Riddle Me This


Well-Known Member
What the hell is the point of a National Convention? Is it supposed to be a pep rally? It is the dumbest thing I have ever watched in my entire life.

Are the people there undecided or something? I mean they are obviously there to support the party so I'm sure it is fair to assume they will be voting Democrat and for Obama. I don't get it?


Well-Known Member
the demos and repubs have a convention every year a president is going to be picked. it's like a pep rally, entertainment for whoever the convention is for. the democratic convention was important this year because they want to "unite the democratic party" (it was divided...?) and obviously sway more minds into worshiping the democrats so they get into office this time.

you only need to watch the MSM for one day to see who's going to be our next president.


New Member
It's just another way for them to pat themselves on the back quite publicly at the expense of the taxpayer.

Waste of time, waste of money. Good fodder for the comedians though.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
What the hell is the point of a National Convention? Is it supposed to be a pep rally? It is the dumbest thing I have ever watched in my entire life.

The point of the National Convention is to OFFICIALLY select the candidate that will represent the party on the Ballot.

Each State has Delegates. The Delegates are the ones who actually decide who the candidate on the ticket will be. Yes voters in each State vote for the candidate they want in their Primary elections.... but voters aren't really deciding anything at all. Their votes simply tell the delegates how they should cast their vote at the National Convention... where the REAL decision is made.

This is why you are seeing some Democratic delegates saying they are still going to cast their vote for Hillary at the Convention. The point is, the voters in their district voted for Hillary over Obama and these delegates feel responsible to cast their vote as their voters voted (if that makes sense).

In reality... the delegates can vote whichever way they want..... regardless of what the voters voted in their primary. This is VERY MUCH the same thing that happens in the Presidential Election. If you vote for one candidate... but most of your State votes for another...then your vote doesn't count at all because the representatives for your State (in the Electoral College) will cast their vote for the "majority" vote of the State.

IT STINKS! I want my vote counted on its own.... we should all want that!


New Member
Yes I agree, what is the point of voting if the electorial college does whatever the hell they want.

We should do away with governmental offices and just vote on the issues.

Just put the issue on the ballot and people vote yes or no. So much easier and we won't have to pay all those crooks for screwing us around all the time.


New Member
Yes I agree, what is the point of voting if the electorial college does whatever the hell they want.

We should do away with governmental offices and just vote on the issues.

Just put the issue on the ballot and people vote yes or no. So much easier and we won't have to pay all those crooks for screwing us around all the time.
The trouble with this is, the majority is not always right. The MSM would then be in charge of the country (Like they aren't already) by manipulating peoples fears and beliefs. Most people get their info from TV and who owns TV, corporate giants like Rupert Murcoch. The owners of society also own TV, and as George Carlin (RIP) said, "the owners of society don't give a fuck about you, they don't care about you". By allowing political gatherings, we at least get the appearance of control, but it is a mirage, for sure.


New Member
Just put the issue on the ballot and people vote yes or no.
Five people are sitting in a darkened room ... four men and one woman. A vote is taken to see if the woman should be raped ....

Our system of government is designed to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. That's why you will not find the word "democracy" in any of our founding documents. We have a republican form of government ... a representative republic, if you will.



New Member
Five people are sitting in a darkened room ... four men and one woman. A vote is taken to see if the woman should be raped ....

Our system of government is designed to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. That's why you will not find the word "democracy" in any of our founding documents. We have a republican form of government ... a representative republic, if you will.


So explain to me why the wealthest 10% of the country are incharge of things? Those of us without the cash don't matter. We have a CAPITOLIST society.

If things weren't about money this country might not be in such a shambles.

I don't suppose you were aware that everyone in Washinton is for sale. You slip them the cash they vote the way you paid them to vote. Besides I don't see rape as a ballot issue.


Well-Known Member
Five people are sitting in a darkened room ... four men and one woman. A vote is taken to see if the woman should be raped ....

Our system of government is designed to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. That's why you will not find the word "democracy" in any of our founding documents. We have a republican form of government ... a representative republic, if you will.

This is exactly why I still see the electoral college as a useful tool. I used to live in a very population-dense area, too (L.A./O.C.), but even then could see how the voting habits of the urbanites of L.A. can, and often do, very seriously negatively impact the rural (often farming) residents of the state. Expand and compound that throughout the 50 states, and we'd have people in Wyoming suffering the wanton votes of the people of New York, who haven't a clue what it's like or what the important issues are to a Wyoming-ite.

The real problem, for me anyway, is with how the DNC is run, what with superdelegates and delegates not even being required to vote as those they ostensibly represent wish them to vote.


New Member
Agreed... and even if it were... I don't think the 4 men would vote in favor of it... I have a little more faith in this country's male citizens then that. ;)

No doubt, if the 4 men were my husband, brother, son and possible future son-in-law the vote would be more like the woman has to clean the weed and load the bongs, then maybe whip up a snack.


New Member
1. So explain to me why the wealthest 10% of the country are incharge of things?

2. If things weren't about money this country might not be in such a shambles.
1. Because people like you and I vote them into power and continue voting to keep them in power. For example, Biden has been in the U.S. Senate since 1973. Your statement was: "10% of the country are in charge of things." Well, are the "10%" voting these people into power, or is it the little guy like you and me, who see personal benefits in our candidates gaining power?

2. Of course things in this country are about money. The business of America is BUSINESS. What would you prefer? Would you be happier if everyone was living in poverty? Please answer this question, I'd love to see your ideas.



New Member
No we didn't vote them into power. We cast our vote and then the electorial college votes for whoever they want to vote for. One electoriate had actually pubically announced that his vote was for sale. He even named a price. It doesn't matter who we vote for the people with the money to pay for the votes are the ones that receive them. Al Gore won the popular vote but the electoriate voted in Bush

N A F T A the free trade act shipped most manufacturing jobs where? China, now we have contaminates in our pet food, lead in our kids toys and god knows what else that we havn't discovered. This was all in favor of money. What a wonderful plan it was too.

Bush is in oil, since he became president the price of oil is up over $100 per barrel. Cheney was pres of Haliburton, who got all the no bid contracts to rebuild Iraq. They are both making bank over choices they made that the rest of us have no choice but to ride out.

Are you noticing the money trail here? Weed is illegal because people in government were also in big business and the weed threatened their business. DuPont and the Hearst newpaper empire are 2 of the biggest contibuters to weed being illegal. Now that wasn't an accident. I'm sure some money changed hands.

If you think anything in our government isn't directly related to someone in government making an extra buck you are so blind. Our government was designed to protect us but it has gone severly wrong. We live in a capitolist society. Our capitolist country is going downhill so fast that it is actually making a whistling sound.