadly mistaken...
He misread statistical data that was written here. The quote was that the top 1% own more than the bottom 50%. This does not take into accout the HUGE chunk of people who are not 1% yet are above the 50% mark. But people do not let facts get in the way of their ideology here.

Quick tip. Post here for fun but dont try to change anyones thinking. If you relate personal stories that conflict with their world views they will call you a liar. If you post statistical data backing your posts up they will argue the source, not the content. Most people here are not here to debate.


Well-Known Member
I kinda knew about the dem party superdelegates but wow.....now i really know. What a scam. I got to be honest.....its going to be very tough for Bernie to get the Democratic Nomination. The way Democratic Party has it set up Sanders had many strikes against him before the race even began. Superdelegates can change up but thats highly unlikely. Whats some of the tricks the GOP can use to jerk the tablecloth out from i der Trump? Because you know the old time leaders of that Party dont like him one bit. Damn both these parties leaders can basically do whatever they want. Sanders CRUSHED Clinton in N.H. She stjll came out ahead. Almost dead even (and i mean CLOSE) in Iowa.....she gets a shitload more delegates. Something isnt rite here folks.
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Well-Known Member
Most people I know nowadays have mutual funds/ira's, and realestate whether houses, condos or a mix of houses and condo's... Most people are shooting for 6 rentals that can produce 1200-2000 a month.. That is upper middle class and professionals...
Mutual funds are a great way to separate amateur investors from their money.


Well-Known Member
I kinda knew about the dem party superdelegates but wow.....now i really know. What a scam. I got to be honest.....its going to be very tough for Bernie to get the Democratic Nomination. The way Democratic Party has it set up Sanders had many strikes against him before the race even began. Superdelegates can change up but thats highly unlikely. Whats some of the tricks the GOP can use to jerk the tablecloth out from i der Trump? Because you know the old time leaders of that Party dont like him one bit. Damn both these parties leaders can basically do whatever they want. Sanders CRUSHED Clinton in N.H. She stjll came out ahead. Almost dead even (and i mean CLOSE) in Iowa.....she gets a shitload more delegates. Something isnt rite here folks.
Congratulations, you've just seen the American Coronation process, whereby the monied elite pick their candidates and no matter how hard the majority tries, we can't seem to get anyone representing US on the ballot?

If the People aren't heard at the polls, revolution is the only other option. Rich heads roll FIRST.

Sham elections are real, people. America has one every two years.