Check out the ladies after 18 days of vegging !!!

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
I have to admit I am starting to get a little excited, I have never smoked my own stuff and this being my first time growing I am anxious to see the end result !

I will be starting 12/12 in 4 days and I wanted to know what the general concensus was about switching to flowering.... Do I leave them in total darkness for 24, 48hrs or just ajust my timer to 12/12 ?

they all have between 14 & 20 buds each....yeah baby bongsmilie

Am I experiencing begginers luck or is this a normal crop of 11 ladies that I have ?



stays relevant.
Those have been vegging for 18 days? Very nice.

And by buds, I think you're meaning bud sites?

Also, to your last questions. If this is your first grow, you're doing very very well, these are fine plants, and I honestly can't find a thing I would change.

What is your nutrient mix, and in what quantities are you feeding, and how often?

+Rep for an awesome new grower!


Active Member
they look great!! give them 36-48 hours dark... adjust because this will be your last chance to plan out your best lighting times...then induce flowering with 12/12 and bloom nutes!be careful they will double in size in the next 2 weeks. and repotting a few days b4 might be a good idea to maximize your yeild


Active Member
They definitely look great, but 18 days of vegging?
Surely you don't mean that those plants are just 18 days old. Do you?
Were they big clones or something?
I don't care how old they are. That's a nice, healthy garden you have there.
Someone already mentioned it but it is worth repeating. Whether you keep them in the dark for 24 hours, 48 hours, or somewhere in between, this is your only chance to set your light schedule so give it some thought before you set your timer.
Good luck. Nice plants.

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
LOL no they aren't 18 days old ! They were 4" tall clones with solid roots when I got them.... They only cost me $5 each so I think it was a good deal.

It's sick too see how fast they grow ! I take a look at them before I go to bed and when I leave for work they have already grown an inch !!!!

Their diet is 20-20-20 & molasses & bat guano tea & worm castings

when flowering they will get almost the same thing.... Molasses & Bat guano & worm castings &&& Fox Farm Big Bloom (I searched high & low for this so I hope it was worth it)...

I have 2 plants that will come inside when I switch to flower and let me tell you they are pathetique when compared to the ones that where inside the whole time. Probably because up in Quebec we got a shit load of rain this summer and the nutes where probably just too dilluted to help them outside. (I'll post some pics when I bring them in you'll have a good laugh)

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the positive feedback !

Only 1 person around me knows so this is the only place i can brag & be proud of my green thumb skills lollll

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
This is a little off the topic of my original thread (too lazy to start a new one lol).

What is the average life of a 10000watt horticulture bulb ?


Active Member
a 4" fan is not large enough. If you are using a vented hood, you should have a fan rated for the type of hood and your fan diameter should be the same size or larger. Ducting length and room size will be a factor as well.


Active Member
Do you guys think my 4in exhaust fan will work for a 10000w?:eyesmoke:
yes if its the right one i have a 1000w in my 4x4 box i use a 2200cfm 4'' squirl cage fan and a 6'' can fan (which is worthless btw) i only have to turn the ac on when its over 100 degrees out


Well-Known Member
When I went to flower, I backed off on my nutrients for a few days, and gave them 24 hours of complete darkness before going into 12/12. Also, now that I am in flower, I have a completely different nute mix. Along with some pre-fab floral/micro/bloom mixes Im using, Im also adding fulvic and humic, plus some other little goodies (voodoo juice, carbo load, etc). Although Im fighting an extreme temp problem (106 degree days here in cali), they seem to be doing well. I think you've gotten good advice so far, and you seem to be headed in the right direction, since they look so healthy already, so, yeah. You may want to back off the nutes or go for a different mix. When in veg, all I use was the pre-fab floral/micro/bloom, in that order 2.4 cups, 1.6 cups, and .8, and for veg I do the opposite (2.4 of bloom, still 1.6 of micro, and then only .8 of floral). Anyway, its just something a friend tipped me off to, and it worked for him, so Im trying it. Hope I helped a little, instead of just confusing the issue.. hehe

edit - my nute mix is for a 40 gallon reservoir, BTW.