Plants keep slowing down in growth


Well-Known Member
dude. i know my environment is bang on. It's around 82f 50% rH and there is always fresh air coming in to the room every 1-2 minutes. You still haven't explained what watering practices are, I have no idea what you mean by that. I'm just stating they looked better once I gave them nutrients. All plants are different. Whatever works for you, might not work for me.
OK man sounds like you should be good then,sounds like you got all the angles covered.Hope everything works out well for ya.

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
I'm also dealing with slow growth. Some of my plants are over a month old and not even your plant's size yet. I sprouted some more about three weeks ago and they've already caught up and some have passed the original crop. I'm guessing environmental changes may be the issue for me as I switched veg rooms about a week after the original group sprouted and that may have shocked them more than I anticipated. Since being transplanted to 1 or 2 gallon pots, they've picked up the growing. Set me a couple weeks back but such is life! :bigjoint:

Hope you get it dialed in for a consistent growth pattern soon.


Well-Known Member
I'm also dealing with slow growth. Some of my plants are over a month old and not even your plant's size yet. I sprouted some more about three weeks ago and they've already caught up and some have passed the original crop. I'm guessing environmental changes may be the issue for me as I switched veg rooms about a week after the original group sprouted and that may have shocked them more than I anticipated. Since being transplanted to 1 or 2 gallon pots, they've picked up the growing. Set me a couple weeks back but such is life! :bigjoint:

Hope you get it dialed in for a consistent growth pattern soon.
Hey, thanks man. Atleast someones in the same boat as me! lol :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
How can you assume my environment & whatever the fuck watering practices are bad? I don't expect results overnight, but before they did show results overnight. It's a constant battle, of growth one day, next nothing, nothing, nothing then growth. Instead of judging what I'm doing wrong. Give me on advice on how I should go about fixing it.
Well your pot size is too big, im sure youve come to grips with that already. But as reisinhound was saying that means that if you water the pot until runoff youll drown it in that big pot, so water in low doses. Over watering is a huge factor in slow growth.
Looks like youre in a soiless media so ya, you need to be feeding at every single watering if you can. Now this provides a challenge since you cant water until runoff but itll be ok if you can stay off the gas pedal when adding the food. I know this will be hard since you believe the plant is moving slowly but if you keep feeding at high rates you will end up roasting the plants with salt build up.

Another thing about you comparing your one month plants to other peoples is that they may be using bigger lights than you. I find when i veg under a 1000 w vs floro tubes, the 1000 w goes way faster. So if your using a 400 or cfls they wont be as fast growing as 1ks.


Well-Known Member
Well your pot size is too big, im sure youve come to grips with that already. But as reisinhound was saying that means that if you water the pot until runoff youll drown it in that big pot, so water in low doses. Over watering is a huge factor in slow growth.
Looks like youre in a soiless media so ya, you need to be feeding at every single watering if you can. Now this provides a challenge since you cant water until runoff but itll be ok if you can stay off the gas pedal when adding the food. I know this will be hard since you believe the plant is moving slowly but if you keep feeding at high rates you will end up roasting the plants with salt build up.

Another thing about you comparing your one month plants to other peoples is that they may be using bigger lights than you. I find when i veg under a 1000 w vs floro tubes, the 1000 w goes way faster. So if your using a 400 or cfls they wont be as fast growing as 1ks.
Thanks for clearing it all up for me bud. Yeah I can't measure run-off. It's a bit hard to workaround that. I usually water with about 500ml each plant. Roughly... maybe not even that. Every 2-3 days.

Somebody said I should water then feed, water feed and so on. Should I just feed throughout? Or If I see signs of nutrient toxicity water with plain water after that? I'll cut back on the nutrients too


Well-Known Member
Thanks for clearing it all up for me bud. Yeah I can't measure run-off. It's a bit hard to workaround that. I usually water with about 500ml each plant. Roughly... maybe not even that. Every 2-3 days.

Somebody said I should water then feed, water feed and so on. Should I just feed throughout? Or If I see signs of nutrient toxicity water with plain water after that? I'll cut back on the nutrients too
If you should be feeding at every watering is directly dependent on the soil you have. If its what i figure, (soiless) promix or sunshine mix, then you need to feed every watering. If its organic potting mix, you will only have to water for around three weeks. Now thats great for organic soil but if you only water in soiless the plants will yellow on you. Soil is also great if you put the plant into a pot thats too big. Just water means no worries about ppms. Buuuuut the yeilds better in soiless..


Well-Known Member
If you should be feeding at every watering is directly dependent on the soil you have. If its what i figure, (soiless) promix or sunshine mix, then you need to feed every watering. If its organic potting mix, you will only have to water for around three weeks. Now thats great for organic soil but if you only water in soiless the plants will yellow on you. Soil is also great if you put the plant into a pot thats too big. Just water means no worries about ppms. Buuuuut the yeilds better in soiless..
i'm using coco coir man, makes everything a little more confusing imo. i should have started in soil. at the moment i've got it at where i usually water every 2-3 days. should i just stop using liquid seawed extract? just focus on using canna a+b as it's only source of nutes

orrr i could just use them both together? the kelp stuff doesn't really effect the ppm and supposedly helps on improving root growth.


Well-Known Member
i'm using coco coir man, makes everything a little more confusing imo. i should have started in soil. at the moment i've got it at where i usually water every 2-3 days. should i just stop using liquid seawed extract? just focus on using canna a+b as it's only source of nutes

orrr i could just use them both together? the kelp stuff doesn't really effect the ppm and supposedly helps on improving root growth.
Ya fuck that seaweed shit. Its probably only high in one or two macros and low in one or two. All you need is the canna substra. Thats what i use! That stuff works great. The seaweed will just make whats going into the root zone unballanced on what you need for the npk anyway unless the seaweed is 1-1-1. And thats organic and your in coco which loves synthetic to the roots..

Funny thing is that i havent watered to runoff in two runs. Well i do a flush if i really think i need it but like a hand full of times during a grow and the plants couldnt be happier. If you run that substra vega and some calmag, at low enough ppms, you dont need runoff. Thats what nutrient companies and hydro shop owners will tell you to line their pockets though. I have one plant thats like seven feet right now and i havent gone over 700 ppm with it. Its fine. If anything it may be getting fed too much. I probably do need a flush soon but hey, its been going for almost five months with no runoff. Just had an auto come down after 100 days...never had runoff. Check my thread.. The auto that just came down looks great huh?

All im saying is that youll be fine with a small plant in a big pot if you can control the water amount put in. Two days between waterings is perfect. And control the feed. Low ppms so the plant can use it all instead of developing a salt buildup problem in the root zone.


Well-Known Member
Ya fuck that seaweed shit. Its probably only high in one or two macros and low in one or two. All you need is the canna substra. Thats what i use! That stuff works great. The seaweed will just make whats going into the root zone unballanced on what you need for the npk anyway unless the seaweed is 1-1-1. And thats organic and your in coco which loves synthetic to the roots..

Funny thing is that i havent watered to runoff in two runs. Well i do a flush if i really think i need it but like a hand full of times during a grow and the plants couldnt be happier. If you run that substra vega and some calmag, at low enough ppms, you dont need runoff. Thats what nutrient companies and hydro shop owners will tell you to line their pockets though. I have one plant thats like seven feet right now and i havent gone over 700 ppm with it. Its fine. If anything it may be getting fed too much. I probably do need a flush soon but hey, its been going for almost five months with no runoff. Just had an auto come down after 100 days...never had runoff. Check my thread.. The auto that just came down looks great huh?

All im saying is that youll be fine with a small plant in a big pot if you can control the water amount put in. Two days between waterings is perfect. And control the feed. Low ppms so the plant can use it all instead of developing a salt buildup problem in the root zone.
The seaweed i think is 1-1-1 but it's supposed to promote root growth, idk man

Your autos looked perfect!ill lower my nutes to 400ppm and keep upping them 50-75ppm every week or two. and back off a bit if it shows signs of toxicity. flushing is only needed if you really screw up, right?

1 more thing, how much water will i know to give my plants? Just enough so all the roots are nice and wet i guess?


Well-Known Member
these are just over 2 weeks from seed, Friday will be a month. I started a post just a minute ago about the slow growth, the 7 finger fan leaves are wider than the pot I am getting plenty of under growth, very healthy no nutes, just one dose of tea, topped so I know that can slow growth for a bit. I have a feeling they are going to take off real soon



dude. i know my environment is bang on. It's around 82f 50% rH and there is always fresh air coming in to the room every 1-2 minutes. You still haven't explained what watering practices are, I have no idea what you mean by that. I'm just stating they looked better once I gave them nutrients. All plants are different. Whatever works for you, might not work for me.
If I don't feed my girl nuts every feeding you start too tell she droops and gets depressed looking some plants have weak genetics naturally and depend on that extra nuts, you're very correct tho, what works with one doesn't work with all

Just keep trying and maybe switch ur grow area could be a slight cold front effecting something