Antonin Scalia is dead party thread

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
Is this the abortion thread now? Your remedial brain is all over the place.
Let's be clear. The only people bitching will be Democrats when Obama doesn't get his senate confirmation.
It will stir up the conservative base, and give us all the more reason to vote.

better yet, bernie and hillary tell the assholes if they obstruct and violate their constitutional duty, they'll nominate obama once one of them are elected

face facts jr. the republicans have not only spent the last decade stepping on their own dicks, they've crushed them to empty tubes. the republicans are done as a national party

see kansas, wisconsin and michigan for coming attractions

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
All I care about is how awesome the

Why not? One last piece of strange before you take a dirt nap. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. It is most likely he died peacefully in his sleep. The fact his political enemies rejoice at his death is incotrovertible proof he was successful at derailing their agenda. I don't believe in the whole afterlife thing, it boils down to, he lived, he kicked ass, he went out at the top of his chosen endeavor. All the vitriol you can muster, won't ever be able to take that away. Winning!

he was one of the stooges perpetuating the myth that the conservatives have made anything work

except attacking the wrong fucking country.......they got that one right

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
I am embarrased to even be in this thread.

However.... Whether there is shit or not may have something to do with the last time a corpse took a shit right?? Some times you gotta go and some times you dont....

Not really sure why some people are fixated on whether the shit is inside or outside once someone is dead.

but you swallowed your embarrassment and posted anyway lol

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I don't get it. First his death was ruled a heart attack. Then after his family said they don't want an autopsy, his death was then changed to "natural causes". Then we find out he was found with a pillow over his face, at a ranch owned by a huge Democrat donor. Also recipient of an award from Obama. (John Poindexter)

Somebody needs to investigate the way Obama's executive branch has handled the situation. If it was a dead liberal judge, every Democrat on this website would have screamed foul play days ago...


Well-Known Member
better yet, bernie and hillary tell the assholes if they obstruct and violate their constitutional duty, they'll nominate obama once one of them are elected

face facts jr. the republicans have not only spent the last decade stepping on their own dicks, they've crushed them to empty tubes. the republicans are done as a national party

see kansas, wisconsin and michigan for coming attractions
Ron Johnson is done as a senator in wisconsin


Well-Known Member
You wouldn't know a shit if it landed in your mouth. I guess for you it all tastes the same, defecating from the mouth, one word after another. I haven't seen you this confused since your wife had her first baby. Did it come out of her pussy or her ass? We can't judge on color alone.
Alone on a pile of shit Scalia did die. How mad does that actually make you puppet and who owned you arse to make you change your name. Sad sad sad and stupid.
Fool changes his name to Not GOP when he actually is GOP. Stop being ashamed of who you are. Grow some balls...and who the fucks chooses a political name on a weed site anyway. Somebody got in your head bad.
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Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
if the right actually had a plan or a policy that has worked and hadn't spent the last 8 yrs obstructing everything you would have a point.
Bullshit. The Republicans have given Obama pretty much what he's wanted, witness the last shut down of the govt. The party of "no" is more of the same old tired liberal propaganda being parroted by folks like you.


Well-Known Member
"Chaos , confusion, and conflicting reports" All signs that there needs to be an investigation, and an autopsy should be performed.
if the patient had well known illness and was under the care of a physician the doctor must sign off for no autopsy therefore since no autopsy this tells me he had a well known illness (to his physician) and he signed off.

end of conspiracy.