Ttystikk's vertical goodness


Well-Known Member
hoffman is a brand name, they make all kinds of nema rated enclosures from indoor non water resistant to outdoor watertight to explosionproof


Well-Known Member
So I'm thinking about changing up my nutrient schedule a bit. Currently I'm doing a fresh 100 gallons of nutrient solution to start and 50 gallon topups as needed until a second and last changeout of 100 gallons at day 29, then a couple more 50 gallon topups until dilute time starts around day 50. This regimen usually sees a run using 400-450 gallons of nutrient solution and lots of water to maintain EC levels throughout.

I'm thinking of doing changeouts every 2 weeks instead, with the occasional topups in between on an as needed basis. Not a lot of difference in total nutes used, but I'm thinking the ratios will be more consistent.



Well-Known Member
I think that's a good idea man, I flush every two weeks. For that exact reason, I really start to second guess the NPK ratios in my nutrient solution. Who knows at what rate the plants are taking each of them up.

I use GH flora series, so my nutrient solution is normally a dark purple. But there are some days when I go to do chores, and overnight the reservoir has gone from dark purple to completely clear, like it's just fresh water in there.

When this happens I'm sure the ratios get thrown out of wack.


Well-Known Member
I think that's a good idea man, I flush every two weeks. For that exact reason, I really start to second guess the NPK ratios in my nutrient solution. Who knows at what rate the plants are taking each of them up.

I use GH flora series, so my nutrient solution is normally a dark purple. But there are some days when I go to do chores, and overnight the reservoir has gone from dark purple to completely clear, like it's just fresh water in there.

When this happens I'm sure the ratios get thrown out of wack.
I know N is always taken up quickly.
naw that shits just food coloring

salts are salts and dont selectively break down
No, but it's well demonstrated the plants take up different nutrients at wildly different rates, for lots of reasons. This got me thinking.


Well-Known Member
I have to comment on the weather. It's been sunny and fifties to near 60 for better than a week, and right now, at 11:30pm on FEBRUARY 15th, it's currently 51 degrees. It was 63 today. 61 tomorrow. The thing I remember as winter in this very place from my childhood is simply nowhere to be found.

Global warming? I'm leaning to yes, and not just because of the current (record) warm trend. It's because I can see and feel the difference between the winters of my youth and today. Granted I'm only a half century old, so I'm not exactly a walking long term weather station, but I see an unmistakable change.

Without moving, I now live in what used to be northern New Mexico's climate.


Well-Known Member
I have to comment on the weather. It's been sunny and fifties to near 60 for better than a week, and right now, at 11:30pm on FEBRUARY 15th, it's currently 51 degrees. It was 63 today. 61 tomorrow. The thing I remember as winter in this very place from my childhood is simply nowhere to be found.

Global warming? I'm leaning to yes, and not just because of the current (record) warm trend. It's because I can see and feel the difference between the winters of my youth and today. Granted I'm only a half century old, so I'm not exactly a walking long term weather station, but I see an unmistakable change.

Without moving, I now live in what used to be northern New Mexico's climate.
The circle of life my friend. We are just speeding it up tremendously


Well-Known Member
The circle of life my friend. We are just speeding it up tremendously
That's one interpretation. Here's another;
Dig this. It's uncommon for planetary temperatures to be this warm, and now things are tailing even further upward rather abruptly.


Well-Known Member
It going to be coined, the age of fire. nae ice age any longer. Its pretty sad that my whole life Ive listened to people talk about the damage we are doing, but its not slowed....only fucking speeded up. Its about how much money one can make these days, no matter how fast you fucking die. I saw an article this morning on rigzone as I was browsing "Scottish minister worries remaining North Sea oil wont be extracted".....Thats really all ^ the powers that be are concerned with....sad but true


Well-Known Member
I wrote this in another thread and upon rereading it, I realized it belongs right here;

Actually, the guy who built my COB LED modules for me did a great job, considering the crazy bastard he had for a customer.

I got exactly what I wanted in a very reasonable time frame, considering the nature of my specifications.

Frankly, it was a fucking bargain, too. The first thing I did was reorder. The second thing I did was see to it he got a raise!

I'm chronicling my misadventures on my thread, in my sig line. There have been plenty... The most recent being throwing every unit but two onto a concrete floor. All were undamaged. No, really.

I can't wait until they're actually doing what they were designed for.


Well-Known Member
would the guy who built yours take on new clients?
I'm not confident enough to build my own.... call me lame I guess

I agree about the weather. I'm only 28, but I can tell a difference, much milder winters and less stable weather patterns. They can call it el nino this year but aren't these things happening far more frequently? What caused that? (rhetorical, we did- well not us, them).
I'm glad I don't have kids and worry for my niece and nephews future.