WW3 might happen this month?

Will it happen?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • No

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Merica Fuck Yeah!!!

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • Penis

    Votes: 15 53.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Lol, love how they got the swastika's legs backwards on that last cake.
If you have HBO the'94 documentary "Skinheads USA" is amazing. I actually tried to find the cake from it but couldn't but it's got a swastika made of chocolate chips. My second picture is actually a still from said masterpiece.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Lol and yet 50 calibers are legal! But for 5 bucks a shell civilian price, fuck that. I just bought a .17 Savage because I hate paying a dollar a round on my 30.06.

Also didn't know MRAP's can allow a 50 cal to go through them. Why the fuck are they a few million dollars? And why the fuck are civilian police forces using them?
I think they were mostly effective against small arms, but IEDs, they made out of ammonium nitrate and diesel fuel (JP-8, specifically), and if one amount didn't do anything, they'd just build one bigger. Used to throw our MRAPs, like, 50 feet in the air and drop them hard. One time, we lost 3-4 guys because it punched a hole through the bottom of the MRAP and everyone was pretty much ripped in half by their seatbelts. Honestly, I'd say walking's safer. But even then, they got me and a few other people on foot, so it's never a sure thing. Best you can do is pay attention. And don't drive. Anywhere.


Well-Known Member
I think they were mostly effective against small arms, but IEDs, they made out of ammonium nitrate and diesel fuel (JP-8, specifically), and if one amount didn't do anything, they'd just build one bigger. Used to throw our MRAPs, like, 50 feet in the air and drop them hard. One time, we lost 3-4 guys because it punched a hole through the bottom of the MRAP and everyone was pretty much ripped in half by their seatbelts. Honestly, I'd say walking's safer. But even then, they got me and a few other people on foot, so it's never a sure thing. Best you can do is pay attention. And don't drive. Anywhere.

Woah...um...was yout in the kandahar area when it threw that matv?...

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Incorrect. We armed Right-wing Islamist mujahid mostly under Gulbudin Hekmatyar as directed by the Pakistani ISI. Both arms and cash were cut off by 1991 while the Taliban (translates to students if you can believe that, but then again they were heavily reinforced by Pakistani madrassas) wasn't really a major force until 1996, a point where America had already checked out of Afghanaland.

@ODanksta America (really an American company Unocal) was pushing for a pipeline in southern Afghanistan in the early to mid 90's. That's actually the time period and reason the Talibs got so much "support" in America. There was actually a Talib ambassador living in DC at that point. Granted he was illegally living in the upstairs of the same building as the pro-Massoud Northern Alliance embassy. Either way it didn't happen, and we weren't arming them then, just as we aren't arming ISIS now. It's just complete poppycock to believe America is tacitly supporting ISIS or groups like ISIS. They use a lot of American weapons, but they also use way more Soviet bloc weapons. Do you think Putin is supporting Islamists?

It's bordering on "Loose Change" type fringe theories.
You should look at the story behind the Taliban. The Taliban became a force around the late 70s, early 80s when they walked into Kandahar and murdered the entire Russian unit in their area, hanging the commander from a tank barrel and burning the entire post to the ground, because the Russians at that post raped and murdered 2 Afghani boys. So,you should probably look deeper into it.


Well-Known Member
http://www-pub.naz.edu/~aamghar6/History of the Taliban.htm

1979 was technically when they were established, and we put them in power.
Wow that link is bad. The Sunni mujhadein were led by Massoud and not Hekmatyar? You even quote Talib propaganda with the tank hangings! And killing Russians for raping boys in the country of bacha bazi (sp)? Priceless!

You apparently have the common American view of lumping all Islamist groups together. Wrongly.


Well-Known Member
You should look at the story behind the Taliban. The Taliban became a force around the late 70s, early 80s when they walked into Kandahar and murdered the entire Russian unit in their area, hanging the commander from a tank barrel and burning the entire post to the ground, because the Russians at that post raped and murdered 2 Afghani boys. So,you should probably look deeper into it.

Take a close look at some of those Ancop or any younger afghani. ..some look really freaky with those blue eyes. ....them Russians raped the afghani women

And ANCOP soldier and I ...we used to break bread and get ripped ....tower guard was interesting