Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says


Well-Known Member
why else would you short sale a house you agreed to pay for?
because I wasn't living in it
you did accuse me but you fail to realize a foreclosure is distressed property to the bank that took it back.
A pre-foreclosure, or even property not in pre-foreclosure is distressed also. One doesn't rule out the other,
foreclosed property is a liability on their books.
Property is not a liability, it's an asset. Didn't you claim you PAID for it?
distress can also mean a case like yours. some dipshit like you bought too much house and bails out. it's not my fault and my cash solves their problem as well as the real owner, the bank
Repeating a claim I couldn't afford it doesn't make your assumption true, it just shows you are incapable of doubting yourself.
foreclosed property held by banks don't pay taxes til it's sold or if it goes too long and the county tries to foreclose, the bank will pay and protect their interest in the property.
Banks do pay the taxes ,as you just confirmed. It NEVER goes off the tax roles, which you just confirmed, also, tho you're too stupid to realize it.
it's also clear by your posts that you bailed out of one house and turned around and bought a short sale property. how did you qualify for that new mortgage with a short sale on our credit without committing mortgage fraud? no bank would have touched you on a new mortgage even with a huge down which you clearly don't have.
Did it ever occur to you that I didn't need a mortgage, that I paid CASH for the house? No, you made another one of your ASSUMPTIONS, which, as usual, was wrong. And you can qualify for a mortgage 2 years after a short sale.
go away dumbfuck, you're way out of you league
Since you are unaware that one can qualify for a mortgage 2 years after a short sale, something anyone in the real estate business would know, I'm thinking your claim to fortune in the real estate business is a lie. It is clearly you who are out of your league. Maybe you should just go back to denying your prior posts?


Well-Known Member
just using your words dumbfuck

you bought a house you couldn't afford
Where did I say I couldn't afford the house? You weren't using my words, you were using YOUR assumption. You suffer from believing things to be true because you want them to be true.


Well-Known Member
The bank doesn't base that decision on whether you have the ability to pay or not pay, but on whether you ARE paying. You keep making assumptions not based on fact. You don't know dick, but arrogantly assume you know everything, and just keep showing us what a fool you are. I'm wasting time talking to an idiot that thinks he's intelligent.
You are right, he is wrong. I short sold an investment property while I was completely liquid. Told the bank that the investment was a money pit and I was done dumping money down the hole and stopped making payments. They short sold the house for about what the loan amount was and didnt even bother to attempt to get any judgement against me.

He keeps parroting what he hears and thinks it makes him seem knowledgeable.


Well-Known Member
lolol.....so now you're claiming you were making payments but approached the bank and got approved for a short sale???

Where did I say I was making payments? Once again, assuming. You consistently do this.
if you paid cash there'd be no need to get a mortgage, which you clearly implied you did

i mentioned foreclosures in the phrase you highlighted then claim it was only foreclosures i was talking about when i also said distressed which is another category

Nope, I clearly stated SEVERAL times I bought the house with CASH. Despite this, you just can't figure out your ASSUMPTION was mistaken.
Once again trying to weasel out of your statements.


Well-Known Member
You are right, he is wrong. I short sold an investment property while I was completely liquid. Told the bank that the investment was a money pit and I was done dumping money down the hole and stopped making payments. They short sold the house for about what the loan amount was and didnt even bother to attempt to get any judgement against me.

He keeps parroting what he hears and thinks it makes him seem knowledgeable.
The most aggravating thing is he's too arrogant to give up his wrong assumptions no matter how obvious it is he's mistaken.

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
Where did I say I was making payments? Once again, assuming. You consistently do this.

Nope, I clearly stated SEVERAL times I bought the house with CASH. Despite this, you just can't figure out your ASSUMPTION was mistaken.
Once again trying to weasel out of your statements.

no need to get shrill. you were born this way and it's ok

paid cash 2 yrs after a short sale? look for the bank to come looking for ya and a nice check

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
The most aggravating thing is he's too arrogant to give up his wrong assumptions no matter how obvious it is he's mistaken.

i'm not wrong. go ask a cpa and an real estate attorney.

you just found another dumb fuck who agrees with you. no aha moment there


Well-Known Member
I don't need to. I've already personally done this short sale. I pity the stupid, but not when they're arrogant.
It is getting really bad around here lately. Maybe it is the upcoming election.

I get tired of telling my personal experiences and getting called a liar. If people would possibly consider their world view might be missing a few facts they would gain a few IQ points fast.

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
It is getting really bad around here lately. Maybe it is the upcoming election.

I get tired of telling my personal experiences and getting called a liar. If people would possibly consider their world view might be missing a few facts they would gain a few IQ points fast.

why? you are clearly a liar. it's arrogant to get pissed with anyone with a functioning mind doesn't buy your bullshit


Well-Known Member
fuck man.........you need to stop posting. nothing like proving you're a dumbfuck

you think they embrace short sales like you and your dumbfuck pal? he somehow talked them into taking his loss?

holy shit
So, talking the bank into taking "my" loss makes me a "dumbfuck"? I guess losing money is a sign of intelligence in your book.


Well-Known Member
He's not being honest Elwood, Banks weren't lending dick until last year, and that was with A1 credit and 20% down..not going into foreclosure and short selling credit.


Well-Known Member
Jesus , some shit never changes , the same people beating the drum of socialism for that con artist sanders who thinks chomsky is a god lol .

All is well , legal problems , trying to corfect bad situation , have fun folks i cant post more at this time , legal problems are non mj related as an fyi lol .

Oh btw , take a look at bernie sanders lips , he's got then nasty liver spot color old man lips that piss me off , or he's wearing the dreaded " brown lipstick " Frank Zappa spoke out about , no matter he creeps me right the fuck out .


Well-Known Member
He's not being honest Elwood, Banks weren't lending dick until last year, and that was with A1 credit and 20% down..not going into foreclosure and short selling credit.
Banks were lending if you had income, it used to be all about credit then it became all about income.


Well-Known Member
He's not being honest Elwood, Banks weren't lending dick until last year, and that was with A1 credit and 20% down..not going into foreclosure and short selling credit.
So there never was a real estate bust? That didn't happen in 2008?
Banks were loaning money hand over fist in 2006. God, you people grab at any baseless assumption to try to prove a (wrong) point.


Well-Known Member
Banks were lending if you had income, it used to be all about credit then it became all about income.

Its debt- earning ratio but the banks really tightened the purse strings the last 7 years..no chance a guy gets foreclosed on and sells short and gets a new mortgage in the last 6 years. Something just isn't right.. Unless you came upon a financial windfall somehow.


Well-Known Member
Its debt- earning ratio but the banks really tightened the purse strings the last 7 years..no chance a guy gets foreclosed on and sells short and gets a new mortgage in the last 6 years. Something just isn't right.. Unless you came upon a financial windfall somehow.
Gee, what is it about a CASH SALE you don't understand? And a short sale isn't a foreclosure. Says right on my credit report "paid in full for less than the agreed amount"