Plants keep slowing down in growth


Well-Known Member
Just checked the plants... I think they're really nutrient dependent, because coco is a neutral medium.... After giving them the nutrients yesterday they look 10x better today, they don't look like seedlings anymore. They look like they're in veg stage now.


Well-Known Member
Just checked the plants... I think they're really nutrient dependent, because coco is a neutral medium.... After giving them the nutrients yesterday they look 10x better today, they don't look like seedlings anymore. They look like they're in veg stage now.
So they were hungry


Well-Known Member
I did yes, but I ramped it it up from 0.9 EC to 1.4 EC that seemed to do the trick. I guess my strain really likes a heavy feeding

I would either give them nutrient burn, or they would grow. I guess I was lucky.


Well-Known Member
I did yes, but I ramped it it up from 0.9 EC to 1.4 EC that seemed to do the trick. I guess my strain really likes a heavy feeding

I would either give them nutrient burn, or they would grow. I guess I was lucky.
We'll see 1.4ec seems a bit high for a plant with 2 nodes...enviroment or watering practices more likely.We will see in a few days when this takes full effect,things dont always happen overnight.


Well-Known Member
We'll see 1.4ec seems a bit high for a plant with 2 nodes...enviroment or watering practices more likely.We will see in a few days when this takes full effect,things dont always happen overnight.
0.2 EC is my tap water ppm, I add that along with it. so it should be 1.2 ec just nutes. I've searched it up, that's the perfect amount for month old plants. 1.1-1.2. Anything more than that will cause problems. I have the same environment as I did yesterday. No change whatsoever.
Watering practices? What do you mean?


Well-Known Member
Month old plants dont usually have 4 leaves on them.You have to feed your plants according to size,each leaf,branch etc is a sink.When you have a plant thats struggling to live for month its not the same as a healthy plant with alot of foiliage in 30days.


Well-Known Member
Month old plants dont usually have 4 leaves on them.You have to feed your plants according to size,each leaf,branch etc is a sink.When you have a plant thats struggling to live for month its not the same as a healthy plant with alot of foiliage in 30days.
I wouldn't count the first 2 weeks because they were under alot of heat stress, so in reality they're 2 weeks old. It's never been struggling to live, it's never been discolored. It's been a healthy green throughout apart from a little yellowing, tips. to begin with.

it's probably strain dependent too, theres too many factors. if you can offer me advice on how to speed this process up, it would be helpful.. seeing as you've been a long time grower and I've just begun theres many things I don't know yet


Well-Known Member
28 days.... .6 ec. 3gallon bucket.Granted this is an auto,but still....enviroment,enviroment,enviroment.Less is more with nutrients.And be patient...
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Well-Known Member
It's been a month and mine looks like nothing compared to yours, you think I haven't been patient? lol..
I think your enviroment or watering practices are bad and you are pouring too many nutrients on your plant to try and compensate,not only that but you expect results overnight,hence the impatient part.


Well-Known Member
I think your enviroment or watering practices are bad and you are pouring too many nutrients on your plant to try and compensate,not only that but you expect results overnight,hence the impatient part.
How can you assume my environment & whatever the fuck watering practices are bad? I don't expect results overnight, but before they did show results overnight. It's a constant battle, of growth one day, next nothing, nothing, nothing then growth. Instead of judging what I'm doing wrong. Give me on advice on how I should go about fixing it.


Well-Known Member
I am bro,but whatever.You just arent hearing.
dude. i know my environment is bang on. It's around 82f 50% rH and there is always fresh air coming in to the room every 1-2 minutes. You still haven't explained what watering practices are, I have no idea what you mean by that. I'm just stating they looked better once I gave them nutrients. All plants are different. Whatever works for you, might not work for me.