SC Rep. Primary

TJ baba

Well-Known Member
I just wanted to say a couple things. I voted for Donald Trump. I really like john kasich. My second choice was Marco Rubio. Ben Carson is smart but not enough ppl supporting his ideas & campaign. And for ted Cruz , I hope you read this pussy u need to go back to your estrogen filled house where you belong and also Your Y Chromosome Ends With You.
I like Donald Trump. I'm not sure I support him though. I think he pissed in the cheerios with all his negative tall about mexicans. Republicans don't need to win the Hispanic vote to win, but they've got to get more than 1% of it, and that's what Trump would likely get.

Marco Rubio is young but I like what I've seen out of him. Ted Cruz is too odd looking and acting to win.

I like John Kashic a lot... I think I misspelled his name because it escapes me at the moment.

He is From Ohio which is a vital swing state. Same could be said of Rubio.

A Kasich Rubio ticket would be hard to beat.
I like Donald Trump. I'm not sure I support him though. I think he pissed in the cheerios with all his negative tall about mexicans. Republicans don't need to win the Hispanic vote to win, but they've got to get more than 1% of it, and that's what Trump would likely get.

Marco Rubio is young but I like what I've seen out of him. Ted Cruz is too odd looking and acting to win.

I like John Kashic a lot... I think I misspelled his name because it escapes me at the moment.

He is From Ohio which is a vital swing state. Same could be said of Rubio.

A Kasich Rubio ticket would be hard to beat.
Which tells me everything about you that I need to know.
Do you see Trump as racist?
I see Trump as a nationalist.

I see no evidence of racism. Mexican isn't a race. I've been. There are white mexicans, black mexicans, most and predominantly the ones that migrate here are what I think is called 'mestizo' which is native American mostly.

There is a lot of truth the the statements trump made but he generalized them too much. We've had massive immigration here (my home town) from south of the border in the last 10 years. Talking with any local law enforcement officer will quickly inform you of the inherent set of problems that come with that. Rape is endemic in their culture, lots of rape and spousal abuse.

Is it most or all, no. But their values are different than American values, white and black. It's a very paternalistic society. Sexist almost. It's not race. It's culture. Hitting your girlfriend is not a big deal. It's accepted. Warranted even sometimes.

And the worst part of it is that those who feel the most pressure to migrate here are those who are closest to the bottom of Mexican society. If you have a comfortable life in Mexico, no real reason to leave. But these are fresh immigrants. Once here after several years they acclimate to our culture a lot more. Due to the local economy a lot are coming straight here.

Trump was talking about the ones crossing the border presently. Not the family thats been here for 20 least to my understanding.

I see the media eating trump alive for those statements in a general election. And I dont think he can win.

Out of all the candidates though, I think trump has the highest chance of being a great president. Sanders also. Each of those men have a chance at being dynamic and transformational.
- “laziness is a trait in blacks.”

- “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day."

- In 1973 Trump Management Corporation, was sued by the Justice Department for alleged racial discrimination. He settled

- Central Park 5

This probably has nothing to do with race though. It's probably class based, right?
- “laziness is a trait in blacks.”

- “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day."

- In 1973 Trump Management Corporation, was sued by the Justice Department for alleged racial discrimination. He settled

- Central Park 5

This probably has nothing to do with race though. It's probably class based, right?
How old are those quotes?

Until very recently one of the most powerful democratic senators was a former grand wizard of the kkk.

People change. If he's said that in this campaign or fairly recently my opinion of him would change.

But the way the media reacts today I couldn't believe he's said that in the last 10 or 15 years and not been shamed ad nauseum.
How old are those quotes?

Until very recently one of the most powerful democratic senators was a former grand wizard of the kkk.

People change. If he's said that in this campaign or fairly recently my opinion of him would change.

But the way the media reacts today I couldn't believe he's said that in the last 10 or 15 years and not been shamed ad nauseum.
He had words about the Central Park 5 (Who he tried to get killed) in 2013. He's probably changed since then though.
After thought. .. I'm not sure it would change. Normally it would but I don't think these are normal times. We're in really bad trouble as a nation. Really fucking bad.

And until the last five to 10 years most would have thought trump would have been a democrat. He isn't a conservative. He's pro choice. He's got a lot of left wing history. I'm not sure why he picked the Republican wing.

Anyway, one person who took a country and brought it out of economic death was Hitler. That man knew how to rebuild an economy and lead people. Too bad he was fucked in the head.

But I think America has enough instutional bulkheads against overt racism and oppression that I might consider voting for Hitler if I thought it could fix the fiscal and economic problems we have.

So a little bit of racism from trump doesn't really bother me.

The stuff I think he is probably better at than anyone else running happens to be what we need. We may need it so much that we might just have to overlook some imperfections.