Power Company Demanding Inspection For High Usage

I have no excuses, I wanted to be under the radar. Used to be with another electric Co, averaged around 800 a month and never heard anything. Wired by same dude ran without any issues for almost 5 years. Might feel a little less safe if both weren't in detached unoccupied garages. Yes I have learned a lesson here I assure everyone. Not as stupid as stealing power in my opinion but dipshit move in hind site.
I have no excuses, I wanted to be under the radar. Used to be with another electric Co, averaged around 800 a month and never heard anything. Wired by same dude ran without any issues for almost 5 years. Might feel a little less safe if both weren't in detached unoccupied garages. Yes I have learned a lesson here I assure everyone. Not as stupid as stealing power in my opinion but dipshit move in hind site.
I have no excuses, I wanted to be under the radar. Used to be with another electric Co, averaged around 800 a month and never heard anything. Wired by same dude ran without any issues for almost 5 years. Might feel a little less safe if both weren't in detached unoccupied garages. Yes I have learned a lesson here I assure everyone. Not as stupid as stealing power in my opinion but dipshit move in hind site.
Don't be to hard on yourself lol. I do it all the time at my own place, it's all safe but not to code lol. I would never do anything not to code in someone else's home though.
Received a letter in the mail from my power company placing a hold on my account until they can get into my newly built garage to inspect for alterations to the electrical system. I do have a large setup and some pretty heavy duty equipment. I have been operating safely in there for about 8.5 months. Everything is safely wired but very probably not up to code I'm sure. It was however up to code upon completing the final build on it almost a year ago. I have 320 amp service to my home and garage and have been assured by my electrician that I'm not pulling an excessive load. Feels wrong to me to allow a state employee into my private residence that I don't want in there. The power company assumes that some alterations were made but they have no way of knowing that for sure. My bills have been very expensive since I have gotten going full bore but who says I haven't decided to heat my home with an oven and clothes dryer? Curious to hear from anyone who has any thoughts with how to proceed. I'm planning on talking to a lawyer but not sure what type of lawyer would be best in a situation like this.
One possibility is that the power company might feel that you have an underground short or leakage that is not bad enough to create a short circuit, but will cause your electricty to go to ground, creating a major draw on consumption. I was an electrician before I became a full time gardener, and experienced a situation where that happened. There was a nick in a underground feed for an outlet, and all the energy was sucked up by the earth, just below the threshold of tripping a shit breaker. This guy's bill went from like $200 per month to around $750 per month. He called the utility company to complain and was told to call an electrician (me), it took me like 2 day's to find it, and that was that. Your company might feel the same thing is going on. If you electrician is cool, I would have him contact the power company, and ask what's the problem? If they say they think there might be a short, have your electrician tell them everything checks out, that you have a automobile paint shop (sounds good), and you are not getting on the property without a search warrant. If they say fine, which I'm certain they won't, we'll get one, clean up shop. I'm sure they will never push it though if your buddy (you) contacts them in a professional manner. Good luck
i'm just saying that might be a reason
They're saying I'm putting the transformer serving my property at risk. Been running fine and full bore for 6 months or so. In their load calculation when I upgraded from 200 to 320 there wasn't a problem then
Tell them that's their problem they have a shit transformer, replace it. Your the consumer, they HAVE to provide you with the power you need, but you might have to explain it ( make up some shit), and if they can't handle a grow room, they (you) have problems. Oh and by the way,no such thing as a 320 amp service though, 100/150/200/400 amps are it for residential.
Yup it's a money grab here lol. It's $60 for a permit and if a registered contractor then they do random inspections on a few of the permits. I've had inspectors look at the ladder they needed to climb and said "I'm sure it's fine, right" re a 20 ton rooftop I wired up.
Seen that too with old, fat, lazy inspectors, but electrical they take it pretty seriously as their ass is on the line if something fucks up. If they know the electrician and he's noted for good work, they might let it slide, but don't count on it.
Tell them that's their problem they have a shit transformer, replace it. Your the consumer, they HAVE to provide you with the power you need, but you might have to explain it ( make up some shit), and if they can't handle a grow room, they (you) have problems. Oh and by the way,no such thing as a 320 amp service though, 100/150/200/400 amps are it for residential.
It is 400. 320 would be the 80%.
I don't know why some call it a 320. I started to say it myself and I know better.
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Seen that too with old, fat, lazy inspectors, but electrical they take it pretty seriously as their ass is on the line if something fucks up. If they know the electrician and he's noted for good work, they might let it slide, but don't count on it.
This was the power authority inspector but he has inspected my work many times so he knows I would not do anything that would be unsafe but still lol. Most of our jobs are basically on the honour system here if you have a clean record. I'm refrigeration so don't deal with the full line to recepticle code.
It is 400. 320 would be the 80%.
I don't know why some call it a 320. I started to say it myself and I know better.

The problem is as he stated earlier Is he has 2 200 amp services one for his residence and one for his detached garage. So basically he is running his grow on a 200 amp service in a detached garage, probably zoned residential.
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Because you can't do full draw on your service 75-80% keeps it a safer load. Less resistance less heat. Less chance of fire.
I understand the 75-80%. I meant why not just call it by the 400 it is.
The problem is as he stated earlier Is he has 2 200 amp services one for his residence and one for his detached garage. So basically he is running his grow on a 200 amp service in a detached garage, probably zoned residential.
Yea. Stupid really. Money grab as stated before. Outside of city lines here we don't have to pull a permit for anything. Just have to have it inspected when you sell or buy.
Find a safe spot for the plants buy some lettuce seeds or something swap during the inspection and here I have my 24k lettuce garden haha

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About 4 times a year I get a letter from my power company telling me about my avg usage. They send me a chart that goes like this:
Avg use
Your neighbors
All I run is one 600 watt and one 400 watt light
About 4 times a year I get a letter from my power company telling me about my avg usage. They send me a chart that goes like this:
Avg use
Your neighbors
All I run is one 600 watt and one 400 watt light

That's bullshit. Maybe it's your server farm? :o
So update, went to power company today because they said I had to file for a permit before I could schedule an inspection. Went in to apply for the permit, long story short they said they needed to contact the county (ie) sheriff dept to verify what I was doing was legal. First time I've definitely known of a power company going to law enforcement and actually telling a customer that. Waiting to hear back from head inspector hopefully tomorrow what county said about legality. Can't fucking believe this shit. Either way everything came down and all electric work stripped, re installing few basic outlets and shop lights. At the end of the day my and my woman's complete peace of mind is what is truly priceless. My lawyer said after the first of January this year they have started trying to crack down on medical grows, trying to force people into recreational I guess. Knowing I'm legal is great but the threat of an attempted prosecution just isn't something I'm willing to do right now. I feel defeated and like a lil bitch but I'll sleep good tonight. Guess I shouldn't have gone quite so big 24k of flowering 5400 w of veg 8.5 tons of cooling and a shit ton of dehumidifiers, fans, pumps, and other goodies. Next spot I look for will definitely be zoned commercial!
So update, went to power company today because they said I had to file for a permit before I could schedule an inspection. Went in to apply for the permit, long story short they said they needed to contact the county (ie) sheriff dept to verify what I was doing was legal. First time I've definitely known of a power company going to law enforcement and actually telling a customer that. Waiting to hear back from head inspector hopefully tomorrow what county said about legality. Can't fucking believe this shit. Either way everything came down and all electric work stripped, re installing few basic outlets and shop lights. At the end of the day my and my woman's complete peace of mind is what is truly priceless. My lawyer said after the first of January this year they have started trying to crack down on medical grows, trying to force people into recreational I guess. Knowing I'm legal is great but the threat of an attempted prosecution just isn't something I'm willing to do right now. I feel defeated and like a lil bitch but I'll sleep good tonight. Guess I shouldn't have gone quite so big 24k of flowering 5400 w of veg 8.5 tons of cooling and a shit ton of dehumidifiers, fans, pumps, and other goodies. Next spot I look for will definitely be zoned commercial!
Im voting No to California legalization now. Fuck those crooks. There trying to rid of medical marijuana. Its a fucking shame.
One of the sadder days in recent memory. Honestly if I was a bachelor I'd prob feel/have acted differently but can't do the thought of risking someone elses freedom. Just a lot of work time and money involved. One thing to say, it could be worse!