What did you accomplish today?

Today was a busy day of a very busy week. Beside being harvest week, I had a lot of business appointments. I had to interact with people and traffic, that always puts me in a bad mood. Today I potted 22 clones, then went to stock up on some groceries before the snow storm hits tonight. Unfortunately, everyone had the same idea: it took an hour to grab just a few items. I picked up a Philly cheese steak from the best place in town, went home and scarfed it down, then took an hour nap in the lazyboy. Woke up and grabbed my dozen moms from the veg tent so that I can cut off the best 36 clones and stick 'em in the aero cloner later tonight. I'm just wrapping up a 3 hour music practice session, then it's a 40 minute run on the treadmill. Next week will be easy with little grow room maintenance. That's good, because I can use a break...

Rare grow room shots, I can't fit all the tables in one angle -



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^yep, about 40 hours of plowing in about 50 hours, thankfully. also 2 pallets of ice melt, lighter

finally changed some oil, it was much needed. hadnt been changed since last winter.
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zip tied a bunch of prairie grass collected last fall to an existing camo blind. hopefully i can use it for turkey this spring, but was a project for duck that i didnt get done to use this past fall. top flips up which is great for duck, but cant really get a good draw @34'' for turkey.
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isee you polished off that fruit art in the first image. ^ Oh, the photos are duplicates. Twice the fruit!

Is that tall part watermelon.. what other kinds of fruit have u run into out yonder?
^yep, about 40 hours of plowing in about 50 hours, thankfully. also 2 pallets of ice melt, lighter

finally changed some oil, it was much needed. hadnt been changed since last winter.
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zip tied a bunch of prairie grass collected last fall to an existing camo blind. hopefully i can use it for turkey this spring, but was a project for duck that i didnt get done to use this past fall. top flips up which is great for duck, but cant really get a good draw @34'' for turkey.
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Last round alone was 20 hours. Gotta love the money but im ready to get the mowers out.
Exmark also. Mostly 48" walk behinds. Been at it 9 years

cant beat an exmark. you use a sulky or you walk it out? the vantage is where its at. had a 52 and 60, but didnt lease them again as i dropped most residential accounts. they were great, and virtually no turn around marks. looking at a 32 now, just picked up another old folks condo account. they freak out when they see a 60'' rider cutting the grass.
cant beat an exmark. you use a sulky or you walk it out? the vantage is where its at. had a 52 and 60, but didnt lease them again as i dropped most residential accounts. they were great, and virtually no turn around marks. looking at a 32 now, just picked up another old folks condo account. they freak out when they see a 60'' rider cutting the grass.
Yeah they're great for sure. I use a velkie for the most part except for steeper hills or if the grounds kinda soft. I do have a 36 as well that i use to get thru smaller gates that i always walk since it's belt driven and doesn't turn as tight as the hydros. And i so know what you mean with the old folks. Some of em are pretty outrageous.
Yeah they're great for sure. I use a velkie for the most part except for steeper hills or if the grounds kinda soft. I do have a 36 as well that i use to get thru smaller gates that i always walk since it's belt driven and doesn't turn as tight as the hydros. And i so know what you mean with the old folks. Some of em are pretty outrageous.

belt driven, now thats gansta. hats off to you.first walk behind was belt driven green tank, made by lesco. around 400lbs. buried that in a few yards.

old folks have nothing to do but watch you like a hawk. a lot better when they have only one person, like a condo president, to relay their message. they just need a little reassurance youre there to take care of them. then the inevitable questions like can you dust my fan, or change a light bulb happen. I could never say no...
Today I:

1. Got up at 5:00am.
2. Ate blueberries and an orange.
3. Took care of mary jane plants.
4. Went to the gym.
5. Ate a banana-and-a-half.
6. Swam laps for 30 minutes.
7. Did a 45-minute RMP cycle class.
8. Ate a serving of walnuts and drank a low sodium V8.
9. Went shopping for a new mask and anti-fog for my upcoming snorkeling trip to Florida.
10. Went shopping for a new pair of blue jeans and a belt.
11. Came home.
12. Ate tuna fish and whole wheat crackers and drank another low sodium V8.
13. And I'm about to take a 2-hour nap and wake up feeling great.

Top that bitches. :)