EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

I think really it does not matter who gets in as president there going to follow the same path of destruction of united states no matter how you look at it
lets really look at what all these clowns are avoiding ??? that is national Debt so in order to correct it your taxes double , all prices of products double your taxed up the YING YANG , more n more government programs canceled and nulled i mean really does it matter who gets into office ??
Not one fucking bit not one of any of the candidates will do a thing sure they look pretty talking the talk but like obama talk is cheap and soon for who ever sits in the oval chair ..
will soon realize he is only a puppet on stage doing what ever tricks the strings pull on him
you're just an idiot wetback who can't do math..except maybe counting quarters from the washers and dryers.
How dizzy dumb are you? You don't know by now what race I am ? So I write something in Spanish and you show your true colors. Sorry to piss on your Bernie parade, but maybe if you go out and get a job your life would not be about waiting for others to do something for you and your relationship with your children might improve. Children as they mature like to see their parents accomplish things the same way we parents love when our children do the same. I can guarantee I have done more with my life ( besides counting quarters ) than you have chick. .
Bernie ha hecho absolutamente loco. Sentir el berna
How dizzy dumb are you? You don't know by now what race I am ? So I write something in Spanish and you show your true colors. Sorry to piss on your Bernie parade, but maybe if you go out and get a job your life would not be about waiting for others to do something for you and your relationship with your children might improve. Children as they mature like to see their parents accomplish things the same way we parents love when our children do the same. I can guarantee I have done more with my life ( besides counting quarters ) than you have chick. .
Bernie ha hecho absolutamente loco. Sentir el berna
Your just worried you Cousin Heffi will get a one way ticket back to his home land lol so its anyone except Trump he scares the crap out of you maybe your papers are not in order ??? you will only be able to hide in the sugar cane fields for so long before trumps men haul you back to where you belong that is if your not legit
Can i ask you something ???? Do you have any family members that are ilegals ??
I never held a liberal minion membership card. I'm actually a registered republican. I would not vote Repuke in the general election , because that party has went bat shit crazy. I must say that I do enjoy voting in the Repuke primary to help put up the "buffoon " to get the beat down in the general. AMERICA

Well played, Sir.
How dizzy dumb are you? You don't know by now what race I am ? So I write something in Spanish and you show your true colors. Sorry to piss on your Bernie parade, but maybe if you go out and get a job your life would not be about waiting for others to do something for you and your relationship with your children might improve. Children as they mature like to see their parents accomplish things the same way we parents love when our children do the same. I can guarantee I have done more with my life ( besides counting quarters ) than you have chick. .
Bernie ha hecho absolutamente loco. Sentir el berna

the subject matter is Bernie Sanders.
How dizzy dumb are you? You don't know by now what race I am ? So I write something in Spanish and you show your true colors. Sorry to piss on your Bernie parade, but maybe if you go out and get a job your life would not be about waiting for others to do something for you and your relationship with your children might improve. Children as they mature like to see their parents accomplish things the same way we parents love when our children do the same. I can guarantee I have done more with my life ( besides counting quarters ) than you have chick. .
Bernie ha hecho absolutamente loco. Sentir el berna

Wow, she dropping racial slurs now too, huh?! That DB had the nerve to report me for telling her to get a job and for cussing, but she pulls that crap?

No matter who is president, she will still have to wallow in her own misery and will never have anyone to blame but herself.

All that aside, I'm 97% sure she doesn't like me, but I'm 100% sure i dont give a fuck.
I think the people on both sides are so pissed that if there was a non-establisment
who is the quote by?

You could google it to find out it is the line in a popular 60's song... I know, I know, too much work for ya....

I knew what it was when I read it.
Your just worried you Cousin Heffi will get a one way ticket back to his home land lol so its anyone except Trump he scares the crap out of you maybe your papers are not in order ??? you will only be able to hide in the sugar cane fields for so long before trumps men haul you back to where you belong that is if your not legit
Can i ask you something ???? Do you have any family members that are ilegals ??
You do realize I'm not Latin. Sorry that you speak only one language
Are you asking about billions that are paid to Boeing for fulfilling government contracts or tax breaks which allow them to keep money that was theirs in the first place? If it's the latter, that ain't "paying", it's less money taken from a productive entity and funneled into progressive boondoggles. The justification is your idea of government needs to be starved and then taken out behind the woodshed and one put behind its ear.

that policy has never worked
If you crying now wait until March



relax......the med cart will be along shortly. get your rest while you can because once bernie is elected your blood pressure will ring the bell
I think the people on both sides are so pissed that if there was a non-establisment

You could google it to find out it is the line in a popular 60's song... I know, I know, too much work for ya....

I knew what it was when I read it.

i didn't ask you..analexcess.
not sorry that I can do math and have a high level of reading comprehension.

isn't it time to check your vending for soap powder and dryer sheets?

now back to Bernie..
I always have an attendant on duty who's job is to assure that anyone buying detergent can do so. That is on both sites and that's separate from the employees who work on the cleaners side at one location.
I guarantee once again my math skills exceeds yours. The fact you can't understand what most people type on here, shows your reading comprehension is lacking. There is a reason why people refer to you as DIZZY or DB.
Now back to Bernie.
I like some of his ideas. I hate that is wants to raise my taxes. I also feel he is promising things that he cannot deliver. His foreign policy seems to be rather lacking as well. He seems to be a cranky temperamental old man.
Bernie no está listo en el primer día
You didnt need to ask anyone... Begging for handouts is getting old!!

You didn't know? She just steals when she wants something. But Bernie is going to do that for her, so at least she is consistent on wanting others to take care of her.
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