These bag seeds were started 2 weeks ago. Stupidly planted them all in one long container, when they started sprouting it was realized they needed to be put into solo cups. The transition was kind of clumsy and some of the bigger leaves started drooping. It's been one week since they were transplanted into solo cups and while some plants seem to be strong and healthy, there is some dark purple and yellow discoloration that is concerning. Is this most likely nutrient deficiency, due to the roots being damaged during transplant? but is it also possible that they need more nutes since their soil is old re-used MG mixed with some cheap Earthgro walmart dirt? Recently even the ones that seemed very healthy after the transplant, are starting to show slight yellowing on the tips. Watered with plain water that has sat out for 24 hours every 1-2 days when the soil feel bone dry an inch down. Could it be too much light at this stage? There are 2x 42 watt 2700k CFL, and 4x 23 watt 6500k CFL's all under a turkey roasting pan. The temps stay between 70-80F and there is a small fan blowing on high in the closet, but not directly on the plants. If the fan is turned off temps start getting higher so it stays on high but its not directed at the plants so there is very little plant movement. Please help!