SC Rep. Primary

A rising tide does raise all boats, so why are u spending your time complaining about whitey instead of using your time more wisely by helping disadvantaged youths in the community, many who due to no fault of their own have no positive male role model in their lives? You seem to be one of those people in life who need something to complain about just to have a vent for some personal fault or frustration. Sad to see.
How on earth do you know what in the fuck I do with my time? Jesus fucking christ you're stupid.
If u spent your time doing anything positive you would say,instead u get angry and use the Lord's name in vain on a Sunday morning no less!! No one likes to hear the truth when it offends them. SORRY!!!
If u spent your time doing anything positive you would say,instead u get angry and use the Lord's name in vain on a Sunday morning no less!! No one likes to hear the truth when it offends them. SORRY!!!
Oh, you're one of those. So its obvious that the more you talk, the more you'll tell. Another few responses and I'll have everything I need from you too. It never fails.
Oh, you're one of those. So its obvious that the more you talk, the more you'll tell. Another few responses and I'll have everything I need from you too. It never fails.
Yes I'm one of those,if u mean a proud citizen of the greatest country on earth,despite our country's faults. I can go anywhere in this country and still try to see good in all people,not the color of their skin, u obviously lack the capability to do that because u only see the color of a person's skin, not the content of their character. You are the only true racist here,quit using the color of your skin as something to justify your racist views, it really makes u look childish and narrowminded. SORRY!!!
Yes I'm one of those,if u mean a proud citizen of the greatest country on earth,despite our country's faults. I can go anywhere in this country and still try to see good in all people,not the color of their skin, u obviously lack the capability to do that because u only see the color of a person's skin, not the content of their character. You are the only true racist here,quit using the color of your skin as something to justify your racist views, it really makes u look childish and narrowminded. SORRY!!!
Don't be ridiculous. Of course you've made up your mind. And save the corny ass sports references. You've been exposed.
No not totally. We happen to have 2 crazy options.

Remember the other thread where I said trickle down is working it just trickles to China?

Well its the same as it doesn't work. It has to be replaced. And I know Sanders is a hail mary candidate too. And I like the hell out of him. I've said repeatedly on this board that I'm not a huge fan of the trump.

There is a republican part of me and a democratic part. Anything could happen.
How on earth do you know what in the fuck I do with my time? Jesus fucking christ you're stupid.
You spend way too much of it, your time, on here to be in the mid six figures. I've been that person for a few years of my life and I know those people. Six figure jobs, more often than not, leave the office with you.
Oh, you're one of those. So its obvious that the more you talk, the more you'll tell. Another few responses and I'll have everything I need from you too. It never fails.

Exactly, you'll have everything you need to completely expose your bigoted views which are obviously far more evident and cherished than any racism actually voiced against you in here. You would be hilarious if you weren't so sad. And I doubt you've EVER made a dime over 30k in a year. You strike me as a whiny little loser and after listening to you for 10 minutes, I wouldn't trust you to tie my shoes, let alone hold a position paying mid six
Exactly, you'll have everything you need to completely expose your bigoted views which are obviously far more evident and cherished than any racism actually voiced against you in here. You would be hilarious if you weren't so sad. And I doubt you've EVER made a dime over 30k in a year. You strike me as a whiny little loser and after listening to you for 10 minutes, I wouldn't trust you to tie my shoes, let alone hold a position paying mid six
You got me. Never went to college either. I've been exposed, lol. :clap:
You got me. Never went to college either. I've been exposed, lol. :clap:

College? Couldn't care less. As stated, I've had numbnuts with graduate degrees taking out my trash and begging for more hours. After a week on my sales floor, you'd probably have been put back in my wash bay, where plenty of deluded scholars ended up.