LSD What would YOU recommend.

Don't even really know if I should even make a trip report. I can't say as to too much that happened. Ended up in my room with my eyes closed going wtf is going on for about 3 hours. Whoever told me to take 3-4 I hate you. lmfao. Definitely a learning experience NEVER DO A LOT OF SOMETHING YOU ARE NEW TO. Lesson well learned. Still fucking awesome none the less just wish it didn't hit me so fucking hard was like a ton of fucking bricks on my head all at once so I just had to sit alone for a while and that ended up being hours and hours. Fuck I remember something going through my head over and over and over and over but I cant for the life of me remember what it was now.
And remember this post:

Ah man, but that's the best part, your just fucked out of your damn face its awesome, but at the same time I realllly want to experience a true psychedelic experience like what they were originally meant for thousands of years ago, spiritual experiences life changing events that's what I'm really looking for in psychedelics now a days. My interest in them and knowledge about why certain things happen, ect ect has sky rocketed in the past few months so I feel if its going to happen, one of these times soon is going to be it.

Hey. You got what you wanted.
I think the most that can fit on a hit normal lsd size is 400 mics. A normal LSD hit is 1/8" x 1/8" so if you get a hit that is purported to have 1 mg LSD, it will have to be larger (1/4" square) and that will be an nbome instead of LSD, so be careful! Of course if you know the guy you'll probably be ok
I think the most that can fit on a hit normal lsd size is 400 mics. A normal LSD hit is 1/8" x 1/8" so if you get a hit that is purported to have 1 mg LSD, it will have to be larger (1/4" square) and that will be an nbome instead of LSD, so be careful! Of course if you know the guy you'll probably be ok
1mg is almost microscopic I'm sure in liquid form it could easily fit on a tab A tab is probably like idk 10x the size at least as 1mg