How would you prune/crop/train this mess?


Well-Known Member
20160219_105655.jpg My question: should I remove fan leaves, or maybe the smaller shoots or ?what? to maximize yield?

My mistake was putting 4 pots in that grow space but I couldn't bring myself to toss one out. Any suggestions?

2×4×6 grow tent, 3 clip on fans, 1 hanging 10 in oscillating fan, 400w HPS, 6 in ipower inline exhaust fan with carbon filter.

4 northern lights in 5 gallon smart pots. Those are on rolling pot stands to get air circulation under the pots. FF soil and FF nutes, plus a little extra cal-mag.

This is the first week of flowering. I've kept the under canopy pretty open. There's one clip on fan running underneath the canopy to move air.

Have a couple 125w CFL bulbs coming in that I'm going to hang on one side to see if it makes a difference. Anyone run them under the canopy?



Well-Known Member
That's what they look like outside their tent. They'd easily fill 14 Sq ft.

Worried the overcrowding will cause issues later. But I don't know. Never grew before.



Well-Known Member
Id leave it. Tie the light hogging branches to the side if need be. Since its only the first week of flowering, im willing to bet you can still take a plant out and keep vegging till your done with flowering. Take clones for the time being.
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Well-Known Member
They aren't even in flower and you are out of space. You need to do a major prune job. Cut off every branch that doesn't make it to full light. If the tip of the branch isn't in the sun, cut the whole branch off. After you do that, post another picture of them in the room, they may still need more pruning to fit, especially after stretching in flower.

Flip to 12/12 NOW!!! (assuming you didn't already since I see no flowers at all yet)

Either that or double your grow space and still trim most of the undergrowth not reaching light.

Look at the floor under the plants. If it's dark, you have too much plant. If it's bright, you have too little plant. If it's moderately to well shaded, you are in the Goldilocks zone.


Well-Known Member
Another potential option, flower 2-3 and keep 1 - 2 vegging if you have space / spare light. Then Maybe even repot into 10 gallon pots a few weeks before you flower the second round.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
They aren't even in flower and you are out of space. You need to do a major prune job. Cut off every branch that doesn't make it to full light. If the tip of the branch isn't in the sun, cut the whole branch off. After you do that, post another picture of them in the room, they may still need more pruning to fit, especially after stretching in flower.

Flip to 12/12 NOW!!! (assuming you didn't already since I see no flowers at all yet)

Either that or double your grow space and still trim most of the undergrowth not reaching light.

Look at the floor under the plants. If it's dark, you have too much plant. If it's bright, you have too little plant. If it's moderately to well shaded, you are in the Goldilocks zone.


Well-Known Member
Just flipped to 12/12 few days ago. They goddam shocked me how fast they grew in just a week. The under canopy is open, breezy. Of the 30 inches the bottom half is mostly leafless stems.

I'm going to try and put one up for adoption. Maybe a friend will take one. I've got lots of other strains I still want to grow after this. So I don't need a mother right now.

Thanks for the input everyone.


Well-Known Member
well see what happens but remember to get under there again every week once in flower and trim off all lower bud growth them sucker buds will keep wanting to grow If anything find some meshing and place on top to help spread out the plant allowing light to buds that are being shaded by leafs all i ever did was keep tucking leafs gallery_11738_4816_73643.jpg gallery_11738_4816_39388.jpg