Lets see if you judge deresin'd greenhouse shwag.
Barney Strain #1
Greenhouse Strain #2
DNA #3
I hate commercializing this kind of crap, I would never consider the cannabis cup if you have never been to the Vancouver freedom festival. WAY WAY WAY cheaper festivals that are less full of commercialism and more full of good weed. The good festivals are acually on our side.
If you go to Amsterdam, dont just go for the weed though smoking it outside will satisfy you (especially easy coasters) as will the variety, but the city is really really badass too, lots of history, museums, and great parks.
If you have the time you gotta get out to brussels and antwerp if you have the time, the coast too its real cool lots of ww2 shit. Rotterdam is a must too. Again, if your going just for the weed your gonna wiff some of the cool shit.
tip: The best bud and hash comes from immigrants in the pijp. Its like the southern immigrant part maybe. Lots of great people without the college Disneyland atmosphere of central