Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says


Well-Known Member
You assume that most are like you because you only associate with those like you.

No numbnuts, the majority of Americans are against toppling foreign regimes and pissing away trillions overseas nation building. Those acts only increase anti American sentiment and grow the industrialization of the Military complex.


Well-Known Member
No numbnuts, the majority of Americans are against toppling foreign regimes and pissing away trillions overseas nation building. Those acts only increase anti American sentiment and grow the industrialization of the Military complex.
You assume that most are like you because you only associate with those like you.


Well-Known Member
I got my house shortsale. Saved over 30%

Single mom and two kids. Had a divorce and couldn't afford to keep the house anymore.
I short sold a house and Bank of America took all the loss, except what I already had paid in interest and principal, which was cheaper than I could have rented the same house. Bought the house I'm in now from a short sale. The prior owner died 17 years into a 30 year mortgage.

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
"families in foreclosure (or some other form of distress)."
Direct quote. Why do you keep denying the crap you say?

because there's no taking advantage of anyone. i didn't put them in foreclosure. they already lost the house and you buy them from the bank

a little reality to shine in that big empty space in your head

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
I short sold a house and Bank of America took all the loss, except what I already had paid in interest and principal, which was cheaper than I could have rented the same house. Bought the house I'm in now from a short sale. The prior owner died 17 years into a 30 year mortgage.

so you took advantage of someone in distress?? lol

lol......you're a fucking tool. go start a fire, you won't fuck that up

deadbeat, you dumped a house you couldn't afford back to the bank.
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Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
She was dead, so I helped her pay off her obligation to the bank. Strange how you keep posting shit and then denying your posts. You'd fuck anything up. Can't even resist mocking the death of children for your own gain. Not only are you a liar and an idiot, but you're a shit stain on humanity. Like most libtards, you're evil.

"I short sold a house and Bank of America took all the loss, except what I already had paid in interest and principal, which was cheaper than I could have rented the same house."

deadbeat, plain and simple


Well-Known Member
I said " more votes". That dumb hillbilly Bush had less votes.. He lost the popular vote.
Funny, you claimed he lost Florida even though 7 recounts all confirmed he won. Clinton won the primary in 2008, but Obama was nominated. The ACA never was voted on by the House of Representatives. You don't seem to care about any of that. So let's not pretend you care what the voters want.


Well-Known Member
"I short sold a house and Bank of America took all the loss, except what I already had paid in interest and principal, which was cheaper than I could have rented the same house."

deadbeat, plain and simple
"so you took advantage of someone in distress"
So now Bank of America is a person? So corporations are people by your reckoning, so your opposition to Citizens United was a lie?


Well-Known Member
No meathead, Bush lost by over 500k votes.. Its a fact.

Clinton did not have more votes than Obama.

The ACA was a small step in the right direction.

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
"so you took advantage of someone in distress"
So now Bank of America is a person? So corporations are people by your reckoning, so your opposition to Citizens United was a lie?

just using your words

you bought a house you couldn't afford and dumped it on the bank. that makes you a fuckin deadbeat

accusing me of taking advantage of people who already lost their house to the bank, who i then bought the property from, rehabbed it and put it back on the tax rolls

that reasoning makes you a deadbeat as well.

a twofer but you are batting 1000 here


Well-Known Member
No meathead, Bush lost by over 500k votes.. Its a fact.

Clinton did not have more votes than Obama.

The ACA was a small step in the right direction.
"500k votes"
"Clinton did not have more votes than Obama."
Yes, she did. They stopped counting before all the votes were in and declared him the nominee.

"The ACA was a small step in the right direction"
Confirmation you don't care what the voters want as long as you get what YOU want.


Well-Known Member
just using your words dumbfuck

you bought a house you couldn't afford and dumped it on the bank. that makes you a fuckin deadbeat

accusing me of taking advantage of people who already lost their house to the bank, who i then bought the property from, rehabbed it and put it back on the tax rolls

that reasoning makes you a deadbeat as well as a dumbfuck.

a twofer but you are batting 1000 here
What makes you assume I couldn't afford it? Could it be you want to it to be so, so you just pretend it is?
I didn't accuse you, you were bragging about it.
And you said foreclosure or some other form of distress, meaning not foreclosed.
And it was always on the tax rolls, even most idiots know this.So I'm suspecting you're lying about the whole thing. Frankly, you make so many bonehead posts, I doubt you're living anywhere but your mother's basement.

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
What makes you assume I couldn't afford it? Could it be you want to it to be so, so you just pretend it is?
I didn't accuse you, you were bragging about it.
And you said foreclosure or some other form of distress, meaning not foreclosed.
And it was always on the tax rolls, even most idiots know this.So I'm suspecting you're lying about the whole thing. Frankly, you make so many bonehead posts, I doubt you're living anywhere but your mother's basement.

why else would you short sale a house you agreed to pay for?

you did accuse me but you fail to realize a foreclosure is distressed property to the bank that took it back. foreclosed property is a liability on their books.

distress can also mean a case like yours. some dipshit like you bought too much house and bails out. it's not my fault and my cash solves their problem as well as the real owner, the bank

foreclosed property held by banks don't pay taxes til it's sold or if it goes too long and the county tries to foreclose, the bank will pay and protect their interest in the property.

it's also clear by your posts that you bailed out of one house and turned around and bought a short sale property. how did you qualify for that new mortgage with a short sale on our credit without committing mortgage fraud? no bank would have touched you on a new mortgage even with a huge down which you clearly don't have.

go away, you're way out of you league


Well-Known Member
0-3 red ..grab some pine sucka.
3? Can't even count. Probably 1, maybe 2, definitely not 3. And neither can your source. There weren't 18 million votes at the convention. They are ignoring the vote in Michigan, because factcheck.org is a political front. As was viewed on national TV, they stopped counting votes before all the votes were in. Clinton was ahead of Obama. The DNC had already decided who was going to be the nominee before the voting even started. The votes weren't coming in as they wanted, so they stopped counting. Do you really think they would expose the convention was a sham if it wasn't really necessary?