Antonin Scalia is dead party thread


Well-Known Member
Obama, like Scalia believed that some people have more rights than others. They are very similar in that aspect.

It's always nice when a Prohibitionist is rendered mute.

The problem is he will be replaced by another douche who may hold different opinions of HOW the slavery should be implemented, but at the end of the day, they will still exercise forcible control over the slaves.

For instance there is a real possibility that the "right to bear arms" will be reinterpreted (done away with) by the next Supreme Douche. There is precedence for this kind of stuff in politics.
Why is it you wish for adults having sex with children to be legal?
You going to whine to the moderators again?


Well-Known Member
Thank you for making me chuckle.

Your last line brought to my mind an image of you in drag outside your laundromat, looking a little disheveled in the women's clothing you pilfered from the dryers (and keep stashed in your "secret drawer") . You are swinging a pocket book and saying to passing men...."Do you want to party" ? refute what the guy in the picture is saying.
How often do you picture men in drag, whom you have never seen before. Is this a fetish of yours ? Not judging only asking

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Why is it you wish for adults having sex with children to be legal?
You going to whine to the moderators again?
First question answer = I'm not a witch at all, Munchkin.

Second question answer = I've never whined to moderators.

Why is it your wish to jail people for cannabis related activity, Prohibitionist?


Well-Known Member
RIU - Christians 1, Lions 10

Relish your juvenile RIU appetizers cause you're gonna surely throw it all up when the new conservative president nominates someone as noble as the only Constitutional Originalist, or true purveyor of the Constitution as it was ratified - Scalia. And these are the dorks you have left.

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I understand you remorse however per the Constitution it is the duty of the Current president to appoint a successor. If he doesn't then the next president, Clinton or Sanders, will then appoint a perfectly left leaning SCOTUS. Scalia was a GOPTea bagger sitting on the highest court in the pockets of corporations and Repukes. Hopefully Citizens United will be overturned and we can get back to people electing people instead of what we have now.


Well-Known Member
I know this comes as a major disappointment but the man instrumental in dismantling specific laws that gave blacks/women in this country a better chance of making their own choice to choose...over 80% of PP in places like Texas have been closed, gave us CU (wasn't he a CONSTITUTIONAL SCHOLAR) because, you know, Corporations are people too.

Dream on why would Obama appoint a puke to the Supremes are you kidding me.

Mitch Mc Conell is playing a very dangerous game in not allowing a vote it might spell doom for his party in November, at least Scalia left you guys a chance with allowing states to suppress voters. Now more than ever the pukes will ramp up voter suppression laws maybe bring back Jim Crow laws.

You really want us to feel compassion for the soon to be magot food but where was his compassion for woman's rights, voter rights, 18 million plus who now have health care.

If it were RBG or Sotomayor who died and puke a were in the WH righties would have a non-stop champagne parties for a month so don't give me that crap. Welcome to politics.

Scalia was a thorn on the side for every minority in this country if you aren't a minority or low income white then you wouldn't have a clue what he meant to us.


I am not looking for compassion,...where did you get that ?

Why would there be laws allowing blacks and women a better chance at making their own choices to choose ? In other words, something was in play before, in order to legislate such a law, and if Scalia dismantled them to go back to that way, hurry up and pee, I`m next and can`t hold it. In the same token, something was horribly wrong before the laws were created,....that`s the problem.

I`d rather pick up a gun and solve that issue than legislate a law giving blacks and women better chances at choosing, that law it`self says ...Sum Ting Wong.

I clearly stated that I know nothing about him.

They rigged the court to be bias in favor of Democrats will hurt the Democrats at election time.

Example,...Hillary was livid and screaming about Republicans having the gall to delay, when just a few short years ago, the Democrats were delaying George bush from doing the same with a longer term left to serve.
That right there tells you all you need to know about Democrats. She said it with a straight face as if people forgot.

Why, Why would I even consider Hillary ? With Obama, I couldn`t find a why not,...with Hillary, they are blocking my path.

With Trump, there are no why not`s and a definite why I should.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
A person that claims they are a libertarian isn't necessarily a libertarian, despite their claim.

Since being a "libertarian" is less of a political position and more of a philosophical position. Political parties have platforms that can and do shift. A real libertarian is motivated by principles, which are less likely to be swayed by political shifts.

I thought you might benefit from that distinction, Teddy Bear. Peace.
Well let me ask you then, who's party do you vote with Sweet cheeks?:bigjoint:

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Well let me ask you then, who's party do you vote with Sweet cheeks?:bigjoint:
At one time I fancied myself an Independent, then after that a Libertarian. Not anymore.

An Anti-Electorate Manifesto

We, the Anti-Electorate, do not believe there is a need for "strong leadership" in government.

We are not drawn to 'intellectual' authorities and political 'heroes.'

We are not impressed with titles, ranks, and pecking orders politicians, celebrities, and gurus.

We do not struggle for control of organizations, social circles, and government.

We do not lobby the State for favors or permission to control those with whom we disagree.

Rather, we advocate freedom.

By its very nature, the State does not.

Exercise your right to say 'No' to the warfare-welfare system.

- Wally Conger

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Obama, like Scalia believed that some people have more rights than others. They are very similar in that aspect.

It's always nice when a Prohibitionist is rendered mute.

The problem is he will be replaced by another douche who may hold different opinions of HOW the slavery should be implemented, but at the end of the day, they will still exercise forcible control over the slaves.

For instance there is a real possibility that the "right to bear arms" will be reinterpreted (done away with) by the next Supreme Douche. There is precedence for this kind of stuff in politics.
If the 2nd amendment were ever in jeopardy don't you think it be history by now, the right to bear arms is woven into the fabric of our nation it'll never be gotten rid of, now on the other hand sensible gun control which is favored by close to 90% of all Americans can become a reality.

Get with the program, it will happen.


Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
I am not looking for compassion,...where did you get that ?

Why would there be laws allowing blacks and women a better chance at making their own choices to choose ? In other words, something was in play before, in order to legislate such a law, and if Scalia dismantled them to go back to that way, hurry up and pee, I`m next and can`t hold it. In the same token, something was horribly wrong before the laws were created,....that`s the problem.

I`d rather pick up a gun and solve that issue than legislate a law giving blacks and women better chances at choosing, that law it`self says ...Sum Ting Wong.

I clearly stated that I know nothing about him.

They rigged the court to be bias in favor of Democrats will hurt the Democrats at election time.

Example,...Hillary was livid and screaming about Republicans having the gall to delay, when just a few short years ago, the Democrats were delaying George bush from doing the same with a longer term left to serve.
That right there tells you all you need to know about Democrats. She said it with a straight face as if people forgot.

Why, Why would I even consider Hillary ? With Obama, I couldn`t find a why not,...with Hillary, they are blocking my path.

With Trump, there are no why not`and a definite why I should.
Compassion? Who the hell is asking for compassion? Did you just get up? Go back to bed, you make no sense at all!



Well-Known Member
Compassion? Who the hell is asking for compassion? Did you just get up? Go back to bed, you make no sense at all!


In your reply to me on my post you stated,....

...Quoted from B4 he woke up.:

" You really want us to feel compassion for this soon to be maggot food but where was his compassion for women`s Rights, voter Rights, some 18 million" yada yada yada....

Said it you did.