The Goo


Well-Known Member
Damn. I need to start boomin' again. The high prices are what lessens the demand. If they were more affordable and available....
The DD should only be charging $15 an 1/8. He still makes his profit. And he moves em faster. Thus increases the demand.


Well-Known Member
If you work a standard SGFC correctly. With the correct sub. You can pull at least an Oz per week. For two or three weeks. But you'll more than likely have a 2nd SG going, and a coupla bulk tubs running along with it. 2 tubs. 2 SGs. Over a lb! If done right.


Well-Known Member
Honestly I have no idea, but I can find out.. So what I heard was they were growing to much and the fruits would go bad before they could sell them.. So they started making extracts because of the longer shelf life.

That's all I know
and that is how evolution happens ... :) by accident... it just happens.


Well-Known Member
Damn. I need to start boomin' again. The high prices are what lessens the demand. If they were more affordable and available....
The DD should only be charging $15 an 1/8. He still makes his profit. And he moves em faster. Thus increases the demand.
For real I've turned down shrooms so many times because I can just grow the fuckers but $15 an 1/8th I'd buy them only problem is you would need to sell them all yourself to keep the price low they don't come around to often because they are always expensive the cheapest I've seen was $30 but average $40 but where I'm at we used to pay $40-50 for a 1/4 of brick weed. Now you can't find that shit in the area. Was nice cause I gave good prices deals for half's and all unlike everyone else I sold like 2 lbs a week. Then the dank took over and everyone wanted that and now we are flooded with shitty indoor which makes competition irrelevant. Lol


Active Member
Out of curiosity, where could one find the kit?
Or what exactly I'd need, to grow my own.
(Got a kit back years ago, shrooms grew, but we didn't trip)


Well-Known Member
Out of curiosity, where could one find the kit?
Or what exactly I'd need, to grow my own.
(Got a kit back years ago, shrooms grew, but we didn't trip)
Get a decent pressure cooker $28 or less. Some mason jars 1/2 pint or pint. Buy a syringe from thesporedepot. Google popcorn tek. Or shroom brf. Look through the recent threads. There are several grows going on right now.


Well-Known Member
I'm getting my supplies Tuesday, just found out that by delaying my dogs surgery, I saved 3000 cash on hand, and now I have a couple weeks extra before he needs that money, so things are getting better


Well-Known Member
ya'll get shrooms hella cheap. where im at you will sell everything you have the day you get them if you charge under 225. We get nice ones though that aren't all powdery and theres never any green on them so you don't puke.


Well-Known Member
Have ya'll ever took a colonized mono tank and put the coir in the ground outside? if you haven't you need to it will grow the craziest fattest shrooms you ever seen and i swear potency is increased nearly double. I can't wait for it to warm up here to experiment with that again . Last year I ate 4 grams that were grown like that while camping and it was soo damn intense. Fucking ufo's were spot lighting my tent and like some shamans were having an epic didgeridoo battle all night long and then it had the craziest end to a trip ever. I heard a coyote pack going in for the kill and bam 100% sober once that was done.. It really was something special they were letting me expirience that night. lasers and pings and phasers fucking it was real groovy.


Well-Known Member
Have ya'll ever took a colonized mono tank and put the coir in the ground outside? if you haven't you need to it will grow the craziest fattest shrooms you ever seen and i swear potency is increased nearly double. I can't wait for it to warm up here to experiment with that again . Last year I ate 4 grams that were grown like that while camping and it was soo damn intense. Fucking ufo's were spot lighting my tent and like some shamans were having an epic didgeridoo battle all night long and then it had the craziest end to a trip ever. I heard a coyote pack going in for the kill and bam 100% sober once that was done.. It really was something special they were letting me expirience that night. lasers and pings and phasers fucking it was real groovy.
Always wanted to throw some expired cakes on the compost pile and see what produces. Haven't yet.


Well-Known Member
Always wanted to throw some expired cakes on the compost pile and see what produces. Haven't yet.
do it you won't be disappointed. I found a nice little spot that was under a bush. I figured it would keep a little humidity up. I didn't cover them or anything just gave em a couple gallons of water every couple days and they produced fist size caps everyday for over a month until i forgot to water them haha


Well-Known Member
I've had it wasn't to impressed I had some very light visuals barely hallucinating. Mabey a weak batch I would ask how much shrooms are being used in the extraction.