EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

All the blacks I know are voting Trump or Clinton.
How weird Because most of the white supremacists I've met on this site are voting for Trump. Well there is one guy who thinks adults having sex with children should be legal. He's not voting for Trump. He hates the goverment
Income taxes aren't the only taxes in existence, genius

Your contention is that the poor pay a higher tax RATE than the rich.

Yes, there are other taxes, THOUSANDS of them... And the rich pay all those as well. So, if the rich are paying sales taxes and other taxes then they are paying a percentage as well. 7% on a happy meal is the equivalent of 7% on a million dollar yacht wen you are talking tax RATE...

So, what are all these huge extra taxes that the poor are paying to get their tax RATE up to 30-45% or more????

You got nothing but a faulty slogan....
The ONLY reason why Sanders is doing so well is his appeal to millennials who have not lived long enough to understand what makes a country progress but here's the biggie, he has this mantra "Political Revolution" going on which young anti-authority types like to hear. "It's cool man".

Billary has nothing going for her, she's an empty suit without a message. Any time Clinton opens her mouth it's the same old shit - no vision, no substance.
Clinton- 394 delegates.....Sanders-42 delegates Sanders is losing by a landslide.
The 7 million dollar yacht is a write off, business expense.

Then it wouldnt be considered as part of income tax. Stop trying to compare apples and bananas.

But just to go along, capital improvements are amortized over 10-15 years and the sale of the boat would be considered income and taxed whenever it occured.
Your contention is that the poor pay a higher tax RATE than the rich.

Yes, there are other taxes, THOUSANDS of them... And the rich pay all those as well. So, if the rich are paying sales taxes and other taxes then they are paying a percentage as well. 7% on a happy meal is the equivalent of 7% on a million dollar yacht wen you are talking tax RATE...

So, what are all these huge extra taxes that the poor are paying to get their tax RATE up to 30-45% or more????

You got nothing but a faulty slogan....
Poor people pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes than rich people
Yes, 0-15% is greater than 39.9%
You have $100, I have $1,000

We both buy a t-shirt that costs the same, $10

You now have $90 left (90% of your original total), I now have $990 left (99% of my original total)

You spent 10% of your income buying the shirt, I spent 1% of my income buying the shirt

That's how poor people pay more in taxes as a larger percentage of their income

Not my problem you can't comprehend words or perform basic math