Is it wrong to steal food to feed your starving family?

Is it wrong to steal food to feed your starving family?

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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
how are you not understanding that paying a child for sex cannot possibly be consensual?

what don't you get about the fact that children cannot consent to sex?

and furthermore, if you knew a 10 year old child was being raped, why did you say you would do nothing about it?

all of these things lead us all to the inevitable conclusion that you must be a pedophile.

Reasonable questions.

Only a person capable of consenting to something can be capable of consenting to something. That doesn't mean that I agree with all things consenting people do though.

I believe I'm on record of saying the likelihood of an individual person having the wherewithal to consent is lessened, the younger that person is. That is self evident as people aren't born with that wherewithal and for every individual that ability doesn't happen at a given age and it varies somewhat from person to person.

I never said if a child was being raped, I'd do nothing. You're making that up.

Sometimes people that shit on other peoples floors aren't the best person to attempt to speak for "everybody". I can only speak for myself unless another person consents to me speaking for them.

I accept your apology for wrongfully accusing me of being a racist and offer mine for making up that hypothetical scenario involving you as a consenting kid with "the bad man". He probably raped you and caused you to be incontinent as a teen.


Well-Known Member
Reasonable questions.

Only a person capable of consenting to something can be capable of consenting to something. That doesn't mean that I agree with all things consenting people do though.

I believe I'm on record of saying the likelihood of an individual person having the wherewithal to consent is lessened, the younger that person is. That is self evident as people aren't born with that wherewithal and for every individual that ability doesn't happen at a given age and it varies somewhat from person to person.

I never said if a child was being raped, I'd do nothing. You're making that up.

Sometimes people that shit on other peoples floors aren't the best person to attempt to speak for "everybody". I can only speak for myself unless another person consents to me speaking for them.

I accept your apology for wrongfully accusing me of being a racist and offer mine for making up that hypothetical scenario involving you as a consenting kid with "the bad man". He probably raped you and caused you to be incontinent as a teen.
Hey slave. How long did you wait in line at the DMV for your drivers license. Did you smile when you took your picture like the good slave you are ? When are you going to file your taxes slave ? Don't forget to use your correct slave number.


Well-Known Member
Reasonable questions.

Only a person capable of consenting to something can be capable of consenting to something. That doesn't mean that I agree with all things consenting people do though.

I believe I'm on record of saying the likelihood of an individual person having the wherewithal to consent is lessened, the younger that person is. That is self evident as people aren't born with that wherewithal and for every individual that ability doesn't happen at a given age and it varies somewhat from person to person.

I never said if a child was being raped, I'd do nothing. You're making that up.

A Child of 13 having sex with an Adult, is being raped just for the simple fact the child is 13 and cannot consent to sex with an Adult.
You said you would do nothing and further that anyone else who tried to intervene would in fact be the molester.
You are a liar, and would make a mediocre spokesman for NAMBLA.

You will never answer the question "Should pedophilia be illegal?" Since it is one of many questions tht throws your whole shitty philiosphy down the toilet.

You are a vile person


Well-Known Member
A Child of 13 having sex with an Adult, is being raped just for the simple fact the child is 13 and cannot consent to sex with an Adult.
You said you would do nothing and further that anyone else who tried to intervene would in fact be the molester.
You are a liar, and would make a mediocre spokesman for NAMBLA.

You will never answer the question "Should pedophilia be illegal?" Since it is one of many questions tht throws your whole shitty philiosphy down the toilet.

You are a vile person
I've been peeping this conversation for quite some time, and I completely agree that an adult having sex with a 13 year old (anyone under 16, for that matter) is reprehensible. And everyone's belief seems to center around the fact that a 13 year old does not yet possess the faculties required to consent to such an adult decision. Which I completely agree with, by the way. So my question is this: Why don't I see this same collective outrage when the courts are out here trying 13-14 year old kids as adults?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
A Child of 13 having sex with an Adult, is being raped just for the simple fact the child is 13 and cannot consent to sex with an Adult.
You said you would do nothing and further that anyone else who tried to intervene would in fact be the molester.
You are a liar, and would make a mediocre spokesman for NAMBLA.

You will never answer the question "Should pedophilia be illegal?" Since it is one of many questions tht throws your whole shitty philiosphy down the toilet.

You are a vile person

You make an excellent spokesmen for Prohibitionists, Prohibitionist.



Well-Known Member
We all know how much you like fires. Just ask anybody
"anybody" as in your like-minded lying libtards? Those who can only refute my statements of fact by trying to slander and demonize me? Yes, you and your fellows are fine, upstanding examples of the good morality of libtards.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Hey slave. How long did you wait in line at the DMV for your drivers license. Did you smile when you took your picture like the good slave you are ? When are you going to file your taxes slave ? Don't forget to use your correct slave number.

I like this guys idea...



Well-Known Member
I've been peeping this conversation for quite some time, and I completely agree that an adult having sex with a 13 year old (anyone under 16, for that matter) is reprehensible. And everyone's belief seems to center around the fact that a 13 year old does not yet possess the faculties required to consent to such an adult decision. Which I completely agree with, by the way. So my question is this: Why don't I see this same collective outrage when the courts are out here trying 13-14 year old kids as adults?


Well-Known Member
I don't advocate stealing, but I feel that much of your anger is misguided, because most people on welfare aren't lazy. Hell, most of them work. Your anger seems to be with someone stealing food, and not the billions that the wealthy steal every single year. But hey, gotta punish those "welfare queens".
I don't like anyone stealing or manipulating the system. Wealthy people included, but then again everything is their fault right? Lets take there money from them and give it to people that have done nothing to earn it. Even in this day ANYONE can be a success. If they work for it and want it bad enough. Most do not, and some would rather have it just given them.


Well-Known Member
I don't like anyone stealing or manipulating the system. Wealthy people included, but then again everything is their fault right? Lets take there money from them and give it to people that have done nothing to earn it. Even in this day ANYONE can be a success. If they work for it and want it bad enough. Most do not, and some would rather have it just given them.
Of course you say that with full knowledge of the fact that the cost of corporate welfare far exceeds that of individual welfare, right? And depending on your definition of "success", the idea that anyone can be a success if they want it bad enough is disingenuous at best. The system just isn't set up that way.


Well-Known Member
Of course you say that with full knowledge of the fact that the cost of corporate welfare far exceeds that of individual welfare, right? And depending on your definition of "success", the idea that anyone can be a success if they want it bad enough is disingenuous at best. The system just isn't set up that way.
Well you are obviously jaded regarding that. People from all races and ethnicities are successful in this country. I am the only one in my family that is quasi successful and thats a stretch lol. The motivating factor for me is pride, and being able to make life as enjoyable as possible. That being said, I am barely low middle class. I dont honestly believe that no one in this country doesn't have a fair and equal shot. If they want it. Its too easy to use excuses and cop outs and to blame someone else than to dig in and do the work it takes to get to wherever you want to be. Hell yeah life is tough, but we can't let it be a reason to not try.


Well-Known Member
Well you are obviously jaded regarding that. People from all races and ethnicities are successful in this country. I am the only one in my family that is quasi successful and thats a stretch lol. The motivating factor for me is pride, and being able to make life as enjoyable as possible. That being said, I am barely low middle class. I dont honestly believe that no one in this country doesn't have a fair and equal shot. If they want it. Its too easy to use excuses and cop outs and to blame someone else than to dig in and do the work it takes to get to wherever you want to be. Hell yeah life is tough, but we can't let it be a reason to not try.
Poor kids who do everything right don’t do better than rich kids who do everything wrong

You should particularly enjoy that thread then