EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

like the fact corporate welfare is by far bigger than social welfare?

That is a feeling not a fact.

I know businessmen and know of no financial help from the govt. Unless you're referring to one of Obama's shady deals like the Solyndra debacle or Clintons' millions for speaking engagements, foreign donations to their "Charitable" foundation in return for some political favor. That kind of corporate welfare?
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try a fact


"no of no" wtf?? doubt if anyone's interested in what you "no"

was referring to the fortune 500. how many of those ceo's do you "no"?

Might wanna scrutinize your sources a bit better. That is not a credible source. It's another collection of progressive loons that make stuff up. I have to agree with the first commentor who corrects the fabricated stats.

this article is just blatantly inaccurate. Look at the federal budget, it is clear as day. Over 500 billion per year is spent on welfare, and another 500 billion per year is spent on medicaid. There is almost as much spending on medicaid as medicare, more if you discount the portion of medicare that entails the disabled...I have volunteered in shelters many a time over the years...lets be real, welfare is necessary, but it is severely abused...ever since lyndon johnson war on welfare, the overall poverty rate is down at best 4%, after over 16 trillion in spending...like it or not there is major leeching going on...just ask the average out of wedlock pregnant lady what she gets in terms of govt assistance, and extrapolate from there, enough said
I was in the deep civilian reserve ranks; I was 5, living with my expat folks. We lived there for about 5-6 months, then traveled elsewhere in southeast Asia.

I DID volunteer for the Army at 18, they wouldn't take me due to poor eyesight.

Funny how people tell me they admire my vision all the time!
Oh, you actually mean you were in Saigon as a local national. That's pretty awesome. Not that it even matters, but when you say "Deep Civilian Reserve," do you mean you fought for the North like VC? Again, definitely doesn't matter, it's just interesting.
Oh, you actually mean you were in Saigon as a local national. That's pretty awesome. Not that it even matters, but when you say "Deep Civilian Reserve," do you mean you fought for the North like VC? Again, definitely doesn't matter, it's just interesting.

That was my sad attempt at humor. My father had been in the Army for 3 years, and had gotten hishonorable discharge, but I was a 5 year old child when the plane landed at Than Sun Hut airbase. We were all civilians by then.
Sorry only time I can watch Fox is when they are having a debate. It seems my intelligence level drops when I try to watch it on the regular.

So the level of discourse is so much higher than on the liberal stations it makes you feel stupid. Understandable why you would shy away from it ;]
That was my sad attempt at humor. My father had been in the Army for 3 years, and had gotten hishonorable discharge, but I was a 5 year old child when the plane landed at Than Sun Hut airbase. We were all civilians by then.
Oh. Hahahaha! I think I know what you mean. Now that I'm not lost in the sauce, that's pretty funny.
Might wanna scrutinize your sources a bit better. That is not a credible source. It's another collection of progressive loons that make stuff up. I have to agree with the first commentor who corrects the fabricated stats.

this article is just blatantly inaccurate. Look at the federal budget, it is clear as day. Over 500 billion per year is spent on welfare, and another 500 billion per year is spent on medicaid. There is almost as much spending on medicaid as medicare, more if you discount the portion of medicare that entails the disabled...I have volunteered in shelters many a time over the years...lets be real, welfare is necessary, but it is severely abused...ever since lyndon johnson war on welfare, the overall poverty rate is down at best 4%, after over 16 trillion in spending...like it or not there is major leeching going on...just ask the average out of wedlock pregnant lady what she gets in terms of govt assistance, and extrapolate from there, enough said

yet even still; these costs are utterly minimal when compared to our disgusting military industrial complex and the multi billions we spend to annihilate and enslave entire cultures! or how about the billions americans pay to terrorist israel? they deserve ZERO of my tax dollars. why do we supply terrorist saudi arabia with our military hardware again? look; i don't agree with handouts; but america is not broke because of socialist conditions. America is broke because zionist imperialist bankers run our nation under a ponzi scheme using fiat money. nobody gets more handouts THAN the fed. they rob us blind.

here is one of my favorite statistic about where exactly our tax dollars go:

" the united states government is mired in a 5.8 trillion dollar debt. by 2001; interest payments on that debt were running $360 billion per year. that consumes 19% of ALL federal revenue and costs the average family over $5,000 per year. nothing is purchased by it. it merely pays interest. it represents the government's largest single expense. interest on the national debt is already consuming more than 36% of ALL the revenue collected from personal income taxes. if the long term trend continues, there is nothing to prevent it from eventually consuming all of it. "

i believe that update was in 2010 as well.... things are considerably worse.
"welfare" is not our problem ;)
yet even still; these costs are utterly minimal when compared to our disgusting military industrial complex and the multi billions we spend to annihilate and enslave entire cultures! or how about the billions americans pay to terrorist israel? they deserve ZERO of my tax dollars. why do we supply terrorist saudi arabia with our military hardware again? look; i don't agree with handouts; but america is not broke because of socialist conditions. America is broke because zionist imperialist bankers run our nation under a ponzi scheme using fiat money. nobody gets more handouts THAN the fed. they rob us blind.

here is one of my favorite statistic about where exactly our tax dollars go:

" the united states government is mired in a 5.8 trillion dollar debt. by 2001; interest payments on that debt were running $360 billion per year. that consumes 19% of ALL federal revenue and costs the average family over $5,000 per year. nothing is purchased by it. it merely pays interest. it represents the government's largest single expense. interest on the national debt is already consuming more than 36% of ALL the revenue collected from personal income taxes. if the long term trend continues, there is nothing to prevent it from eventually consuming all of it. "

i believe that update was in 2010 as well.... things are considerably worse.
"welfare" is not our problem ;)

Massive subsidies to corporations are our problem;
You have $100, I have $1,000

We both buy a t-shirt that costs the same, $10

You now have $90 left (90% of your original total), I now have $990 left (99% of my original total)

You spent 10% of your income buying the shirt, I spent 1% of my income buying the shirt

That's how poor people pay more in taxes as a larger percentage of their income

Not my problem you can't comprehend words or perform basic math
You think buying a shirt is the same as paying taxes and I'm the one comprehension and math problems?