EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

The JV team

What good is college if you're against achievers, those wanting to succeed as he tries to bring down corporations, investments, and such? Sanders say he wants to give everyone a free college education but doesn't encourage entrepreneurship. Why have a college education? I mean, isn't competition a dirty word to such dumb nuts?

Yep, makes sense to me.

He's a pathetic little have-not man who wrote porn and lived in a basement. A loser who is jealous of us winners.

Uncle Ben
Damn UncleBen, you sound nervous.. Collar getn tight? U starting to read the tea leaves eh.. Bernie has this! ... Dude was a mayor n Senator.. Far from " loser"
Sorry his Daddy wasn't a wealthy billionaire like Trump n was born with a silver spoon up his ass like Him or Jeb!
Damn UncleBen, you sound nervous.. Collar getn tight? U starting to read the tea leaves eh.. Bernie has this! ... Dude was a mayor n Senator.. Far from " loser"
Sorry his Daddy wasn't a wealthy billionaire like Trump n was born with a silver spoon up his ass like Him or Jeb!
You forgot to include old Ben in that list. He did say US winners.

I fail to see how the Iraq War is paying an educators salary.

I agree with your post - in which your image questioned why people don't question our spending on the endless war(s). I don't support the war, or nation building. I also don't support 'free college'.
I fail to see how the Iraq War is paying an educators salary.

I agree with your post - in which your image questioned why people don't question our spending on the endless war(s). I don't support the war, or nation building. I also don't support 'free college'.
It's not, and that's my point. How many educators would $1.7 trillion have paid for?
It's not, and that's my point. How many educators would $1.7 trillion have paid for?

If that is the ONLY thing that money was paying for, then I imagine it could have paid all the educators in America for less than 3 years.

You're not successfully making a single point. I am agreeing with your primary statement, that there is a hypocrisy in how people question Bernie about his plans.